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Tournament 3x3 [EU]


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Well said sir. Would be believable if you would have aclue bout the game bow retard. Use googme if you dont trust me. Ele mage druid is called shatter cleave but hey w/e ur bad anyways so who cares


Actually fire/ele is called volcano cleave pretty obvious tbh both use red ish spells therefor volcano while ele/frost could be shatter idk so both of you are right pretty much

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As far as i know, volcano cleave was a thing back in cata and was ele firemage + disc priest. In mop even ppl like livin called it shatter cleave (with a rdruid) . Even tho they played fire. Anyways doesnt matter since im probs wont be able to play anyways
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Is it so hard to host a tournament ? I even we (teamplay) managed it to manage a proper tournament so idk wheres ur problem srsly


That was back when Pandawow was 10x more competitive (it never was truly competitive but at least somewhat) and had alot more good players, not alot of them remain.

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