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Account baned

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you guys gave me ban why I used fly hacker , but I used cuz you guys not desbugam dungeons lvl low , then I flew to finish and get the achievement , then before doing things, desbuguem the dg low , because I like get files , titles , make DG and raids low , so if you have a little head could unban my acc , or else desbugue dungeons and raids lvl low to get all do, Thankful

First of all, make an appeal here, with filling up the correct format. - http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=78845


Second of all, are you french? If so:


Si tu viens de reecrire ce que t'as ecris la-haut a nouveau, ils comprenderons absolument rien. Demande a moi ou a un autre francais qui sait parler anglais pour t'aider a exprimer ton probleme correctement.


Desbugue - pas anglais. Le mot correct est "fix"

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