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You should all make Sub rogue


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- Annehathaway -


* http://i65.tinypic.com/zupmcg.jpg Target : Rogue

* http://i64.tinypic.com/6zwjv6.jpg Target : Warlock

* http://i64.tinypic.com/10z7ngn.jpg Target : Druid

* http://i66.tinypic.com/2iub7yf.jpg Target : Warlock


First of all thank you for reporting Chainz xD


Well man all this damage you get and you see at combat log aint real,it's overkill anyway but yeah sub rogues got crazy burst

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I !@#$% knew it!!


Rogues are broken, GG, every class is broken except ele is nerfed, nice balance, gg Blizzard, gg Pandawow :D


explain how ele is bugged lol i can see you make the statement as you're a Ele yourself, but i play almost solely with ele's in 3s and he never talks about Ele bugs

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and 711k hp with only 1 hp buff is totally not full pve. i HAVE went full pve and this is legit, i crit 200k+ with only pve trinks so this ain't nuthin


Boy, I see him playing a lot in Gurubashi, and he doesn't go full. We are not friends, I tell you what I see

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Boy, I see him playing a lot in Gurubashi, and he doesn't go full. We are not friends, I tell you what I see


I get the same shit from players, accusing me with bugs/hacks/cheats/pve whenever they see me, they say go with more PvE items next time;

the funny fact is, I go 550 PvP items only :D


So, it doesn't matter, talk is free and players gonna whine about anything, haha ~_^

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I get the same shit from players, accusing me with bugs/hacks/cheats/pve whenever they see me, they say go with more PvE items next time;

the funny fact is, I go 550 PvP items only :D


So, it doesn't matter, talk is free and players gonna whine about anything, haha ~_^


True haha

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