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Ok your point of view I respect it :)


but in the last "paragraph" u wrote u are obviously talking about ISIS.People don't understand that behind ISIS it's not any god or muslim religion it's just money and power so allow me to say that people don't kill each other at Syria and Iraq nowdays because of god and religion but because leaders of Islamic state got crazy money and unlimited power from "Lobbies" if you know what I mean.The leaders of ISIS just brainwash every soldier and kid.


The plan with ISIS is United States and some other countries from EU take oil,other type of energies and occupy some areas cuz those places are imporntant to control the whole area



  • Game Masters
Posted (edited)
Is one of the mainly reasons of conflicts between people.


And also the mainly reason of ignorance on people.


Yeah I can't deny that but just because some ppl are mentally retarded and they modify quran and holy bible or they get brainwashed doesn't mean that religions are responsible for everything here.I actually believe that everything is in Humans hand...If they want to stop fighting each other they can do it but if they don't want they will just keep fighting each other


Kroz /hug :D

Edited by Jegerm
let make this straight:

i am a muslim and in my culture all people from isis are not muslims they're at the same level as israel to us we do not hate them but we do not recognize them as muslims like us we seek peace not war and also ppl isis was created by U.S.A did you ever try to know how it was created? no i guess well sorry if i got anybody mad of this but it's the truth and we cannot deny it so pls don't get us wrong we're mere humans we have hearts those orphans your talking about are almost brainwashed by isis rules and all that crap and we're not responsible for their actions we will interfere if it harms our culture or our ppl but nobody seems to understand.it's the sad truth if ppl even tryed to understand this world war wouldn't happen but i beileve that time will come i just hope it's close so i can finally taste peace pls ppl i'm not ordering you in any sort of ways i am begging you yes i am begging you as a mere humans equal in every way possible feel our pain don't make it we were born to live in peace not to be tortured by your cruel words and get our heads choped!


cheers,and again sorry if i got anybody mad by this i just hopefully wait for the day you'll understand in


Keep in mind next time posting such a thread, that most of the people here are heartless and don't care about others. Trying to post something serious like this on such a forum is a bad idea if you wanna spread something.

Yeah I can't deny that but just because some ppl are mentally retarded and they modify quran and holy bible or they get brainwashed doesn't mean that religions are responsible for everything here.I actually believe that everything is in Humans hand...If they want to stop fighting each other they can do it but if they don't want they will just keep fighting each other


Kroz /hug :D



Not everything true, but alot. The rest is because humanity in general is fuking retarded.

Do it. Actually, link me where I said it too.


I misunderstood your post on Kroz family report topic, when i reread it again, you was talking specfic to Kroz. So i apologize for that.


Maybe he don't have any religion..



I don't have any btw, also the fact of believing in any religion is the same that kids do believing in phanthoms or in Santa Claus etc, just stupid unbased creences that kids do, and alot of adults sadly... and thats one of the reasons why the world is a shit, because humanity is retarded.


But everybody is free to keep the child way to understand the world by believing in any religion.


If you don't have any religion then i think you also don't believe on any GOD. Here is my question to you, How did our universe came into existence? If you have any proof then present your proof.


And if anyone would ask the same question to me, My reply would be, This universe is so perfect that there must be some Higher power who created it. So if there is a higher power why not try to find it and get close to it?


I also don't have all the proof to present it to you about that higher power. Because i also think you won't be able to present your proof about this universe. If you will do, i think i can refute them.


Just because our views are bit different about this matter that doesn't mean i have child way and you are grown up.


So get your facts and think about it.

I misunderstood your post on Kroz family report topic, when i reread it again, you was talking specfic to Kroz. So i apologize for that.


Misstakes, happens to everyone.

Posted (edited)
I misunderstood your post on Kroz family report topic, when i reread it again, you was talking specfic to Kroz. So i apologize for that.




If you don't have any religion then i think you also don't believe on any GOD. Here is my question to you, How did our universe came into existence? If you have any proof then present your proof.


