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Frost DK Obliterate Bug

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Acc name: TwiXSK

Character Name: Methcookie


Not sure what happened, but my Obliterate and Howling Blast abilities stopped sharing the cooldown of my frost runes, so if I use both my frost runes both spells are lightened up, as if they were ready to be used, even though I can't use them because I do not have the runes required.


It is really hard to do anything with this bug, because I don't know if I can use my frost spells or not.


Please fix this or fix my character somehow, DK is unplayable for me.

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Potentially fix character from site.

I used to get this problem with my DK but I don't play frost as often and even when I do get this, I just look at what runes I have available and use a different ability.

I'm not entirely sure but I think this problem only occurs with blood tap.

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well yeah, i could look at the runes but it's kinda annoying, i am used to just looking at my spells it'd be hard to do it that way.


and the fix character thing sadly didn't work, did it at least 5 times.

lastly, i do not use blood tap, so that is also not it..

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Well... Not exactly.

Obliterate needs 1x frost and 1x blood (I think) but as frost dk, all your blood runes become death runes. I think you can only use 2x obliterate in a row with a max of 4 in a row. Otherwise, you can only use necrotic strike.


But yeah, I think all dks have this problem right now.

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I got this problem on my dk too. Seems like death runes can't be used, unless you use a spell that consumes a "Death Rune". Problem is, the death runes, should be used as frost/unholy/blood runes. At least, it has always been that way.
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Since last restart I believe all class specs got some bug for them, Holy Paladin is unable to use Holy radiance, once you push the button your character will endlessly start casting it and cast bar will be nowhere around, retribution paladin cannot summon Guardian of the Ancient Kings, FDK can't use Obliterate, as an alternative for FDK you can switch to x2 1H since then Frost Strike is your main damage dealing ability, these are NOT the only bugs, these are just those I know of.
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