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Staggering Shout


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Posted (edited)

1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc - Staggering Shout - 15768


The following spell is removed in WoD, so i couldn't find it in WoWhead. Instead, i downloaded an addon which shows items/spells ID.




2. Description of the problem. - When the following spell is usen, ALL the enemies at 20radius gets out of stealth and GETS rooted. Even when the enemy isn't snared (in this case, slowed with Harmsting) and gets the enemy stuck in combat (even if he stops attacking)


3.How it must work. - It shouldn't, in ANY circumstances get the enemy out of the stealth when the fight starts. It should ONLY root the enemies around if they're snared (slowed). And shouldn't combat bug the enemy.


4.Date when you tested it. - 26/04/2016 (DD/MM/YYYY)


5.Realm - xFun


6.Priority of the problem. - 10/10

A quick example to make it clear to everyone:


A balance druid and a frost mage versus warrior and resto druid. Bal druid and mage both gets in stealth and go in opposite direction of eachother to prevent heroic leap stealth breaker. Warrior dismounts and uses Staggering shot, both mage and druid gets caught out of stealth, gets rooted for 5sec. People bug this spell on purpose to get out of stealth enemies.


If someone still has difficulties understanding the bug, feel free to tell me. I can make a video.

Edited by Felxprod
  • 5 months later...
This seems to be fixed. Just tested it.


I stand 5 YD from the warrior -> used Staggering Shout -> still in stealth


Did I miss something?


your que LUL

  • 1 year later...
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