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Posted (edited)
If you want to tell us that something exist or not then you have to present your scientific fact

Okay then if god is good and he exists, why haven't we seen them. And the main question is, are you sure heaven exists, or do you hope so?


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go kill yourself you little keyboard warrior faggot.

You are saltier than the sweat you have all the time you fat ginger jizz inhaler. They should make a sweat farm and milk you from it, hooray, vidar invented new solar powering, he can power whole norway.

Edited by Hjorhji San
  • Like 1
English isn't my first language...If you don't have nothing to add just don't post useless stuff in this topic and ofc since you can't really answer on my question you just starting to insult just to avoid my question.So please 17 years old son go work out and leave this topic


go neck yourself fucking son of a bitch, you are uneducated.. im from narnia and english isn't my 1st nor 2nd nor 100th and atleast i know basic english, so before you type something make sure u take english lessons (jk, u are poor af).


and yeah, you don't have the right to comment on threads because you are stupid af and you don't know english lmao, i bet you are 25 and your life sucks, no doubt.

Posted (edited)


Not every religious person believe word for word what their holy book states. Of course, there are some; these are called Literalists, and from my experience, they're a minority.


Most of my religious friends actually believe in the Big Bang and the Theory of Evolution despite being fairly piest. Stop saying everyone who follows any religion whatsoever is stupid because you're just making yourself out to be ignorant as heck.


I'm going to give a quote which is quite famous and by you should know:

Science without religion is lame,

Religion without science is blind. (by Einstein btw)

These aren't necessarily disagreeing with you but you're turning a blind-eye to the first quote. Yes, many people believe in the Big Bang Theory but just as no-one can explain how, where and why God exists, no-one can explain what triggered the Big Bang...

Edited by Deielrion
pujo we do not disagree but we don't agree as well nobody has answers right now so nobody is right until the hidden answers are shown some believe in god some may not some follows their ancestors some just can't and what Deielrion said is right and ppl stop insulting everyone you see i didn't make this thread for that reason so pls just share your thoughts and maybe some answers will come from that
Posted (edited)
pujo we do not disagree but we don't agree as well nobody has answers right now so nobody is right until the hidden answers are shown some believe in god some may not some follows their ancestors some just can't and what Deielrion said is right and ppl stop insulting everyone you see i didn't make this thread for that reason so pls just share your thoughts and maybe some answers will come from that


The world is about molecules, elements, energy, interaction between molecules etc, we are all made by molecules, all what exist is made by that, no matter if its alive (organic) or not (inorganic), alive means molecules that interact between them, taking/using energy from the enviroment and interacting with it, as living subjects we just are all made by molecules, that are inside each one of our cells, cells that interact between them, making a big system of interactions that also interact with the enviroment.


So, from this fact, how started life? from the basic and most simple level of interaction between molecules.


Why in earth? what we know as life need some conditions of temperature, water, and oxigen or other elements that are abundant in earth, that made possible the first interactions, after a huge long time of changes in the complexity of these interactions, the structures in interaction got more and more complex.


Those first organic molecules were associated with each other to form long chains. Some of these chains were wrapped with membranes, becoming preliving cells (precursors of the first cells). The slow evolution of these primitive structures born of life and its various forms.


Life arose in the water and needs water to stay. 70% of the land surface is covered by water. Of this 97% is sea water and 3% fresh water.



Now??... oh yes, sure that alot of u don't even know what im talking about here kek, because of fuking ignorance about what is the world we living made of..



If u still believe on a god knowing that u just idiot, the idea of god was invented for humans to explain what they don't know, is the easiest way (IF THERE IS NO GOD HOW LIFE STARTED, ETC..) don't dare to say that there are no proffs of what im saying cuz all of what i said about molecules and etc its already proved by the science..


- - - Updated - - -




Minority means worse?? there is a minority of people that become rich, a minority that become famous, a minority that is NOT RETARDED, etc etc.


Taking as an argument the fact of the majority or the minority is totally irrelevant for any justification of anithing.




People believe in god because is the easiest way to put any meaning of why they are alive and what will happen after die, to stay happy with kid thoughts about the world they are living in.


Its useful to believe in religions?? in some way, yes.