And if anyone would ask the same question to me, My reply would be, This universe is so perfect that there must be some Higher power who created it. So if there is a higher power why not try to find it and get close to it?


I also don't have all the proof to present it to you about that higher power. Because i also think you won't be able to present your proof about this universe. If you will do, i think i can refute them.


Just because our views are bit different about this matter that doesn't mean i have child way and you are grown up.


So get your facts and think about it.


Oh yes, a divinity with a human form and human language and human brain, and human appearence made the universe thinking just in humans and making all for the humans, because we, the humans, know that what happend exactly by saying there is a super Santa claus that made all for us, because all is about humans, right?


All is chaos man, we are living cuz chaos get random bullshit on a this planet we living in, and because this planet had the fuking luck to stay in a specific average of temperature that alowed some particules to interact between them and create live.


I study psichology, there are some rules to determinate causality of things and taking the relation with racionality:


the 1rst rule is the antecedence, the cause must be before the effect.


the 2nd rule is that the cause have to covariate with the effect.


the 3rd rule is the capacity, the cause have to be able to provoque the effect.


If u just use 1 of these rules u get on a fallacy, that means a creence about causality that is totally wrong.


All the religions base his arguments on the 3rd rule, they create stupid theories that, for who explains with this point of view, use just the 3rd rule (he fall in fallacy and he take wrong causality).


The emergence of myths and rituals in all cultures is related to the need to establish causality on certain events, generating explanations for the 3rd rule (capacity rule).


The cause (god) is able to do the effect (the world/universe), but about the other 2 rules they don't take a shit, they just say: "God is able to do it" and they stay happy like retards, thats the problem, no one know what the fuck is the universe appart of a fuking big space of fisical particules and energy randomly and chaotical distribuited all along the universe, how the fuck u want to know what is the universe?? Yes u can create retarded theories about gods and shit to get the 3rd rule done, but u will never know a shit about what is the universe because u are part of this chaotic shit that we call universe, the only i understand is that there is a suposed infinite space plenty of fisical particules and energy and if some conditions are done live can appear, we are all formed by particules of diferend kind of elements that interact between them and afortunatelly we got the right combination in this planet, first because of the ideal temperature average, and 2nd because of the necessary elements that where in this planet to interact and make live.


There is no point on believe that Santa claus make all because he is human and all is about humans and for humans, we are the center of all ;)


Stop argueing like kids saying: "if god don't exist, who made the universe?" first of all, we as humans can't know this shit randomly, 2nd if u really think we are special u are wrong, we just a fuking retard living specie more in our planet, who knows if in all the universe there are other planets with the similar temperature and elements conditions that get toghether in this planet and made developement of life possible.



I think we should care about what we can know and fix the bugs that we have in our planet called Earth, before trying to explain bullshit that don't and won't affect us never.


So get your facts and think about it.


I have my ideas clear, you?


- - - Updated - - -


BTW this offtopic has gone épical.

Edited by Señorpujo
  • Like 1

Why do you bring your religion up and all that when it's obvious that you'll get it bashed etc.


Just don't bring it up and share your character instead.


Jonte's showing the point. Look at it.

Posted (edited)

jonte you think every muslim is a terrorist so from that view you actually say you know all muslims name me a muslim you know very very well and not from isis that you think is a terrorist pls?



and pujo you think out of the box too much keep it simple god is there and he's very real either that or there are no miracles neither you would be here keep it simple the more you make it complexe the more harder it gets and it will confuse you there are many mysteries in the universe and we're probably not that close to finding them out as most ppl think anyway friend you just overthink it but you have a very good point there and think it's totally right there is not even an actual proof that santa even exists phisically or spiritually so here are my thoughts:

1-yes we should fix earth cause we're like drugs we're making it die slowly by second

2-we are not special beings actually trees do to the world more than some ppl i'd rather not mention the large number

