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Vicious Saddle token to pursache arena mounts.


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Realm: 100x.


Faction: Alliance.


Character Name: Antheia.


What's bugged: Vicious Saddle.


Issue: I did not received in my mailbox the Vicious Saddle tokens where i can buy both arena mounts [Reins of the Vicious Warsaber] and [Reins of the Vicious War Steed].


What should happen: When i win 100 ranked arena matches i should receive in mailbox two tokens where i can use them to pursache both the arena mounts.


Proof: https://gyazo.com/cfd8e3d5b785786c8871271c27e99363 , https://gyazo.com/b449664594a61c0eb089f83b1fdba72a , https://gyazo.com/9e36828a320c2c23872015913944fbd6 .


Priority: 5/10

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