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are u kidding? :)

i had 7 hunters with 2.7k as bm/survival/mm.

i got rival as twink survival but dont even try hard there.

now i have only 2 hunters because tired see warriors with auto rotation and mw monk who just spamm heal orb via script.

others just sold (i am rich hahaha 8k bonuses :D )

i can get glad rank in any season because it's easy.

btw glad rank here mean nothing (everyone already got it who rly need it - even bad players).

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are u kidding? :)

i had 7 hunters with 2.7k as bm/survival/mm.

i got rival as twink survival but dont even try hard there.

now i have only 2 hunters because tired see warriors with auto rotation and mw monk who just spamm heal orb via script.

others just sold (i am rich hahaha 8k bonuses :D )

i can get glad rank in any season because it's easy.

btw glad rank here mean nothing (everyone already got it who rly need it - even bad players).


you use pqr and autokick you piece of shit. just shut up retard, shut up

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These screenshots are so old... Armelle hasn't even existed for the last 2-4 months...


So old in fact that it could well be during the time that BM was completely faceroll? I'm not the only person who noticed that you dropped to 2.3-2.5 after it was fixed. :confused:

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are u kidding? :)

i had 7 hunters with 2.7k as bm/survival/mm.

i got rival as twink survival but dont even try hard there.

now i have only 2 hunters because tired see warriors with auto rotation and mw monk who just spamm heal orb via script.

others just sold (i am rich hahaha 8k bonuses :D )

i can get glad rank in any season because it's easy.

btw glad rank here mean nothing (everyone already got it who rly need it - even bad players).


http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=167352 yep 2700 with 7 hunters xD

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1)i posted full screenshots so u can see that's survival

2)i posted more then 100 screenshots at high mmr for proof that i can get any rating without any wintrade

3)i farmed everyone


you are just trashtalk without any proofs and reason because you are just toxic.

that's all.

keep flame . i dont care.

you can only flame because no brain.


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1) Do u think anyone cares what spec are u?

2) Do u think anyone cares about your screnies? Keep your fap material for yourself.

3) Y, we're sure u farmed every team here on BM hunter. No doubt about it. 100k Bites are unavoidable.


No one here gives a crap. I know u wont stop posting your jerk off screenshots, but atleast stop embarassing yourself, its obvious to everyone you wintraded and kickboted and god knows what other scripts u used. U got banned for it. Why still remain in denial? Its pathetic.

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1) Do u think anyone cares what spec are u?

2) Do u think anyone cares about your screnies? Keep your fap material for yourself.

3) Y, we're sure u farmed every team here on BM hunter. No doubt about it. 100k Bites are unavoidable.

are you retarded? in 1st msg you saying spec dont matter and 3rd msg crying about bm. oh lol.


oh it's bm also :D?








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There is huge difference between "do u think anyone cares" and "u play BM spec". U play survival? Awww, cute. Only that was the most OP hunter spec until BM got broken and still is op af... Get 2.9 again legit without wintrading or scripting as MM and you'll have my apology. Oh I forgot. U can't.
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Sweeze on 1st page. Turn page, 2, page 3? Do u have info from last season? There was bunch and bunch of hunters on ladder last season. Hunter is easiest class in the game (aside from warriors) to play. Any idiot, or any high rated player will say the same. U can even google it.


Plus, how does that have to do with anything I said in previous post? You're dumb af. Read the last 3 sentences in previous post and keep your sh!t for yourself. Im out. Pce bich. Enjoy scripting, dodging and getting banned.

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braindead kids.

no skill only flame...


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Let's fight begin.










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