3-i disagree with you god does exist if you want proofs read history don't look at present as an example check the past and muslims history with all it's tragedies you'll actually find it pretty interesting


i really like your way of thinking it's pretty amazing i was like you before i looked more into it.you have a good way of thinking we could use more ppl like you but you make more complexe than it is simpler is better i mean mate all wars are created because ppl just overthink i'd rather say it's stupid if we did understand our differences we would have peace for example: ( i do not mean to offend you or anything) someone russian idk someone who read this thread would find your opinion offending or useless idk just because it's different from the way he thinks the way he was taught

Edited by kapa45
Posted (edited)
Oh yes, a divinity with a human form and human language and human brain, and human appearence made the universe thinking just in humans and making all for the humans, because we, the humans, know that what happend exactly by saying there is a super Santa claus that made all for us, because all is about humans, right?


I never said that and this is precisely why i use the words "Highr Power" So you can't attack me with your this bullshit. Stop going off topic and come back to my original question. Why i am saying you are going off topic? Because you are talking about humans and humans are living on small planet called earth, and the significance of this planet earth is nothing compare it to universe.


All is chaos man, we are living cuz chaos get random bullshit on a this planet we living in, and because this planet had the fuking luck to stay in a specific average of temperature that alowed some particules to interact between them and create live.


I study psichology, there are some rules to determinate causality of things and taking the relation with racionality:


the 1rst rule is the antecedence, the cause must be before the effect.


the 2nd rule is that the cause have to covariate with the effect.


the 3rd rule is the capacity, the cause have to be able to provoque the effect.


If u just use 1 of these rules u get on a fallacy, that means a creence about causality that is totally wrong.


All the religions base his arguments on the 3rd rule, they create stupid theories that, for who explains with this point of view, use just the 3rd rule (he fall in fallacy and he take wrong causality).


The emergence of myths and rituals in all cultures is related to the need to establish causality on certain events, generating explanations for the 3rd rule (capacity rule).


The cause (god) is able to do the effect (the world/universe), but about the other 2 rules they don't take a shit, they just say: "God is able to do it" and they stay happy like retards, thats the problem, no one know what the fuck is the universe appart of a fuking big space of fisical particules and energy randomly and chaotical distribuited all along the universe, how the fuck u want to know what is the universe?? Yes u can create retarded theories about gods and shit to get the 3rd rule done, but u will never know a shit about what is the universe because u are part of this chaotic shit that we call universe, the only i understand is that there is a suposed infinite space plenty of fisical particules and energy and if some conditions are done live can appear, we are all formed by particules of diferend kind of elements that interact between them and afortunatelly we got the right combination in this planet, first because of the ideal temperature average, and 2nd because of the necessary elements that where in this planet to interact and make live.


There is no point on believe that Santa claus make all because he is human and all is about humans and for humans, we are the center of all ;)


Stop argueing like kids saying: "if god don't exist, who made the universe?" first of all, we as humans can't know this shit randomly, 2nd if u really think we are special u are wrong, we just a fuking retard living specie more in our planet, who knows if in all the universe there are other planets with the similar temperature and elements conditions that get toghether in this planet and made developement of life possible.



I think we should care about what we can know and fix the bugs that we have in our planet called Earth, before trying to explain bullshit that don't and won't affect us never.




I have my ideas clear, you?


- - - Updated - - -


BTW this offtopic has gone épical.


Most of the things you are saying here are your ideas, and you can keep your ideas to yourself and with those who share same ideas with you, but for me i don't care about your ideas. If you want me to follow you then present your facts about how this universe came into existence? and i will follow you. Until then stop judging others based on your ideas. This is just madness to force others to follow your ideas.


Ohh wait by forcing your ideas to others you actually want to do something good like


I think we should care about what we can know and fix the bugs that we have in our planet called Earth, before trying to explain bullshit that don't and won't affect us never.

How exactly you are going to do this? and if you think we will never come to know about this higher power or existence of this universe then present your fact. Are you so sure that even if we will find out how our universe came into existence or if we will find that higher power, it won't affect us? then bring your facts.


