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Show some pictures from your city that you've taken! =)


Here are some from Norway, Bergen (aka my city):


Standing on Ulriken and a beautiful view over the whole city








On Løvstakken




Same mountain, but view over Fyllingsdalen











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Near city where I live. Aka known city in Denmark.




And the Tivoli Garden, the place where you can get blowjobs for 1 dorra.




Best mall.




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This thread is depressing!! Birmingham is really just a huge monstrous spread of ugly buildings with almost no green life or anything of interest lol.


Like seriously, I'd link a photo - but there is really nothing to see, except maybe the original Spaghetti Junction which is pretty funny. But even when you're driving on it, all you can see is the ugliness of the city :/


BUT I did used to live in New Zealand - and holy shit are the cities there beautiful. From the modern buildings (because they're relatively new cities) to the AMAZING landscapes - it was awesome; living right next to the beach ect.ect. Skiing, Surfing.




Definitely going back to live there someday (atleast for a while).


P.s. - the picture don't capture it lol. But meh

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The crazy thing about New Zealand too, is that as soon as you get outside of the city, it is just wilderness and really shitty so-called "roads" that overhang HUGE drops lol. I'll try get hold of my old photos and post them.


I meen the best city in England imo is Manchester (I don't know about Wales/Scotland/Ireland). It's buzzing with life, students and you feel like you're in the centre of the most up-to-date culture, probably a bit like if you're living in the centre of New York i'd imagine. It's got a good amount of parks and nature life around it to and it is sweet (for now at least before it becomes dominated by muslims like in London). But it's pretty one-dimensional and really tightly packed in.


New Plymouth is the complete opposite, but it's still buzzing with life too and really modern. There's probably very little cities in the world that i'd prefer to live in, that city is fucken big pimpin. The weather, the seafront, and the amount of activities you can do from Skiing, Surfing, Mountain Climbing ect.. I guess ultimately, everything is about balance - and in New Plymouth you get the perfect balance between everywhere, and a little bit of everything (except deserts, but who the fuck wants to live in a desert lololol)


FML nostalgia!!! Really good thread topic though btw!

Edited by Bapss
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img with the shit bugged out so riperino


City: Almere

Country: The Netherlands


been in amsterdam once. was not cool cuz it was gay pride :(. even red light district was filled with gay people (nothing against gay people, but i was kinda excited to visit amsterdam...)

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been in amsterdam once. was not cool cuz it was gay pride :(. even red light district was filled with gay people (nothing against gay people, but i was kinda excited to visit amsterdam...)




FeelsBadMan :(

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