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Posted (edited)

Hey guys :D


We are looking for high rated players to join our 3x3 team (fix team) to push 3x3 ladder and achiev with one or more title.


Who we are?


- Samuelito/Samuelxo :shaman: : 3.1k in 2s / 2.6k in 3s (Duellist title during S1 , http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116838)

Can play almost every healer to a good lvl.


- Wàáàz :warlock: : 2.8k in 2s / 2.5k in 3s (Challenger title during S1, http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=116838)

Can play almost every dps to a good lvl and healers to a decent lvl.



What we are looking for?


We mainly looking for any dps (Mainly :druid: , :warrior: , :mage: , :rogue: , :deathknight: , :monk: ) but every offer will be consider.


If you want more info you can whisp us ingame (FUN server - Alliance), whisp me on forum/skype or just reply to this thread.


Thank you guys for reading this lines, dont offtopic/feed the drama and peace :heart:

Edited by krizp
samuelito lol,that shammy overhealed dk,balance 3v1 on arena,that's so legit loooool,just kidding,it's called skill kappa
Posted (edited)
samuelito lol,that shammy overhealed dk,balance 3v1 on arena,that's so legit loooool,just kidding,it's called skill kappa


Reported for off topic. (Also it would be nice if you could learn english properly)

Edited by krizp

Waz you little nigger. If you are for real so horny on a title pm me later in skype i can help you abit to climb in glad range


No but for real if you really want glad without trolling in 3s i can help

Waz you little nigger. If you are for real so horny on a title pm me later in skype i can help you abit to climb in glad range


No but for real if you really want glad without trolling in 3s i can help


Of course pmed you on skype. (Glad only? we want to be numero uno!)

Waz you little nigger. If you are for real so horny on a title pm me later in skype i can help you abit to climb in glad range


No but for real if you really want glad without trolling in 3s i can help

God fucking damn denis penis, you're fucking unbelievable.

Hey guys wassup, i'm 2.9 rsham 2.5 in 3s, played with waaz last season to that rate, and i've also played with u samuel but tbh i don't remember on which char, im around 2.5 dk and warrior, if u someday wanna try out few games we can try ^^ gl anyways boyz, and don't give a fuck about the toxicity here around, it's just annoying.
Waz you little nigger. If you are for real so horny on a title pm me later in skype i can help you abit to climb in glad range


No but for real if you really want glad without trolling in 3s i can help


shut up nolifer fucking faggot or i will suck ur father's dick #NAZZISAZZI#DENISPENIS


Hey Samuelito,


i dont know if this post is still actual (up-to date) but i want to mention myself fast,

maybe you know my ingame name : Liquidcityx, Redbullheals ,Cloudfx ( current rank 10 and 13 on liquidcityx and redbullheals) and server best 2s stats this season on my alt monk cloudfx)

I started playing monk since 5.0.5 in the first day it came out on retail. Achieved gladiator title ( Winepress (Mughtol EU) ) on retail, sadly got no screens or proofs because my old notebook gave up and i cant even start it anymore and account was sold and char renamed, got a vid on yt where i went 2,2k+cr in 2s on retail with tenzor, maybe you know him.

On pandawow i got 3 seasons rank 1 monk in a row ( first season 3039) (second season 3041) (third season 3194 MAX EXP) , got also no proofs for that because this achieves were made on my old notebook aswell... but you can ask neik if you know him , he can tell you i have 3194 exp, played pandawow since 5.0.5 , had a break of almost 2 years and came back last season in the last 3 weeks and pushed 2800+ (with proofs), this season i got 2914 max rating ( with proofs) // This all is for mw monk, now it comes to ww, 3-4 seasons ago ( non rewarded season) i played 1 season long on one of my monks only ww and got 2876 cr as ww / rdruid. Experienced in 3s also...

Sorry for the long post , wasnt playing 3s this season because mw isnt really viable in 3s here because of statue of the wise serpent is bugged , and went few games with low exped people on my windwalker and they couldnt outheal me... died in opener, one game we went against a holy pala and a shadow and mage and i was forced to use karma after 10 seconds the game started and ofcourse my karma got bopped instant by the pala and i got a shitstorm from my healer how bad i was , he trinketed the silence and didnt bubble to outheal me.. so ye, nevermind

afterall looking forward to maybe push with you ( skype is no problem , speaking english ,german and russian fluent) just reply to this message, and still have a good day

Hey Samuelito,


i dont know if this post is still actual (up-to date) but i want to mention myself fast,

maybe you know my ingame name : Liquidcityx, Redbullheals ,Cloudfx ( current rank 10 and 13 on liquidcityx and redbullheals) and server best 2s stats this season on my alt monk cloudfx)

I started playing monk since 5.0.5 in the first day it came out on retail. Achieved gladiator title ( Winepress (Mughtol EU) ) on retail, sadly got no screens or proofs because my old notebook gave up and i cant even start it anymore and account was sold and char renamed, got a vid on yt where i went 2,2k+cr in 2s on retail with tenzor, maybe you know him.