But you don't have any facts and if anyone is against your ideas then they are like kids. and this is how you are going to solve this problem? Here read these stats about world population and religion according to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religious_populations, if we will go with these stats then only approx 1 billion people are agree with your idea and remaining 6 billion are against your ideas. So if you will call them kids, retarded and bullshit, Can you stay in peace with them? I think simple answer is No


And here is how i think we can solve this problem, you have your ideas and we have our ideas and we both have different ideas and none of us have the proof for our ideas. So instead of calling each others retarded, kids, bullshit etc, why not we should come together on common terms and work together to make this world a better place to live in?


You should respect my point of view and i will respect yours. so stop calling us that we are like kids.


I hope you understand my point, i am trying to stop this conflict by coming together on common terms. Because i am sure of it that everyone of us want to stop this war. so we all can live peacefully.


--Update --


If you think we are going off topic from this thread, How about i will create new topic called, How our universe came into existence, and we can talk about it there.

Edited by Evilgoddess
jonte you think every muslim is a terrorist so from that view you actually say you know all muslims name me a muslim you know very very well and not from isis that you think is a terrorist pls?


How about you quote me stating any of those, huh?


Can't just say I think every muslim is a terroist, bring me some facts, link where I've said that.

Posted (edited)

"and pujo you think out of the box too much keep it simple god is there and he's very real"


Yes, exist because something have to be able to make all the shit, no matter what, all the universe is made by a human god and for the humans, we are the center of all!!! (sarcasm)


First we where the center and the sun sorrounded our planet, and god made all for us, now just the god ideas are present, cuz was proved that the earth turns arround the sun, because humanity use to create ridiculous gods and magical theories to put a reason in all when there is no reason cuz all is about %.



Oh yea thats what im talking about, loving this magical and stupid way to understand the world we are living in :')

Edited by Señorpujo
jonte you think every muslim is a terrorist so from that view you actually say you know all muslims name me a muslim you know very very well and not from isis that you think is a terrorist pls?



and pujo you think out of the box too much keep it simple god is there and he's very real either that or there are no miracles neither you would be here keep it simple the more you make it complexe the more harder it gets and it will confuse you there are many mysteries in the universe and we're probably not that close to finding them out as most ppl think anyway friend you just overthink it but you have a very good point there and think it's totally right there is not even an actual proof that santa even exists phisically or spiritually so here are my thoughts:

1-yes we should fix earth cause we're like drugs we're making it die slowly by second

2-we are not special beings actually trees do to the world more than some ppl i'd rather not mention the large number

3-i disagree with you god does exist if you want proofs read history don't look at present as an example check the past and muslims history with all it's tragedies you'll actually find it pretty interesting


i really like your way of thinking it's pretty amazing i was like you before i looked more into it.you have a good way of thinking we could use more ppl like you but you make more complexe than it is simpler is better i mean mate all wars are created because ppl just overthink i'd rather say it's stupid if we did understand our differences we would have peace for example: ( i do not mean to offend you or anything) someone russian idk someone who read this thread would find your opinion offending or useless idk just because it's different from the way he thinks the way he was taught


Man i don't understand why you give your point on a forum about your religion what you want to proof ? I mean, if you want proof something create a blog or idk -_-

how this universe came into existence?


Already told u, there is something called science.


But u are free to believe on Santa Claus in god mode, u and everyone thats why the world is a shit, cuz everyone who believe in any religion is like a big kid believing in a magic world.



Anyway i don't care, i already asumed the retarded way to see the world we living in of the religious people.


- - - Updated - - -


approx 1 billion people are agree with your idea and remaining 6 billion are against your ideas.


Thats why humanity is going so bad in this planet, the major part of the population is retarded, don't have any studies/knowledge about how the world works (fisics and energy) and believe in a magical world like kids do.


You are free to believe in something invented by humans to explain what they can't if it fulls u.

  • Like 1
1 billion people are agree with your idea and remaining 6 billion are against your ideas.


There's also 6 billion people that are destroying our planet right now while being aware of it and they still do it. (I'm religious so I'm not tryna beef)

Posted (edited)
Already told u, there is something called science.