Its the reality we all are living in?? NO, it just makes a fake meaning of life for people that can't hold the idea of a life without any meaning, or the idea of what happens when they die (NOTHING, YOU JUST FUKING DIE, YOU GONE, YOU OFF, YOU DISCONECTED, YOU STOP INTERACTING WITH THE ENVIROMENT, ETC, ETC ETC..)

Edited by Señorpujo
Okay then if god is good and he exists, why haven't we seen them. And the main question is, are you sure heaven exists, or do you hope so?

None of us have the scientific fact that if God exist or not. But i have my opinion about it and you have your opinion about it. What i am asking you is to respect my opinion and i will respect your opinion. Tell me whats wrong with that?


And its same with your 2nd question about Heaven too. I don't have any scientific fact about does it exist or not. But my opinion is yes it does exist and if you are going to go against my opinion then you have to present your scientific fact about it. Or you can respect my opinion and i will respect yours.


And if you want to know more about why i think it exist then PM me on skype and i will explain to you why i think it does exist. Because its something subjective, so if anyone want to hear about my story about it, then contact me.



felxprod you are right,



Stop insulting others, because you are big insult for yourself if you can't provide the facts for what you said. Bring your facts.

The world is about molecules, elements, energy, interaction between molecules etc, we are all made by molecules, all what exist is made by that, no matter if its alive (organic) or not (inorganic), alive means molecules that interact between them, taking/using energy from the enviroment and interacting with it, as living subjects we just are all made by molecules, that are inside each one of our cells, cells that interact between them, making a big system of interactions that also interact with the enviroment.


So, from this fact, how started life? from the basic and most simple level of interaction between molecules.


Why in earth? what we know as life need some conditions of temperature, water, and oxigen or other elements that are abundant in earth, that made possible the first interactions, after a huge long time of changes in the complexity of these interactions, the structures in interaction got more and more complex.


Those first organic molecules were associated with each other to form long chains. Some of these chains were wrapped with membranes, becoming preliving cells (precursors of the first cells). The slow evolution of these primitive structures born of life and its various forms.


Life arose in the water and needs water to stay. 70% of the land surface is covered by water. Of this 97% is sea water and 3% fresh water.



Now??... oh yes, sure that alot of u don't even know what im talking about here kek, because of fuking ignorance about what is the world we living made of..



If u still believe on a god knowing that u just idiot, the idea of god was invented for humans to explain what they don't know, is the easiest way (IF THERE IS NO GOD HOW LIFE STARTED, ETC..) don't dare to say that there are no proffs of what im saying cuz all of what i said about molecules and etc its already proved by the science..


- - - Updated - - -




Minority means worse?? there is a minority of people that become rich, a minority that become famous, a minority that is NOT RETARDED, etc etc.


Taking as an argument the fact of the majority or the minority is totally irrelevant for any justification of anithing.




People believe in god because is the easiest way to put any meaning of why they are alive and what will happen after die, to stay happy with kid thoughts about the world they are living in.


Its useful to believe in religions?? in some way, yes.


Its the reality we all are living in?? NO


Dude... what on earth... how can I dumb it down anymore?




Now, can you explain where these molecules arose from? I'm not taking any sides here, but I want to provide a balanced argument.

I can tell you what happened during the Big Bang Theory and why certain things happened, and why other things didn't but that doesn't mean I can explain how these molecules all started from a single point in the first place and how all these quarks existed before everything from an area of pure nothingness.

Posted (edited)

If you are not weak of mind and you can assume the reality, you should not believe in any religion/magic idea about the world that sorround you.


If u are weak and you can't handle these fact of the world you living in, you can take any religion and life happy, thats why religions are good for, to bring any meaning to your life.


- - - Updated - - -


Dude... what on earth... how can I dumb it down anymore?




Now, can you explain where these molecules arose from? I'm not taking any sides here, but I want to provide a balanced argument.

I can tell you what happened during the Big Bang Theory and why certain things happened, and why other things didn't but that doesn't mean I can explain how these molecules all started from a single point in the first place and how all these quarks existed before everything from an area of pure nothingness.


Where are molecules from? so now God just make all the molecules randomly arround the universe, is that the idea?


