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Guardian spirit

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I'll post here a picture of the tooltip's description. Even if it were to be affected, the amount of healing received from outside sources as well as the total heal given if the Spirit dies renders Battle Fatigue of no effect whatsoever due to the fact the 60% received neutralizes the 60% reduced. That leaves 50% healing nonetheless.




Ye, thats a logic answer.


- - - Updated - - -


Look, guardian spirit shouldn't be affected by battle fatigue because it wasn't in s15.


Now, it's not "either all not affect or all affect jajjajajaja".

Think of Guardian Spirit as a death mechanic. It's effect only triggers on death. And what does death do? Remove all buffs/debuffs. And what is Battle Fatigue? An invisible debuff. So it gets removed on death and THEN the effect triggers. Get it now?


Then again, blizz might have had a different reasoning.


Thats a random answer.

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It's because of the percentages involved between Guardian Spirit and Battle Fatigue that makes it clear Guardian Spirit shouldn't be affected in that last 50% percent. Battle Fatigue is already being canceled out by the 60% healing received under Guardian Spirit, which means there's no extra healing benefit being received by the target with it being active. In the long run, there's no reason Guardian Spirit can be considered bugged if you look at the way Guardian Spirit acts to counteract Battle Fatigue and not the other way around. Yes, there's still that wild 50% healing occurring when the Guardian Spirit dies, but Battle Fatigue is neutralizing and being neutralized by the heals that come from spells other than Guardian Spirit. The Guardian Spirit only itself heals the Priest or other friendly target when it sacrifices itself so the healing there remains unaffected otherwise.
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