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let make this straight:

i am a muslim and in my culture all people from isis are not muslims they're at the same level as israel to us we do not hate them but we do not recognize them as muslims like us we seek peace not war and also ppl isis was created by U.S.A did you ever try to know how it was created? no i guess well sorry if i got anybody mad of this but it's the truth and we cannot deny it so pls don't get us wrong we're mere humans we have hearts those orphans your talking about are almost brainwashed by isis rules and all that crap and we're not responsible for their actions we will interfere if it harms our culture or our ppl but nobody seems to understand.it's the sad truth if ppl even tryed to understand this world war wouldn't happen but i beileve that time will come i just hope it's close so i can finally taste peace pls ppl i'm not ordering you in any sort of ways i am begging you yes i am begging you as a mere humans equal in every way possible feel our pain don't make it we were born to live in peace not to be tortured by your cruel words and get our heads choped!


cheers,and again sorry if i got anybody mad by this i just hopefully wait for the day you'll understand in

Posted (edited)



jokes aside. only dumb ignorant people think that muslims are terrorists


You silly ginger, rephrase your sentence you acne polkadott. Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims.


go kill yourself you little keyboard warrior faggot.

Edited by Repitchx
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Well,don't even get some ppl srsly because we're on internet and majority of ppl just listen to news for "bad muslims at Syria and Iraq" but they don't know that ISIS leaders changed quran and they actually learn to their members and young kids wrong stuff about religion


Also,some ppl are still young in our community and they don't have their own opinion for this subject so they just "copy-paste" what they hear

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Well,don't even get some ppl srsly because we're on internet and majority of ppl just listen to news for "bad muslims at Syria"




Just media twisting everything. Really sad.


Why you made this thread? let them criticize us Muslims as they want, let them say that everything bad is Islamic, it's fine. :D

اللهُ أكبر والعزة للإسلام


لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

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Why you made this thread? let them criticize us Muslims as they want, let them say that everything bad is Islamic, it's fine. :D

اللهُ أكبر والعزة للإسلام


لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله


It's just that some ppl need to know the truth..you may not get offended and good for you I really admire this but other muslims do

Omg, fucking crybabies, dont even mention your fkn religion, NO ONE FUCKING CARES.
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
Omg, fucking crybabies, dont even mention your fkn religion, NO ONE FUCKING CARES.


ROFL, You want me to quote all of your posts that you made against muslims? and you are still saying NO ONE FUCKING CARES? that's very innocent of you, lol


At least we are not hiding or trying to lie anything, If you can do the same thing then tell us your religion. Ohh you won't tell us because you are a cry baby and you don't have the balls to tell us.

Edited by Evilgoddess
Posted (edited)
Omg, fucking crybabies, dont even mention your fkn religion, NO ONE FUCKING CARES.

ROFL, You want me to quote all of your posts that you made against muslims? and you are still saying NO ONE FUCKING CARES? that's very innocent of you, lol


At least we are not hiding or trying to lie anything, If you can do the same thing then tell us your religion. Ohh you won't tell us because you are a cry baby and you don't have the balls to tell us.


Maybe he don't have any religion..



I don't have any btw, also the fact of believing in any religion is the same that kids do believing in phanthoms or in Santa Claus etc, just stupid unbased creences that kids do, and alot of adults sadly... and thats one of the reasons why the world is a shit, because humanity is retarded.


But everybody is free to keep the child way to understand the world by believing in any religion.

Edited by Señorpujo
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Maybe he don't have any religion..



I don't have any btw, also i think that believing in any religion is the same that kids do believing in phanthoms or in Santa Claus etc, just stupid unbased creences that kids do, and alot of adults sadly... and thats one of the reasons why the world is a shit, because humanity is retarded.


But everybody is free to keep the child way to understand the world by believing in any religion.


So you're saying that humans who have a religion are retarded?

Posted (edited)
So you're saying that humans who have a religion are retarded?


Yes, because they keep the kid way to understand things, believe by believe, u remember being a kid when u don't ask why or how about the things people tell u? Santa Claus is a perfect example, kids just believe that because his fathers talk about santa, the kid just believe and have the idea of Santa Claus as a real idea.


