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why do you guys flame so much? he got his title and why do u guys care? like if a private title was that much... look at the ladder the two previous seasons full of tryharders playing bugged comps, abusers, wintraders... so stop saying that someone that plays 3s here is better than someone who plays 2s. both sucks a lot no point in it.
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exactly. And the best part is these kind of people who talk while didnt even get 2.2


(that exactly was ironic btw )


na i have a 2.7 account from last year and got all my raying while 530ilvl. you can talk as much as you want but it doesnt change things. no point in pushing in a season like this one

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na i have a 2.7 account from last year and got all my raying while 530ilvl. you can talk as much as you want but it doesnt change things. no point in pushing in a season like this one


Not like this one, just like all of the seasons, im still trying to understand the reason for all this flame about 1 guy who doesnt even give a simple F to all of you, this thread shows how toxic the community of pandawow is atm, i only didnt quited yet because of zeox, that is back to put pandawow on his place. I hope all this kids can just get a life and learn how to get a friendly relationship with who really deserves it.

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Not like this one, just like all of the seasons, im still trying to understand the reason for all this flame about 1 guy who doesnt even give a simple F to all of you, this thread shows how toxic the community of pandawow is atm, i only didnt quited yet because of zeox, that is back to put pandawow on his place. I hope all this kids can just get a life and learn how to get a friendly relationship with who really deserves it.


zeox is not back. he told the dev team what to work on. he sent my bug report list to them. hopefully we will see some good changes. but tbh, it doesnt matter what they fix if the lag still is here.

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zeox is not back. he told the dev team what to work on. he sent my bug report list to them. hopefully we will see some good changes. but tbh, it doesnt matter what they fix if the lag still is here.

Even its something positive incomming from them, thanks for an normal communication with no flames. Some1 here got friends IRL probabbly

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Even its something positive incomming from them, thanks for an normal communication with no flames. Some1 here got friends IRL probabbly


np and ye. lets just wait and see. already waited 2 years, cant hurt with a few more weeks.... xD

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Mate what the actually fuck is wrong with you hahahaha ? You talk about RL while you are the one who needs to lie in a forum to get attention ? Wow that is actually fucking sad

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Damn guys i cannot get why are you so fucking toxic lmao. This guy is really cool, and u just flame him for something that has been already seen that's not true, he didn't wintrade last season. I guess mark you're a bit mad cuz u and tinybaz got disqualified for no reason, that's right, u gotta fight to get what u deserve, but then why would u fucking be such a dick with this guy when it was proven that he didn't wintrade? Try to prove that you didn't wintrade instead of looking for ppl that "might" have wintraded, when they didn't, just that, im off, pce.
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Honestly normally i'm not triggered anymore by stupid people like you are but ill give it a shot. It's your stupidity with that you have to live your life and manage your problems and i wish you good luck with that.

I gave up telling people like you that they are totally dumb because they simply won't understand it ...


Anyways no i don't have to proof anyone here that i didnt wintrade since every decent player on this server already knows whats going on. But ofc not a trash shaman who asks me 24/7 for 2s and now hes probably mad because i just don't want to fucking play with him. Anyways the russian druid will get perm banned due his bonuses abuse so i don't really care anymore about if hes getting banned for wintrading or not.


You simply got rekt blacktko.

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i didnt wintrade since every decent player on this server already knows whats going on. .


Decent player ? You mean your retarded guild who /suck you everytime right ?


Honestly normally i'm not triggered anymore by stupid people like you are but ill give it a shot. It's your stupidity with that you have to live your life and manage your problems and i wish you good luck with that.

I gave up telling people like you that they are totally dumb because they simply won't understand it ...


Anyways no i don't have to proof anyone here that i didnt wintrade since every decent player on this server already knows whats going on. But ofc not a trash shaman who asks me 24/7 for 2s and now hes probably mad because i just don't want to fucking play with him. Anyways the russian druid will get perm banned due his bonuses abuse so i don't really care anymore about if hes getting banned for wintrading or not.


You simply got rekt blacktko.



What, you didn't wintrade ? Is that a joke? Juster and Zeox checked all logs of people who got reported for wintrade, so they checked all of my logs and found NOTHING, but you, they found that you wintraded. you seems like abit retarded in real life

Edited by Druidaskip
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everyone know that Выше just fucking wintrader.

idk why he talking bullshit.

he wintrade last season, he wintrade in this season also.

check his rating (already rating reset and got ban for 30 days) because gm checked his logs and ban him.

he can not get anything without wintrade because just useless.


- - - Добавлено - - -


he just abuse donation (unban, paying for enemy for wintrade, buy high rating characters and wintrade again)

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Decent player ? You mean your retarded guild who /suck you everytime right ?





What, you didn't wintrade ? Is that a joke? Juster and Zeox checked all logs of people who got reported for wintrade, so they checked all of my logs and found NOTHING, but you, they found that you wintraded. you seems like abit retarded in real life




What can I say? You simply just got fucking destroyed, you wintrader.


I don't care anymore about them removing your title. Perma banning you is even better.

Think you can just go around and give free bonuses to your friends and buy characters for 3k bonuses to wintrade? You think we're really that stupid? You're a shitty 2s player that HAS to wintrade to get somewhere. Remember what happend when I queued 3s into you? Rekt you all the times. Remember when I queued even 2s into YOU? I fucking obliterated you as Rogue Mage when you queued Survival Hunter Resto Druid.


