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Elements curse stack in demon


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http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44332/curse-of-the-elements + Elements Aura in demon (in pandawow don't work as aura, work as an extra debuff)

fun realm

You can stack 2 elements course when u use demon and normal elements debuff.

You should not be able to stack 5% increased magic dmg x2.


8/10 doing 3c with mage+demon+heal you can stack 10% spell power buffs x2 (http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=190756) and an extra 5% magic dmg from the 2nd element curse.


video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUW95L1ORWQ

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Other classes dont benefit from neither Aura of curse of elements. Just sayin'. :)


mhm, rogues 5% magic dmg increase debuff removes warlock 5% elements, that means both increase 5% magic dmg taken by the objective no?

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