When u grow up, theorically ur way to understand the world change, more racional, focusing on your enviroment, asking why and trying to know what and how, not just believe cuz someone said there is a god watching u, and if u don't act well u will go to hell.


if u don't act well u will go to hell = if u don't act well u won't get any presents from Santa Claus.. Believe it because yes like a kid or use ur fuking brain. Stop with the magical way to understand the world, the work is fuking fisical, no magical, its totally retarded? yes. But u can't say that because of respect, yes i respect that some people still think that the world is magic..


Its retarded cuz this religions make diferent countries attack each other, killing for the religion, i am ur enemy cuz ur religion is diferent that mine but both are magical, so people are killing between them for nothing, just because they have diferent magical ways to explain the world, without religions the world will have alot less problems and reasons to attack/hate/kill each others.

Edited by Señorpujo
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Yes, because they keep the kid way to understand things, believe by believe, u remember being a kid when u don't ask why or how about the things people tell u? Santa Claus is a perfect example, kids just believe that because his fathers talk about santa, the kid just believe and have the idea of Santa Claus as a real idea.


When u grow up, theorically ur way to understand the world change, more racional, focusing on your enviroment, asking why and trying to know what and how, not just believe cuz someone said there is a god watching u, and if u don't act well u will go to hell.


if u don't act well u will go to hell = if u don't act well u won't get any presents from Santa Claus... bitch please stop with the magical way to understand the world, is retarded yes.


Actually, many scholars don't follow a particular religion because the belief of God, or an afterlife. Rather, they follow a religion because of it's teachings and the lifestyle that they try to encourage.


Also, what's retarded about introducing a medium in which both parties can compromise? If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. Is that concept retarded as well?

If you can do the same thing then tell us your religion. Ohh you won't tell us because you are a cry baby and you don't have the balls to tell us.


I have read some parts of Quran and Bible, i've had so many friends with different religions and cultures, for the simple fact that i change countries alot. I've always been interested in religions, because i wanted to believe in something. At age of 16, i've decided to turn atheist and inform my parents about it. And i am proud to tell you motherfuckers, all i do believe now is Cthulhu and Baphomet. Hope we all burn in hell one day.


(last part is a complete sarcastic line)


So your argument is invalid, stupid son of a bitch.



the fact of believing in any religion is the same that kids do believing in phanthoms or in Santa Claus etc' date=' just stupid unbased creences that kids do, and alot of adults sadly... and thats one of the reasons why the world is a shit, because humanity is retarded.[/quote']


For the first time in my worthless existence, i agree with Pujo, every word he said describes my thoughts in this very moment.




  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
Actually, many scholars don't follow a particular religion because the belief of God, or an afterlife. Rather, they follow a religion because of it's teachings and the lifestyle that they try to encourage.


Also, what's retarded about introducing a medium in which both parties can compromise? If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. Is that concept retarded as well?



"they follow a religion because of it's teachings and the lifestyle that they try to encourage." is always about divine punishments. No matter what religion u take, there are always souls and shits like that.


Religions are good in the way they make people follow some "rules" but just a litle part are good, the major part of rules are fuking retarded, like muslims fuking machism and domination towards woman, as an example.


Also there are more retarded things like the wars in the name of their respectives gods, alot of deaths because yes..


- - - Updated - - -


All Muslims are terrorists. Simple as that. Every terrorist is a Muslim, so that means every Muslim is a terrorist as well?


"Every terrorist is a Muslim, so that means every Muslim is a terrorist as well?"



Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims in the times we are living, they believe that if they explote for the cause they will fuck all day and all night in the heaven with his 40 virgins.

Edited by Señorpujo
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Posted (edited)

I'm honestly wondering why this thread was made in the first place.


Only thing I'm learning from these responses is who is worth being taken seriously. "always souls and shits like that"; do you know what religion means? You do realise that it doesn't always encompass following a God?


The simplest way I would put it is how I inferred it earlier - it's simply a lifestyle.


@Felxprod's picture, I do believe that's the case for the majority of people but have you not heard of people who are born into an athiest family and would later convert ?



And it's so ignorant to think "All muslims are terrorists" as well as vice versa. You people only hear something and are automatically convinced in accordance to the media's agenda. Have you never done your own research? I would advise that you look into America's crime/terrorism rates. Not too long ago, I found that Jewish terrorism was almost level with muslim terrorism. This doesn't mean anything until you consider the ratio of their population.