"but surv much bug. surv no dmg bk then, ofc we lose" Just stfu




You're terrible at this game and only some french people can do this bonus bug, inculding you. I talked to Neff and I'm so glad I did. He told me the 2 last persons who did this got a perm ban.


This is what he said to me yesterday after I told him I reported him to Neff:






He offered me multiple mounts and CM mogs for my characters. Pretty much to not tell Neff.


Why do I feel like you pay idiots to "believe" you? You probably give them bonuses to put in good words for you lmfao. "he didnt wintrade, he much god play and he much nice. him no wintrade he play 2s much gams and win al plays"


If I knew I only got a title cause of wintrade, then I ask someone to make me a signature banner. Oh boy... I'd feel ashamed, I'd feel so bad lol.


I don't even want to start talking about Noneed's Druid lol. Please tell me again how he wintraded. Makes me giggle everytime cause it's not true lol.


"he got banned and gms check al logs, he wintrad much!"


Yeah. They checked logs, that's cool. And you didn't get banned and you wintraded, did they do a good job? Of course not lol. Baz used a bug? FOR 2 SEASONS AGO LOL. If you get banned the first season or cheat, you won't get a title that season. HOWEVER, the next one you can. That's what happend to Baz. But cause you guys are so damn naive and believe everything these russian mods/GMs say, yeah then he bug abused this season as well.... :rofl_mini:


Noneed didn't wintrade. He got reported for the games against Dartmeganz and Hitdown. BUT HE LOST, HOW DID HE? Look at the videos, you seriously think he made the Ret drop to 4% on accident? Lol...


Cba telling everything



TL;DR: Выше is a wintrader and has a bug that let's him have unlimited bonuses. 90% of this community is naive as fuck and probably gets paid by Выше to lie.

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But ofc not a trash shaman who asks me 24/7 for 2s and now hes probably mad because i just don't want to fucking play with him.

First of all, i won't be mad cuz you don't wanna 2s, lmao. Second, i don't ask u 24/7, just when i see u are doing nothing. Third, i'm mad atm just cuz you're fucking telling him "wintrader" etc, when you got disqualified for wintrading and he didn't. It's fine, i can believe u didn't wintrade, but then what's coming next? You'll say he pays to the gm's aswell so he doesn't get banned and you do? Man, they checked logs, there were no wintrades by his side detected, but some from yours, so stop with the toxicity, and start taking care about yourself, if you're so sure you don't wintrade, then why don't you defend yourself with some proof? Don't you fucking stream your games most of the time? Why don't u link stream highlights of your stream from your druid so they see you played all your way to 3.2 or whatever ur rating was in a legit way? Just stop it with him, if he gets banned due to a bonus bug abuse, well, that's another thing, but it's proven by gms already that he didn't wintrade.

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Well ye just ignore that what repitch said.


Imb stop talking to me i already explained i wont justify myself against random player. If you wanna check my stream do it by urself idgaf about a single fucking "duelist " title on my druid because ill get R1 this season anways. Ppl with a clue about this server know that im constantly playing on high mmr (2.8k + ) and see me in the spectator. Sorry for that.


God for fuck sake lol you are hilarious. Keep defending your friend but at the end you, machmollo + gayprod are the only ones who believe that. Noone gives a single fuck about you trust me. And no, noone has proven anything yet so stop talking like you know shit lol

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I believe in proofs. I watch him all time qing mage/rdru and hunt/rdru, if no proofs. No wintrade. Btw sazzi, you maybe can get r1, if blaston doesnt go back to pandawow... maybe you got a chance ; )


Get your facts together faq .. lol i farmed blaston + kailly everytime i queued with Pewds. Also he got farmed at the last day of the s. LAST SEASON. AND in a mirror match against nerdslayer and Pewds. So get your facts before talking please

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Get your facts together faq .. lol i farmed blaston + kailly everytime i queued with Pewds. Also he got farmed at the last day of the s. LAST SEASON. AND in a mirror match against nerdslayer and Pewds. So get your facts before talking please


wao is a dog wintrader is speaking? just stfu man. Your post have no sense, like you can just say "Im r1 , im r1" but if i would put screen shot of 10000 i bet your and your fucking mother that will not great :/

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Get your facts together faq .. lol i farmed blaston + kailly everytime i queued with Pewds. Also he got farmed at the last day of the s. LAST SEASON. AND in a mirror match against nerdslayer and Pewds. So get your facts before talking please

Lmao, since when 1-0 is farm Kappa. 6-0 that ive made on you 2 seasons ago was what? rape?

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Yo niggers i just want to tell you guys that im a huge dicksucker i can only play on this shit server once i tried retail but i couldnt play that shit too easy for me.got 2k at 2s.After shitretail i came here cuz too many bugs and shit so i can abuse and wintrade for r1 easily and talk shit all day.Also Diabolique is my brother he always steals my hamburger thats why i always talkin shit.Yday i ate my mother cuz i was too hungry yo im fat as fuck :brberbrb: :brberbrb: send me prviate msg if you want to wintrade this season cuz all my wow friends left me here jkk never got any friends.i only sucked baz's dick but i had to move on for new dicks. :P
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