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May I ask why my thread was deleted?


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That's what I was trying to write:


Okay lets be real for a bit. Ill put some straight up accusations.

This is a PvP server and :

1. LoS isn't working in arenas (not that hard to fix) (HUGE GAMEBREAKING BUG)

2. You can't even Leave Arena. (the button isn't working)

3. Gamebreaking bugs of some characters.

4. The bug of not able to hit people due "out of range" and "fake LoS" while visibliy I am near him and in line of sight...


There are many more but that isn't the case.

Please pay attention to the PvP Community.

Also @Repitch, I respect all you say but unfortunately you can't make people listen you even though is the RIGHT thing to do.

I understand your frustation. I don't like it either. But this is how it is.

There are some fake moderators on forums that do what they want without respecting the players or anything. Late answers or anoswer at all. Lets not even talk about that in-game ticket masters leave empty responses and just close the ticket.

They don't even show any respect or anything when it is US the community that keeps the server alive via donations and stuff...

I've got a lot more to say but it's useless as it'll be most likely deleted...


Greetings, Peter.

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