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Why Was My Thread on Hitler Closed?


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Just curious why my thread on Hitler was closed? It's general discussion, but if you say anything controversial that everyone doesn't agree with the thread gets insta locked?


Under him Germany went from being completely defeated (both spiritually and physically in 1933), with 7 million unemployed, with it's cities in ashes and it's people under threat of Marxism/communism/Bolshevism takeover - to in just 4 years later, becoming the greatest nation in the world with practically 0 unemployment.


For example, while Hitler's Germany had broken away from the international banks and all of Germany was prospering with full employment - America had 12,(000,000) million people unemployed & in poverty, and Britain 4-5(000,000) million.




I don't know how in today's age, (where the media is constantly pushing anti-white, feminist agendas, and when White Europeans are going to be extinct within the next century or two) people are still so ignorant and unwilling to examine the facts about Hitler - The last leader, other than JFK, to dare fight for Europeans against Zionist/Globalist Supremacy.




I would encourage anyone who is so certain of Hitler being evil, to research what influenced him and his rise to power - WWI, Bolshevism, Communism, and Marxism - before judging him.


When you can free yourself from the pre-programming you have received from the media and your schools, and when you start examining things objectively - like what was worse


Stalin's Jewish Bolshevik Regime and Police State of Anti-White & Anti-Christian Oppression/Deception/Propaganda/Marxism that murdered 40(000,000)+ million of it's own people,


Hitler's Pagan utopia that united Europeans Spiritually under the banner of strength, belief, hope, pride, & future of the youth.


it becomes so blatantly clear who the real aggressors were and who were simply trying to defend themselves and their country.



Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Nazi or Hitler worshipper - I think he was too focused on just nationalism (and even though I think he was right in taking back previously owned German lands), I think he could've maybe tried more to unite the Slavic nations (although that's easier said than done probably).


But it just amazing to me, how visceral, emotional and irrational people react in response to any admittions that Hitler was more than just the Devil which he is always portrayed to us as, by the ruling establishment.


I really think the key to understanding Hitler and WWII, is understanding Bolshevism, British Hegemony, Warmongering (from the likes of Winston Churchill, while Hitler was always asking for peace), The Power and Influence of the Jews & Israel (From owning all of our media/hollywood, to the international banks like Goldman Sachs, who own our politicians), and finally the disease that is Cutural Marxism.

Once you understand these things, you will understand the truth - that it was the Jews that began the war on Germany in 1933 (just like they're trying to do to Iran now), and it was us British and the Jewish Bolsheviks who were the warmongers - not the other way around.


P.s. - Feel free to instantly lock the thread. I expect nothing less anyway lol. :)




P.s.s. - I'm not German, I'm British. Soon we'll be out the EU and it won't effect us directly. I just feel bad for my German brothers. Just to think that once the greatest nation/race on earth will have by the end of my lifetime been conquered by decadent Africans and Pakistani's. All because (like all white europeans) they don't want be called "racist" or "nazi", or they feel guilty for what they have been told their ancestors did.


The further it goes, the more I would rather support the Nazi's than the corrupt governments of today. R.I.P Germany/R.I.P Hitler lol.

Edited by Bapss
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