Thats not sufficient, I want your facts, bring your facts


But u are free to believe on Santa Claus in god mode, u and everyone thats why the world is a shit, cuz everyone who believe in any religion is like a big kid believing in a magic world.

And here again you are repeating yourself with same bullshit again and again, when you don't have any facts to backup your point.


Anyway i don't care, i already asumed the retarded way to see the world we living in of the religious people.

This is your problem, that your thinking is so childish that you can't find any solution for us to live together peacefully despite our different ideas. You just want everyone to follow you blindly and if anyone is against you then they are like kids. Now this is what i called science(Your understanding of scicene), your logic is awesome.


- - - Updated - - -

Thats why humanity is going so bad in this planet, the major part of the population is retarded, don't have any studies/knowledge about how the world works (fisics and energy) and believe in a magical world like kids do.


You are free to believe in something invented by humans to explain what they can't if it fulls u.


Do you have any facts to backup your statement? If not these are just empty words and no one cares about it. I suggest you should start going to school again from your kindergarten classes, Maybe this time you will be able to understand how to solve any problem or how to present any facts to backup your points.


And again if you want a solution about this conflict then read my previous post carefully.



There's also 6 billion people that are destroying our planet right now while being aware of it and they still do it. (I'm religious so I'm not tryna beef)


Bring your facts

Edited by Evilgoddess
  • Game Masters
Posted (edited)
Already told u, there is something called science.


But u are free to believe on Santa Claus in god mode, u and everyone thats why the world is a shit, cuz everyone who believe in any religion is like a big kid believing in a magic world.



Anyway i don't care, i already asumed the retarded way to see the world we living in of the religious people.


- - - Updated - - -




Thats why humanity is going so bad in this planet, the major part of the population is retarded, don't have any studies/knowledge about how the world works (fisics and energy) and believe in a magical world like kids do.


You are free to believe in something invented by humans to explain what they can't if it fulls u.


Just don't call humanity "bad" just because they do believe in a god and they have a religion.Respect other opinions even if you don't like it so please lets keep this topic in "friendly mode".


Once again your theory about killing ppl is right and wrong at the same time.Yes some ppl kill others because they don't believe in their religion (brainwashed by others) but god of each religion isn't responsible since he NEVER said to kill someone if he/she doesn't believe on him.


So blame people not religions...This reminds me Licher and server rules.Everyone blame Licher for muting ppl "unfairly" but lets be honest he ban them because pandawow admins established bad rules.So in those 2 examples I gave u have to blame people (1st example) and for my 2nd example blame admins for making bad rules in server and not Licher who has to follow server rules if he want to continue to be staff member.

Edited by Jegerm
Posted (edited)
Bring your facts


"Fun fact: planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Mankind? About 140,000 years old. Let me put that in perspective: If you condense the Earth's lifespan into 24 hours, that's one full day, then we have been here on this planet for......drumroll please......three seconds. Three seconds, and look what we've done."


"In the next 10 to 100 years, every beloved animal character in every children's book is predicted to go extinct. Lions? Gone. Rhinos? Gone. Tiger? Gorilla? Elephant? Polar bear? Gone. In three seconds."


There's my fact. In that entire video, every second.

Edited by Jonte

"Fun fact: planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Mankind? About 140,000 years old. Let me put that in perspective: If you condense the Earth's lifespan into 24 hours, that's one full day, then we have been here on this planet for......drumroll please......three seconds. Three seconds, and look what we've done."


"In the next 10 to 100 years, every beloved animal character in every children's book is predicted to go extinct. Lions? Gone. Rhinos? Gone. Tiger? Gorilla? Elephant? Polar bear? Gone. In three seconds."


There's my fact. In that entire video, every second.


lets assume that video is your fact, then according to that fact, all Humanity is responsible for this, not just 6 billion out of 7 billion. And keep in mind we are talking about living not dead.

lets assume that video is your fact, then according to that fact, all Humanity is responsible for this, not just 6 billion out of 7 billion. And keep in mind we are talking about living not dead.


