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Mushroom report #2


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  • 3 weeks later...

In case no one noticed, the thread got updated :3


If you put it down and go behind pillar, the healing should still stack, shouldn't get removed. (https://gyazo.com/db04465f55a21daa1bc90230e09ca19f)


The mushroom looses its healing when it gets exploded if you heal your self with rejuvenation and if you are not in its line of sight.


Meanwhile the mushroom shouldn't loose any healing at all and it doesn't matter if you are in mushrooms line of sight (The mushroom should gain healing "the explode healing" regardless where you are)

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Fixed, will be applied after update.


What was changed:


Can't reproduce a bug with big size, so it won't be fixed, so create a new topic with video how to reproduce this bug, and I will fix it.

Dampening reduction was already fixed.


Seems that now http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=88747 should be are very close to blizzlike, hope you will enjoy it :)

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