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:pardon:Hello everyone viewing this fine thread, i just recently joined the server but as i was met with the all too familiar character creation screen i hit a dead end...I seem to have no idea what the demographics are like on this mighty fine server, i searched the forums mindlessly for a good half hour searching for a place to find this information but i never seemed to...so that's when i figured i'd ask a few questions to you, the players.


1. for each realm about what faction is the larger of the two

2. since i'm assuming both realms are mostly PvP, what faction tends to be better at teamwork

3. since this is a private server and the classes may be off balance, what is the class breakdown, or a summary almost for each class

4. finally, are there any real tips you can give to a new player of this server, im really interested in learning some of the twists and turns and i figured the only way i could really figure that out was asking members who have been there done that



Thank you for taking the time to read this post, feel free to reply if you would like, if you are at all curious i like to main a healer if that helps with answering any questions, however i do not mind playing dps every once in a while. :bye:

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1. Take a look at: http://pandawow.ru/en/stat.html .Click where Pandawow x100 and Pandawow Fun and you will see Balance Fractions


2. Yes fun realm is pvp realm but in x100 you can do PvE too if you want.I'd say ally is better


3. Since you like to play healer classes I'd suggest you to play MW


4. Don't use foul language because you can get muted easily

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