You don't get what I'm talking about, do you know why every animal will die and what happens happen to our planet? Because 6 billion people make dumb choices, 90-95% of our population eats meat, that's why animals will die out, and because we buy clothes and stuff that requires to kill animals, but the remaining % of our population is vegan and does not support these acts. I have my facts.

You don't get what I'm talking about, do you know why every animal will die and what happens happen to our planet? Because 6 billion people make dumb choices, 90-95% of our population eats meat, that's why animals will die out, and because we buy clothes and stuff that requires to kill animals, but the remaining % of our population is vegan and does not support these acts. I have my facts.


Earlier you quotes those 6 billion people, thats why i quoted them back. But actually u was trying to tell me something different, ok lets talk about it.


As far as i can understand your point, you are saying only those people who eat Meat are destroying our planet, and those who eat vegetables they aren't doing any harm to our planet, Am i correct?

As far as i can understand your point, you are saying only those people who eat Meat are destroying our planet, and those who eat vegetables they aren't doing any harm to our planet, Am i correct?


No, I'm just using examples, I'll give you more...


When roads are built, mountains are blown off using dynamite. 1. Natural habitats damaged. 2. Plants and animals are killed.


People cut too many trees for lumber or paper or building houses. 1. Many plants and animals grow on trees; biodiversity is reduced. 2. Soils in the area is easily eroded. 3. Reduced food source. 4. Plants and animals used as medicine are reduced.


Some farmers use too much chemical fertilizers to replenish soil fertility. 1. Destroys the quality of soil. 2. Both human and animals are harmed ( toxicity of chemicals).


- - - Updated - - -


I can get you like 5 more examples, and don't take my number too serious, it was just a "about that number" thing.

Posted (edited)
No, I'm just using examples, I'll give you more...


When roads are built, mountains are blown off using dynamite. 1. Natural habitats damaged. 2. Plants and animals are killed.


People cut too many trees for lumber or paper or building houses. 1. Many plants and animals grow on trees; biodiversity is reduced. 2. Soils in the area is easily eroded. 3. Reduced food source. 4. Plants and animals used as medicine are reduced.


Some farmers use too much chemical fertilizers to replenish soil fertility. 1. Destroys the quality of soil. 2. Both human and animals are harmed ( toxicity of chemicals).


- - - Updated - - -


I can get you like 5 more examples, and don't take my number too serious, it was just a "about that number" thing.


I think now i got your point, but what you said earlier i disagree with that. let me quote you again.



You don't get what I'm talking about, do you know why every animal will die and what happens happen to our planet? Because 6 billion people make dumb choices, 90-95% of our population eats meat, that's why animals will die out, and because we buy clothes and stuff that requires to kill animals, but the remaining % of our population is vegan and does not support these acts. I have my facts.

So from here what i understood was, our planet is dying because 6 billion people are making dumb choices. But my knowledge is telling me that almost everyone of us is destroying the resources of this planet one way or another, but most people make dumb choices and they are destroying it faster.



so its not only 6 million or (approx 90-95% from your recent post) or even if we shouldn't take these numbes seriously, all of us are doing it, thats exactly what i said earlier.

Edited by Evilgoddess
So from here what i understood was, our planet is dying because 6 billion people are making dumb choices. But my knowledge is telling me that almost everyone of us is destroying the resources of this planet one way or another, but most people make dumb choices and they are destroying it faster.



so its not only 6 million or (approx 90-95% from your recent post), all of us are doing it, thats exactly what i said earlier.


Yes, our planet is dying because humans make dumb decisions, and it's pretty much 6 billion that does that, 6 billion, not 6 million, 6 billion adults that make dumb choices, children are innocent.

Yes, our planet is dying because humans make dumb decisions, and it's pretty much 6 billion that does that, 6 billion, not 6 million, 6 billion adults that make dumb choices, children are innocent.


well, children are also destroying our planet if we think deeply about it, but because they don't know anything about it and they can't make any choice about it, so i agree with you that they are innocent.

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