The human god that made all for the humans, with a human appearence/brain turns now into something that make all the molecules of the universe and put on the Universe TV Channel to see what happens during all the fuking huge amount of time passet since the suposed origin of all universe??


(who knows if there is even a origin of the universe, who knows if thats just how is all, without any origin, the idea of time its a concept that humans made to understand the world that sorrounds us).


Whats about the first retard idea of the male and female of each specie now? btw there are alot of things that are "life" and don't have any fuking gender or anything like that..


- - - Updated - - -


None of us have the scientific fact that if God exist or not. But i have my opinion about it and you have your opinion about it.


If you ignore/don't know anything about the facts im talking about is because of your ignorance, not because the lack of facts. All i said about molecules is already proved..


Its not my opinion, its about the facts taken in a scientist way.




Define a question

Gather information and resources (observe)

Form an explanatory hypothesis

Test the hypothesis by performing an experiment and collecting data in a reproducible manner

Analyze the data

Interpret the data and draw conclusions that serve as a starting point for new hypothesis

Publish results

Retest (frequently done by other scientists)




Invent the idea of god

Explain all by this idea no matter what

Don't proff anithing, just believe it like kids believe in Santa claus when they are told about it.

Be happy living in the ignorance without know anithing about the world that sorround u.

Ignore science evidences/explanations.

Edited by Señorpujo
The world is about molecules, elements, energy, interaction between molecules etc, we are all made by molecules, all what exist is made by that, no matter if its alive (organic) or not (inorganic), alive means molecules that interact between them, taking/using energy from the enviroment and interacting with it, as living subjects we just are all made by molecules, that are inside each one of our cells, cells that interact between them, making a big system of interactions that also interact with the enviroment.


So, from this fact, how started life? from the basic and most simple level of interaction between molecules.


Why in earth? what we know as life need some conditions of temperature, water, and oxigen or other elements that are abundant in earth, that made possible the first interactions, after a huge long time of changes in the complexity of these interactions, the structures in interaction got more and more complex.


Those first organic molecules were associated with each other to form long chains. Some of these chains were wrapped with membranes, becoming preliving cells (precursors of the first cells). The slow evolution of these primitive structures born of life and its various forms.


Life arose in the water and needs water to stay. 70% of the land surface is covered by water. Of this 97% is sea water and 3% fresh water.



Now??... oh yes, sure that alot of u don't even know what im talking about here kek, because of fuking ignorance about what is the world we living made of..



If u still believe on a god knowing that u just idiot, the idea of god was invented for humans to explain what they don't know, is the easiest way (IF THERE IS NO GOD HOW LIFE STARTED, ETC..) don't dare to say that there are no proffs of what im saying cuz all of what i said about molecules and etc its already proved by the science..


- - - Updated - - -




Minority means worse?? there is a minority of people that become rich, a minority that become famous, a minority that is NOT RETARDED, etc etc.


Taking as an argument the fact of the majority or the minority is totally irrelevant for any justification of anithing.




People believe in god because is the easiest way to put any meaning of why they are alive and what will happen after die, to stay happy with kid thoughts about the world they are living in.


Its useful to believe in religions?? in some way, yes.


Its the reality we all are living in?? NO, it just makes a fake meaning of life for people that can't hold the idea of a life without any meaning, or the idea of what happens when they die (NOTHING, YOU JUST FUKING DIE, YOU GONE, YOU OFF, YOU DISCONECTED, YOU STOP INTERACTING WITH THE ENVIROMENT, ETC, ETC ETC..)


You didn't answer my previous question.


How this universe came into existence?


And you keep talking some more bullshit about life, first answer my previous question then we can talk about it too.

Posted (edited)
You didn't answer my previous question.


How this universe came into existence?


And you keep talking some more bullshit about life, first answer my previous question then we can talk about it too.


read what i wrote up.


About the origin of universe, if it has origin (we can't even know if there is a moment 0), no one of us will probably never know, and creating ideas of gods and other magic histories won't answer that.


The idea of divinities and magic is all inside humans brain, nothing is real about all what religions believe in, all is in their brains to compensate the sensation of ignorance, humans in general are weak, and need to believe in something to life in peace, need to explain everything even if they just can't, just because they can't hold the idea of a world without any meaning, without any magic.

