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Posted (edited)

Take care pandawow players, Licher is giving free mutes when he get bored.


Im sure u give free blowjobs to people also, u give all of yourself so fast hio hio, mute me for saying rollex gay


but not mute everyone saying retarded, and other things :'D at least try to hide what u doing with random mutes kiddo.



Btw is not the first retarded moderator i see in this server, seems that stupid moderators are usual here..


Anyway keep muting me without any reason, i use skype so idc at all :'D

Edited by pujo2
random mutes for "gay", "idiot", i think that this guy grow up between unicorns and flowers and never heard these words
I warned you once,probably you want some rest not only from game chat.I muted all of those guys,since there is no announce of mutes - you didn't knew about it.
I warned you once,probably you want some rest not only from game chat.I muted all of those guys,since there is no announce of mutes - you didn't knew about it.


u fuking tard, ur mutes are random as a dog fapping himself without having hands, mute for "idiot" and other shits like that = being an asshole


FuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg never FuTVCykc_bigger.jpegcare

FuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg aboutFuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg youFuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg sinceFuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg youFuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg alwaysFuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg cryingFuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg forFuTVCykc_bigger.jpegtitles FuTVCykc_bigger.jpeg.

u fuking tard, ur mutes are random as a dog fapping himself without having hands, mute for "idiot" and other shits like that = being an asshole


you'll be banned too on here cause licher is butthurt now. you offended the great mod himself licher. shame on urself.

78B5iOxd_normal.png You 78B5iOxd_normal.png think 78B5iOxd_normal.png you 78B5iOxd_normal.png can 78B5iOxd_normal.png win 78B5iOxd_normal.png that 78B5iOxd_normal.png battle 78B5iOxd_normal.png but 78B5iOxd_normal.png you 78B5iOxd_normal.png can't 78B5iOxd_normal.png 78B5iOxd_normal.png 78B5iOxd_normal.png 78B5iOxd_normal.png always 78B5iOxd_normal.png gonna 78B5iOxd_normal.png be 78B5iOxd_normal.png more 78B5iOxd_normal.png successful 78B5iOxd_normal.png in 78B5iOxd_normal.png game 78B5iOxd_normal.png and 78B5iOxd_normal.png in 78B5iOxd_normal.png IRL 78B5iOxd_normal.png than 78B5iOxd_normal.png you 78B5iOxd_normal.png http://cdn.theatlantic.com/newsroom/img/upload/wire/2013/12/31/doge-1/original.jpg
78B5iOxd_normal.png In78B5iOxd_normal.png your78B5iOxd_normal.png dreams78B5iOxd_normal.png sweet78B5iOxd_normal.png heart78B5iOxd_normal.png
  • Game Masters
Posted (edited)
Honestly mods and SOME players here don't know /ignore function and mods mute people for nothing.. Edited by Jegerm

why do people even try to defend these mods? they're a big joke and most people knows that, but we have too many asslickers rofl.


licher is a monkey irl

  • Game Masters
Posted (edited)
Well normal the licking team is here nemifest and noneedholy rip #gaysfolife


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im sure ur sccessful ingames but irl u will be alone for long time xdd


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For nothing u insulted someone then start crying cuz u get mute well then brainless retard dont insullt and u wont get mute lol


Lol I never got banned or muted on this server and even if I will get banned someday I won't beg anyone for unban like others do.Also,lets face it you're 12 years old if you feel offended by some other player(s) when he calls you "idiot" and you go report him,learn to use /ignore..If you play retail and you make a report cuz some other guy called you "idiot" for example GM would laugh with you and he would close your ticket!Actually you are trash talker so please don't talk for others still remember when I kicked you from guild because you demoted my members for nothing and you whispered me "die motherfucker get cancer" instead of reporting you I just ignored you.So do the same son for god shake get mature and dont get offended guys for nothing this is internet lol

