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Armor reduce stack

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http://prntscr.com/blhgs2 + http://prntscr.com/blhgvl

fun, x100 and cross realm

How works now: armor reduce stack, reducing armor by 100%+ cholosal strike%, and the armor reduce alow everyone to hit more to the target, not just the rogue or the war in separated dmg (rogue with 100% armor reduce and war with x% in separated/respective way, atm both do dmg with 100% from rogue + x% of cholosal smash armor reduce)

How should work: armor reduce should not stack, and each class should have his armor reduce effect, without sharing it (rogue should get benefit from the 100% armor reduce and warrior from the x% of cholosal, not both for the hole 100+x% armor reduce from both).

10/10 gamebreaking bug


Screenshots of the mad dmg caused by this bug in arena:


http://prntscr.com/blhisg +40k melee/Golpe hits (without shadow blade) from rogue (Jassyx)

http://prntscr.com/blhj09 240k ambush/Emboscada inside arena

http://prntscr.com/blhkco 53k fisic bleed/Herida envenenada from rogue

http://prntscr.com/blhkif +80k bleed/Veneno mortal from rogue (idk what is bugging this)

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