Edited by Señorpujo
read what i wrote up


You think i replied back without reading it?


Do you even know the difference between universe and life? If you do then try to read my question carefully. I will post it again, and lets hope this time you can understand the question but with your current level of ignorance i doubt it, that you can even understand my question.


How does this universe came into existence?

Posted (edited)

Already told ya about that, if u readed you shold not ask again..



Where are molecules from? so now God just make all the molecules randomly arround the universe, is that the idea?


The human god that made all for the humans, with a human appearence/brain turns now into something that make all the molecules of the universe and put on the Universe TV Channel to see what happens during all the fuking huge amount of time passet since the suposed origin of all universe??


(who knows if there is even a origin of the universe, who knows if thats just how is all, without any origin, the idea of time its a concept that humans made to understand the world that sorrounds us).


About the origin of universe, if it has origin (we can't even know if there is a moment 0), no one of us will probably never know, and creating ideas of gods and other magic histories won't answer that.


The idea of divinities and magic is all inside humans brain, nothing is real about all what religions believe in, all is in their brains to compensate the sensation of ignorance, humans in general are weak, and need to believe in something to life in peace, need to explain everything even if they just can't, just because they can't hold the idea of a world without any meaning, without any magic.

Edited by Señorpujo

This is actually ridiculous.


All you do is say "molecules" and assume the role of a scientist.

I hope you realise that most of the famous scientists, all of which are relevant to this particular topic (physicists etc) are/were religious? You can't say that it's either science or religion. I've said this so many times now - YOU CAN BE BOTH.


Firstly, what are molecules? How can they be defined? I'm going to assume that you're talking about elements considering how flawed your posts are.


Elements are made up of atoms. Atoms are made up sub-atomic particles such as electrons, neutrons, and protons etc. These are made up of quarks/baryons/hadrons w/e you want to call them.


These existed at the very start of the Universe. They Universe expanded to near its size now in less than a nonillionth of a second. Amazing, right? Now... Where did these quarks come from? As I said, you saying "molecules" isn't going to answer this question because, as mentioned before, IT CAN'T BE EXPLAINED/JUSTIFIED. The closest they've come to proving the Big Bang Theory is by reproducing the environment the universe was 14 billion years ago. A point where everything was moving close to the speed of light. Why? Because there was SO much energy. Where did this energy come from? No explanation as before - they don't know! Perhaps this is why so many scientists believe in a God.

Posted (edited)
Firstly, what are molecules? How can they be defined? .




Man wtf is your question


What are stones?, what are trees? what is ALL?


For anything we see/discover in the world, we just make categories when we see similar caracteristics, we add a name to talk about that and thats all lol


- - - Updated - - -



These existed at the very start of the Universe. They Universe expanded to near its size now in less than a nonillionth of a second. Amazing, right? Now... Where did these quarks come from? As I said, you saying "molecules" isn't going to answer this question because, as mentioned before, IT CAN'T BE EXPLAINED/JUSTIFIED.


Oh yes i forgot, when we don't know something we just can aply the "God made it" rule, useful for anything we don't know/understand, we just apply a imaginative idea of someone that made it and we chill, so happy all right?



About the origin of universe, if it has origin (we can't even know if there is a moment 0), no one of us will probably never know, and creating ideas of gods and other magic histories won't answer that.


The idea of divinities and magic is all inside humans brain, nothing is real about all what religions believe in, all is in their brains to compensate the sensation of ignorance, humans in general are weak, and need to believe in something to life in peace, need to explain everything even if they just can't, just because they can't hold the idea of a world without any meaning, without any magic.

Edited by Señorpujo
read what i wrote up.


About the origin of universe, if it has origin (we can't even know if there is a moment 0), no one of us will probably never know, and creating ideas of gods and other magic histories won't answer that.


The idea of divinities and magic is all inside humans brain, nothing is real about all what religions believe in, all is in their brains to compensate the sensation of ignorance, humans in general are weak, and need to believe in something to life in peace, need to explain everything even if they just can't, just because they can't hold the idea of a world without any meaning, without any magic.


K, now i got your new answer about my question. and stop editing your old posts with new content. once i will read your old posts i won't read them again unless it's necessary.


So in other words you are saying you don't have any scientific fact to explain the existance of this universe.