Edited by Jegerm
  • Like 2
Lol I never got banned or muted on this server and even if I will get banned someday I won't beg anyone for unban like others do.Also,lets face it you're 12 years old if you feel offended by some other player(s) when he calls you "idiot" and you go report him,learn to use /ignore..If you play retail and you make a report cuz some other guy called you "idiot" for example GM would laugh with you and he would close your ticket!Actually you are trash talker so please don't talk for others still remember when I kicked you from guild because you demoted my members for nothing and you whispered me "die motherfucker get cancer" instead of reporting you I just ignored you.So do the same son for god shake get mature and dont get offended guys for nothing this is internet lol


exactly my point. people take advantage of this retarded rule. you call someone bad, trash, stupid or an idiot and you will be muted or banned. it's such a joke. have you seen licher's reports? it's a fucking joke. he's the biggest cry baby ever and immature as fuck.


he also tells other staff members to like the comment of a moderator banning others LOL


licher can't do his job and he's a monkey irl


watch him cry about it now and report me =)


licher is reporting people for calling him a bad mod and so on instead of ignoring them


licher - 2k16 lel

Bubblegum or Repitchx,since this server is free to play - you agreed the rules of server, you supposed to not brake them. If you do - get punishment. I'm not the one, who made that rules, but I'm very thankful to admins for this rules. That helps to keep up justice here. Noone is better then you, Noone deserves to be insulted. If you don't agree - don't speak at all or get mute for that. /ignore function is forbidden for chat mods, since if they didn't punish that person for violation - someone can report mod for not doing his job well. I'm doing my job well, as all of other mods. If you feel butthurted from being muted - that's not my problem. I don't have any exceptions In mute someone. You shoud respect staff members, that's all I can say to you. I'm not gonna ignore your little worth #tryhardtoinsultlichercuzhemutedmebyrealreason.
Bubblegum or Repitchx,since this server is free to play - you agreed the rules of server, you supposed to not brake them. If you do - get punishment. I'm not the one, who made that rules, but I'm very thankful to admins for this rules. Thit helps to keep up justice here. Noone is better then you, Noone deserves to be insulted. If you don't agree - don't speak at all or get mute for that. /ignore function is forbidden for chat mods, since if they didn't punish that person for violation - someone can report mod for not doing his job well. I'm doing my job well, as all of other mods. If you feel butthurted from being muted - that's not my problem. I don't have any exceptions In mute someone. You shoud respect staff members, that's all I can say to you. I'm not gonna ignore your little worth #tryhardtoinsultlichercuzhemutedmebyrealreason.


saying "FUCK OFF LOL" sarcastically and get muted for 2 hours -> buys unmute -> expalins the reason to my friends "i got muted for 2 hours for saying FUCK OFF LOL. that's so retarded lmfao XD" -> gets muted for 4 hours. and you follow me around.


you think you're doing your job well? just no. you're the new furmetal 2.0


you cant say bad, trash, rat, baddie, stupid or anything close to it without being muted. if you want to do ur job well, act more mature. u reported me last week for saying ure a rat and a trash mod... like seriously? you're doing a terrible job if you think you're doing good xD.


you report players for stupid reasons and you wont even talk about it.

Bubblegum, just get it already. Don't do that again - don't be muted. You don't have to be genius, for understanding simple things,but as I see that's not about you...
no poems plz no time to read bullshits


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say the fat cunt :( dude ur the one insulting randomly people when i was fighting wit u and u died u start ranging on ur retarted stream cuz u was afk and start insullting ig then u sayd why im muted omg omg i didnt do shit brainless kid like u watched ur stream with felx once then we turn it off was way to retarted


Dont be mad cause youre bad and get raped by me 24/7 lol.


Retarded nolifer sits only in guru and gank people with full pve gear. Smh. You have to look hard to find someone as dumb as you are lol. Lets not talk about how you use fly hack ye?


Dumb cunt


There. Now you can report me, asslicker.


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/Spit lel


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Also learn to speak proper english, you moron

when u have to reply 2 times cuz u wana say something new


ye im aka chainz ganger pve owner watchu now mad cunt xD


? Ok i lost brain cells. Have fun in guru lmfao

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