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Which comp is the strongest in the arena?  

126 members have voted

  1. 1. Which comp is the strongest in the arena?

    • WLS (warlock+warrior+shaman)
    • WMS (warrior+mage+shaman)
    • WMD (warrior+mage+druid)
    • MLS (mage+warlock+shaman)
    • LSD (warlock+shaman+druid)
    • TSG (dk+warrior+shaman)
    • KFC (hunter+warrior+shaman)
    • PHS (paladin+hunter+shaman)
    • RMD (rogue+mage+druid)
    • Shadowcleave (dk+warlock+shaman)
    • Turbo (shaman+warrior+druid)
    • Wizard (mage+shaman+druid)
    • Ebola (dk+monk+paladin)
    • Jungle (druid+hunter+shaman)
    • RLS (rogue+warlock+shaman)

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Was just reading the comps, since when is monk/dk/hpal ebola? thats TWD (the walking dead), ebola is feral/dk/heal. Also, kfc is not only with shaman, might be played with paladin aswell, and with monk but some people call it KFChi then. Jungle comp is not only with shaman, actually in season 15 it was barely played with shaman, it was mostly with hpriests, in wod it became popular with sham, and it can be played with hpal aswell. Sorry if someone already pointed this out but I cba reading the entire thread.
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cba reading the entire thread


i dont like to dig in this NEW (ebola, spicy chicken, lenin) comp names at all, they look so retarded when people keep messing them up, its so much easier to just name class


and with monk but some people call it KFChi then

kfchi is one of the reasonable names for the comp, but its rsham (mostly) hunt, ww

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  • 3 weeks later...
Which comp is the strongest in the arena? What do you think about it?


It was a balanced as fuck season. In terms of which 1 comp was played most above glad rating? Definately godcomp, then KFC just, and then it was just a shit load of random comps lol. I didn't meet many LSDs, since there were very few ele shams 2800+ on EU afaik

Edited by Bapss
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For example at retail Jungle Cleave and KFC were tier 1 comps, but here not viable because too much bugs here

3150 jungle cleave S15


so need:

1)fix op heal orbs (healing too much at dampening)

2)fix broken damage for monk fist

3)fix broken damage for: arms warrior, fire mage, frost mage, elem shaman, retri paladin, demo warlock

4)fix broken healing for balance druid and retri paladin (they are not healers but healing more then holy / resto )

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For example at retail Jungle Cleave and KFC were tier 1 comps, but here not viable because too much bugs here

3150 jungle cleave S15


so need:

1)fix op heal orbs (healing too much at dampening)

2)fix broken damage for monk fist

3)fix broken damage for: arms warrior, fire mage, frost mage, elem shaman, retri paladin, demo warlock

4)fix broken healing for balance druid and retri paladin (they are not healers but healing more then holy / resto )


jungle wasnt t1 lol. just because mingyo and a russian druid played it over 3k doesnt make it a good comp

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For example at retail Jungle Cleave and KFC were tier 1 comps, but here not viable because too much bugs here

3150 jungle cleave S15

jungle wasnt t1 at all, with paladin for sure, it was nice vs lsd, but beast, jungle with priest, and lots of other comps was better that's why they have only 2.6

even i, on the road to 2.7 won that (with other glad mates) with no effort cuz it was just nice against certain comps and bad vs other, just like kitty (which we had on glad rating in s15)



bonus scene, playing on main a week before that in doublehealer hunt. tanked tons of rating, but it was fun, smth that people wont get if they snipe, afraid to lose their rating on a private server, abuse, etc


Edited by faina
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кто бы говорил. ты главный петух тут. все знают.

и истеришь как будто у тебя течка, даже с напарниками с которыми сосёшься годами, а все равно кричишь как подрезанная свинья.

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Забавно это читать от настоящего петуха, который без софта сидит на 2к рейтинге. Все кто будут играть с тобой в дальнейшем - мусор.
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ты можешь делать кому хочешь минеты, и кому хочешь давать в свой пердак.

зачем агрессировать на форуме?

просто пойди и отсоси ещё кому то, узбагойся!

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1) ты толстый, потому что в сперме содержится много протеина и белка - отсюда толстеешь ибо не сплёвываешь

2)ты наполовину хач, наполовину еврей

о каких дискуссиях с тобой может идти речь? тебя в природе не должно существовать, ибо давно нужно утилизировать такой мусор.

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в сперме содержится много протеина и белка - отсюда толстеешь ибо не сплёвываешь


А ты я смотрю много про сперму знаешь. Еще и сплевываешь по твоим же словам. Не зря я выше писал, что ты настоящий петух. Знаток. Ну ладно, обезьянка, не переживай, надейся на лучшее. Твой удел постить в лфг месседжи о наборе в гильдию и создавать левые репорты на форуме, а еще облизывать фрукты на арене, даже будучи с софтом, ведь обезьянка только за этим туда и ходит? Еще прикидываться Mehhom на стримах. Держи банан, ты заслужила http://68.media.tumblr.com/avatar_fe2d49222b26_128.png

Edited by Veynnzy
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прикидываться кем? у меня на стримах свой ник лол, который легко меня идентифицирует, его все знают.

ты тупой жирный еврей, если 3 словами описать тебя.


- - - Добавлено - - -


Thug Cleave (mm hunter, sub rogue, holy paladin) vs WMD (arms warrior , frost mage, resto druid)



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