And i also don't have any scientific fact for to answer all of the questions about it.


What we have here are only our opinion, and then why you can't respect my opinion about it? I respect your opinion you should do same.


And if you will call me that i am like kids just because my opinion is different from you, then i can't do anything about your ignorance.

Posted (edited)



- - - Updated - - -


stop editing your old posts with new content


Im writing each part and i go uploading.. i don't even read what someone answer till i finish posting lol


- - - Updated - - -


K, now i got your new answer about my question. and stop editing your old posts with new content. once i will read your old posts i won't read them again unless it's necessary.


So in other words you are saying you don't have any scientific fact to explain the existance of this universe.


And i also don't have any scientific fact for to answer all of the questions about it.


What we have here are only our opinion, and then why you can't respect my opinion about it? I respect your opinion you should do same.


And if you will call me that i am like kids just because my opinion is different from you, then i can't do anything about your ignorance.


Where are molecules from? so now God just make all the molecules randomly arround the universe, is that the idea?


The human god that made all for the humans, with a human appearence/brain turns now into something that make all the molecules of the universe and put on the Universe TV Channel to see what happens during all the fuking huge amount of time passet since the suposed origin of all universe??


(who knows if there is even a origin of the universe, who knows if thats just how is all, without any origin, the idea of time its a concept that humans made to understand the world that sorrounds us).


About the origin of universe, if it has origin (we can't even know if there is a moment 0), no one of us will probably never know, and creating ideas of gods and other magic histories won't answer that.


The idea of divinities and magic is all inside humans brain, nothing is real about all what religions believe in, all is in their brains to compensate the sensation of ignorance, humans in general are weak, and need to believe in something to life in peace, need to explain everything even if they just can't, just because they can't hold the idea of a world without any meaning, without any magic.


nothing more to say, u argue is so stupid lol


- - - Updated - - -


Religion 3,2k rating guide:


Invent the idea of god

Explain all by this idea no matter what

Don't proff anithing, just believe it like kids believe in Santa claus when they are told about it.

Be happy living in the ignorance without know anithing about the world that sorround u.

Ignore science evidences/explanations.

Edited by Señorpujo
Posted (edited)
K, now i got your new answer about my question. and stop editing your old posts with new content. once i will read your old posts i won't read them again unless it's necessary.


So in other words you are saying you don't have any scientific fact to explain the existance of this universe.


And i also don't have any scientific fact for to answer all of the questions about it.


What we have here are only our opinion, and then why you can't respect my opinion about it? I respect your opinion you should do same.


And if you will call me that i am like kids just because my opinion is different from you, then i can't do anything about your ignorance.


k, I got your point, But do you agree with it? if not tell us why?


-- update --

Invent the idea of god

Explain all by this idea no matter what

Don't proff anithing, just believe it like kids believe in Santa claus when they are told about it.

Be happy living in the ignorance without know anithing about the world that sorround u.

Ignore science evidences/explanations.


This is again your opinion, and i don't care about your ignorant opinion. if you want to tell others something then bring your fact.

Edited by Evilgoddess

My personal opinion, why u want to explain something that u can't explain/know because is out of your knowledge range, with the idea of a god, which is an idea that came from humans imagination?? its just stupid lol


If you can't know something, try to know it, if u still can't know it, just try to explain what is in your knowledge range. I don't see the point on creating useles magical ideas trying to full the empty space of ignorance..

My personal opinion, why u want to explain something that u can't explain/know because is out of your knowledge range, with the idea of a god, which is an idea that came from humans imagination?? its just stupid lol


If you can't know something, try to know it, if u still can't know it, just try to explain what is in your knowledge range. I don't see the point on creating useles magical ideas trying to full the empty space of ignorance..


Again this is your opinion, and ofc you are entitled to your stupid ignorant opinion, i don't care. if you wanna proof something to others bring your fact.

Again this is your opinion, and ofc you are entitled to your stupid ignorant opinion, i don't care.


So, u telling me that the only "argument" for u to believe in got is that u don't know about the origin of universe, so u just explain it creating the idea of god, and chill no?


You don't know something? don't worry, just say that its because of god and you will have free explanations for all what u don't know :) (its sad)

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