On pandawow i got 3 seasons rank 1 monk in a row ( first season 3039) (second season 3041) (third season 3194 MAX EXP) , got also no proofs for that because this achieves were made on my old notebook aswell... but you can ask neik if you know him , he can tell you i have 3194 exp, played pandawow since 5.0.5 , had a break of almost 2 years and came back last season in the last 3 weeks and pushed 2800+ (with proofs), this season i got 2914 max rating ( with proofs) // This all is for mw monk, now it comes to ww, 3-4 seasons ago ( non rewarded season) i played 1 season long on one of my monks only ww and got 2876 cr as ww / rdruid. Experienced in 3s also...

Sorry for the long post , wasnt playing 3s this season because mw isnt really viable in 3s here because of statue of the wise serpent is bugged , and went few games with low exped people on my windwalker and they couldnt outheal me... died in opener, one game we went against a holy pala and a shadow and mage and i was forced to use karma after 10 seconds the game started and ofcourse my karma got bopped instant by the pala and i got a shitstorm from my healer how bad i was , he trinketed the silence and didnt bubble to outheal me.. so ye, nevermind

afterall looking forward to maybe push with you ( skype is no problem , speaking english ,german and russian fluent) just reply to this message, and still have a good day


That shit is longer than my job resume. FeelsBadMan

  • Like 2
not trying to be a dick, but liquicityx is not a gladiator on retail, this excuse that mw is not viable in 3s lool, maxuhmilli is almost 2k in 3s, vegari too. tbh you are just a sphere spammer, 2s tryharder and old backpeddal vendor lol.
Idk why ppl actually have to fake rating/titles. No1 on here has been #1 on retail (except shelby, but doesnt play anymore)


it's false, sokween was r1 on retail too (ask him on stream : https://www.twitch.tv/sokween)


- - - Updated - - -


Hey Samuelito,


i dont know if this post is still actual (up-to date) but i want to mention myself fast,

maybe you know my ingame name : Liquidcityx, Redbullheals ,Cloudfx ( current rank 10 and 13 on liquidcityx and redbullheals) and server best 2s stats this season on my alt monk cloudfx)

I started playing monk since 5.0.5 in the first day it came out on retail. Achieved gladiator title ( Winepress (Mughtol EU) ) on retail, sadly got no screens or proofs because my old notebook gave up and i cant even start it anymore and account was sold and char renamed, got a vid on yt where i went 2,2k+cr in 2s on retail with tenzor, maybe you know him.

On pandawow i got 3 seasons rank 1 monk in a row ( first season 3039) (second season 3041) (third season 3194 MAX EXP) , got also no proofs for that because this achieves were made on my old notebook aswell... but you can ask neik if you know him , he can tell you i have 3194 exp, played pandawow since 5.0.5 , had a break of almost 2 years and came back last season in the last 3 weeks and pushed 2800+ (with proofs), this season i got 2914 max rating ( with proofs) // This all is for mw monk, now it comes to ww, 3-4 seasons ago ( non rewarded season) i played 1 season long on one of my monks only ww and got 2876 cr as ww / rdruid. Experienced in 3s also...

Sorry for the long post , wasnt playing 3s this season because mw isnt really viable in 3s here because of statue of the wise serpent is bugged , and went few games with low exped people on my windwalker and they couldnt outheal me... died in opener, one game we went against a holy pala and a shadow and mage and i was forced to use karma after 10 seconds the game started and ofcourse my karma got bopped instant by the pala and i got a shitstorm from my healer how bad i was , he trinketed the silence and didnt bubble to outheal me.. so ye, nevermind

afterall looking forward to maybe push with you ( skype is no problem , speaking english ,german and russian fluent) just reply to this message, and still have a good day


Hey that would be pretty nice if we could do some "test" game to see how the synergie is, and maybe we can play some LSMW with dio if he is up ;)


- - - Updated - - -


Hey guys wassup, i'm 2.9 rsham 2.5 in 3s, played with waaz last season to that rate, and i've also played with u samuel but tbh i don't remember on which char, im around 2.5 dk and warrior, if u someday wanna try out few games we can try ^^ gl anyways boyz, and don't give a fuck about the toxicity here around, it's just annoying.


Hey we allreay have some healers but

i will looking for players to play with you maybe contact me ingame for futher info/games

it's false, sokween was r1 on retail too (ask him on stream : https://www.twitch.tv/sokween)


- - - Updated - - -




Hey that would be pretty nice if we could do some "test" game to see how the synergie is, and maybe we can play some LSMW with dio if he is up ;)


- - - Updated - - -




Hey we allreay have some healers but

i will looking for players to play with you maybe contact me ingame for futher info/games


He was never r1 lol. He's glad, not r1. Last time i checked was for like 2-3 months ago. Might be wrong, but doubt it.

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