Edited by Deielrion
Posted (edited)
ROFL, You want me to quote all of your posts that you made against muslims?


Do it. Actually, link me where I said it too.

Edited by Jonte
  • Game Masters
Yes, because they keep the kid way to understand things, believe by believe, u remember being a kid when u don't ask why or how about the things people tell u? Santa Claus is a perfect example, kids just believe that because his fathers talk about santa, the kid just believe and have the idea of Santa Claus as a real idea.


When u grow up, theorically ur way to understand the world change, more racional, focusing on your enviroment, asking why and trying to know what and how, not just believe cuz someone said there is a god watching u, and if u don't act well u will go to hell.


if u don't act well u will go to hell = if u don't act well u won't get any presents from Santa Claus.. Believe it because yes like a kid or use ur fuking brain. Stop with the magical way to understand the world, the work is fuking fisical, no magical, its totally retarded? yes. But u can't say that because of respect, yes i respect that some people still think that the world is magic..


Its retarded cuz this religions make diferent countries attack each other, killing for the religion, i am ur enemy cuz ur religion is diferent that mine but both are magical, so people are killing between them for nothing, just because they have diferent magical ways to explain the world, without religions the world will have alot less problems and reasons to attack/hate/kill each others.


Ok your point of view I respect it :)


but in the last "paragraph" u wrote u are obviously talking about ISIS.People don't understand that behind ISIS it's not any god or muslim religion it's just money and power so allow me to say that people don't kill each other at Syria and Iraq nowdays because of god and religion but because leaders of Islamic state got crazy money and unlimited power from "Lobbies" if you know what I mean.The leaders of ISIS just brainwash every soldier and kid.


The plan with ISIS is United States and some other countries from EU take oil,other type of energies and occupy some areas cuz those places are imporntant to control the whole area

Posted (edited)

Anyway, everyone is free to believe in a magic world.


- - - Updated - - -


Ok your point of view I respect it :)


but in the last "paragraph" u wrote u are obviously talking about ISIS.People don't understand that behind ISIS it's not any god or muslim religion it's just money and power so allow me to say that people don't kill each other at Syria and Iraq nowdays because of god and religion but because leaders of Islamic state got crazy money and unlimited power from "Lobbies" if you know what I mean.The leaders of ISIS just brainwash every soldier and kid.


The plan with ISIS is United States and some other countries from EU take oil,other type of energies and occupy some areas cuz those places are imporntant to control the whole area


Israel is the same kind of shit religions, and cristianism, i mentioned terrorism as an example of conflicts that are originated by religion diferences.


Wars and kills that have origin in religion diferences have been since religion exist, not just now.. Medieval wars for example, in the name of the cristianism alot of people where killed also.



"The Crusades where warlike expeditions done by Christians in Western Europe, between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, to recover from the Turks the holy places where Jesus lived."


That shit is what i mean, before was X, now is Y. And always will be something to kill/fight for, in the name of religion.

Edited by Señorpujo
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Posted (edited)
Anyway, everyone is free to believe in a magic world.


- - - Updated - - -




Israel is the same kind of shit religions, and cristianism, i mentioned terrorism as an example of conflicts that are originated by religion diferences.


Wars and kills that have origin in religion diferences have been since religion exist, not just now.. Medieval wars for example, in the name of the cristianism alot of people where killed also.



"The Crusades where warlike expeditions done by Christians in Western Europe, between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, to recover from the Turks the holy places where Jesus lived."


That shit is what i mean, before was X, now is Y. And always will be something to kill/fight for, in the name of religion.


Exactly u spoke the truth alone..."in the name of religion" indeed ppl use religion as CAUSE to kill someone and maybe some ppl believe this just because as I said above they got brainwashed by others


BUT if you read QURAN or HOLY BIBLE u will never read Allah or Jesus to say to people who believe in them to kill someone just because they aren't Muslims or Christians


So it's not religions fault that people kill each other....and as I said in my previous post it has NOTHING to do with religion and god,they do all this mess for MONEY and POWER.It was always about those 2

Edited by Jegerm
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So it's not religions fault that people kill each other....and as I said in my previous post it has NOTHING to do with religion and god,they do all this mess for MONEY and POWER.It was always about those 2


Is one of the mainly reasons of conflicts between people.


And also the mainly reason of ignorance on people.

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