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Posted (edited)

Say to me "go que 3s" then when zanked and telpin connect , they all disconect :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:




9 Чернокнижник Worstworldz Fun 237 60 2352


11 Воин Johnyblàzex Fun 131 32 2347


53 Монах Vegari Fun 168 70 2126 (2.9 retail) :mocking:

Edited by Takaa. <3
you know that me and machmollo live in brazil and its 9pm here so imo you are the real tryharder here logging 3am in your country to snipe someone (as tsg). LOL so fail
  • Like 1
you know that me and machmollo live in brazil and its 9pm here so imo you are the real tryharder here logging 3am in your country to snipe someone (as tsg). LOL so fail


Too bad , u should just shut the fuck up mate u fucked urself ...

Begging me for que then dodge , keep going mate

Plus: malbe went off because djfreez was tryna snipe him with low cr alts to make him lose big points on main. djfreez denied to log his main so he went off and later us
Also i never said im 2.9 retail. you are just mad cause you failed in your tryhard snipe in 3am in ur country time


Snipe ? u are begging me for que cant you read ? , dodging all day

Plus: malbe went off because djfreez was tryna snipe him with low cr alts to make him lose big points on main. djfreez denied to log his main so he went off and later us

we had 2k group mmr, malbe off cause he scare lose vs wmp kek

lol this guy is so retarded it wasnt a snipe because takaa just said : quein at 2 am and worstworld answered to him with a : Q 3s : ) so " snipe " is a big word here ( nice dodge btw ) :mocking:
  • Like 1
Plus: malbe went off because djfreez was tryna snipe him with low cr alts to make him lose big points on main. djfreez denied to log his main so he went off and later us


so u are afraid to que on djfreez ? XD

  • Administrators
This bug will be fixed in the nearest future, don't worry. Even with this dodge your rating will be decreased.
  • Like 3

i wont even comment here anymore. djfreez try to snipe with his alts tryna making us lose 25points (if we lose) and win 5 points (if we win). takaa just went full retard to snipe us (cause playing tsg even being a shit player) and failed. no more comments


- - - Updated - - -


This bug will be fixed in the nearest future, don't worry. Even with this dodge your rating will be decreased.


you didnt understand the topic did you?

i wont even comment here anymore. djfreez try to snipe with his alts tryna making us lose 25points (if we lose) and win 5 points (if we win). takaa just went full retard to snipe us (cause playing tsg even being a shit player) and failed. no more comments


- - - Updated - - -




you didnt understand the topic did you?


dont talk please man when u get proc vs djfrez u didnt enter for dont loose any rating , he got imgur man




Dodge? Please, we stayed queueing for 1 hour. Then we came to q, dj queueing 1.3 mmr team with no cr expecting to get us, since there were 3-4 queues at his mmr, thunder and wmd. Bastards

Rofl takaa' date=' ur funny, id love to que against ur tsg, the game would be so balanced.[/quote']

we que 2.2 WMP but he dodge anyway :pardon:

This bug will be fixed in the nearest future' date=' don't worry. Even with this dodge your rating will be decreased.[/quote']

its actually a bad new for malbe that used to wintrade.. rip malbe 2016-2016


2.2 mmr? Dj frezer 2k cr, u 1.6 cr, ur priest 100 cr, russian, learn math

Anyways, any1 who knows me, learned from me that priest holy is shit against lock affly in 3s, specially WLS, ur wmp would be ez farmed : )

2.2 mmr? Dj frezer 2k cr, u 1.6 cr, ur priest 100 cr, russian, learn math

Anyways, any1 who knows me, learned from me that priest holy is shit against lock affly in 3s, specially WLS, ur wmp would be ez farmed : )


guys just stop talk u dont see zeox message ? if u do foul play rating = decrease

2.2 mmr? Dj frezer 2k cr, u 1.6 cr, ur priest 100 cr, russian, learn math

Anyways, any1 who knows me, learned from me that priest holy is shit against lock affly in 3s, specially WLS, ur wmp would be ez farmed : )

go farm 1400 teams at 3-4 am if u want... bye

Hey zeox anyways, takaa - craigxgen, realznk - fotmhero he changed name for doesnt get banned for abusing shard of dalaran, kofeek also tried to catch him, but too late. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=179625&page=3&highlight=Dalaran

Maybe u could get it at logs


Yes go check logs and see when i renamed =)

( u think i dont gonna get my title because i dc in dalaran start ? nice try man) = -20 rating for me and zank GG NICE ABUSE

thats what u say here but dodging in game Kapparino


If i dont want que in that moment and im chilling at bgs is dodge? Frenchs have school? Or shower? Learn what is dodge before saying something.

Posted (edited)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]113184[/ATTACH] You've been saying all night >> '' queue 3s '' > queue 3s djfreez '' Edited by djfreez

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