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You still get hexed after you exit the bear form.


You should either get hexed or immune (Not get hexed after you exit the bear form)




x100 Realm (Probably its the same on xFun)


10/10 Because it can confuse the player when it happens and it can force a trinket when it looked like it was all fine.


Proof, http://plays.tv/video/5772fd3fb58a3d95c1/hex-bug


*Sorry about the audio*

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THIS, i swear i have noticed this bug with polymorph aswell. Shifting a incoming FULL DR poly, getting out of travel form 2s later and finding myself in a 6s poly
im not an expert but i think this is important 11/10 Kappa


it actually is important because it happened to me on our mains numerous amounts of times and they forced def's on us

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