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1. Ebon Gargoyle

2. Description of the problem: He casts while moving.

3.How it must work:When you summon the gargoyle while targeting a player/NPC he starts casting his attacks on the target, if he is out of range or the target is out of his line of sight he will stop casting and fly to the target and when it is in his line and or range he will start casting again. Gargoyle cannot and i stress CANNOT! cast while moving.

4.Date when you tested it:20.8.2016

5.Realm: Fun

6.Priority of the problem: 10/10 this makes gargoyle do unavoidable damage.


7.Proof:In this video at 0:47

you can see the gargoyle attempting to cast while also moving, that's true but if you look closely you will see that the cast was canceled and the spell never hit cause he moved, the visual of him casting was probably caused by slight MS lag (it can happen everywhere, on retail or on a private server). If i will find any other clip that shows what i claim is true like the one from the earlier thread i will link.


8. Extra: I am not just sitting here and being pissed off at dk's gargoyle and how it F's me in arenas, i have mained a dk since 3.0 and was gladiator since s9-s17 in s18 i was R1 as a dk, gargoyle never casted while moving or moved while casting if he moves he stops casting his spell, it was always like this and still is.

Edited by WorstWarriorNA
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Its clear on the videos, stop posting about this.



in Warlords of Draenor and in Legion Pre-Patch and Beta/Alpha/PTR it is the same.


we are in mop btw, not in wod or legion or ptr

Edited by Señorpujo
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It doesn't matter, Pujo. You need a video from somewhere other than PandaWoW to show how the Gargoyle is supposed to work, not just how it works now. If you can't or won't make the effort to prove how it is supposed to work on top of how it works now, it'll be refused every time. Oh, and if the video from retail shows the same as what's occurring now, once again it'll get declined. Edited by fenris
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It doesn't matter, Pujo. You need a video from somewhere other than PandaWoW to show how the Gargoyle is supposed to work, not just how it works now. If you can't or won't make the effort to prove how it is supposed to work on top of how it works now, it'll be refused every time. Oh, and if the video from retail shows the same as what's occurring now, once again it'll get declined.


the videos are not from pandawow lol, they are retail videos that Neff found

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the videos are not from pandawow lol, they are retail videos that Neff found


Yes and you can clearly see the gargoyle standing and casting, when the druid moved from the garg's line he tried to follow it, if he was moving while casting the cast would finish at 0:47 and hit the druid but it didn't. Meaning the gargoyle cannot cast while moving. Here's another video to demonstrate it:

at 6:30 you can see the gargoyle following the warrior and when he gets in his line he stops moving and starts casting.

And also i said it's the same on WoD and the PTR and the Pre Patch and Beta/Alpha cause they didn't change the cast of the gargoyle since ever it was always standing and casting never moving and casting, you can consider the gargoyle's spell a frostbolt; if you cast frostbolt and move it will stop the cast, if you stand and cast it the spell will be casted unless it gets interrupted.

Edited by WorstWarriorNA
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at 6:30 you can see the gargoyle following the warrior and when he gets in his line he stops moving and starts casting.



this video is perfect, gargole casts while moving and ends his cast instantly when he stops, so that means he casted while moving, you showed garogle moving cast by yourself..

Edited by player9
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God, I already said it. Gargoyle shouldn't move while cast, when target is not in gargoyles LoS it will follow it, Kinda like Mirror Images, It should stand in 1 play and cast.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pgS0F65J3g as 4.02 as u can see here gargoyle is standing at 1 place and it's not following anything, What is happening on pandawow: it follows it doesn't matter if target is not in his LoS. Take a look at the same video, from 5:20-5:35 U will see how he stopped casting and started to move, ( he was moving and casting bcuz warrior was in his LoS. I hope this proof is enough for and u will stop talking nonsense.
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Who is crying? Do u at least know what "crying" means? u don't get what im saying dude, You play dk right? Take a mage and test it, Ask mage to run away, Gargoyle will follow it and cast, What should happen is gargoyle should stand in 1 place and cast AND NOT FOLLOW IT until it's completly LoSing it. you probobly don't understand what the issue is.


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My video is from retail too, now lets talk about which one of this videos is more retail-like.

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http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=193090 -> https://gyazo.com/11a9a1017b1f08f5da1bdbd8c944ade0


0:47 as zanked said gargole was moving & casting same time so stop crying about this


Who is crying? Do u at least know what "crying" means? u don't get what im saying dude, You play dk right? Take a mage and test it, Ask mage to run away, Gargoyle will follow it and cast, What should happen is gargoyle should stand in 1 place and cast AND NOT FOLLOW IT until it's completly LoSing it. you probobly don't understand what the issue is.


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My video is from retail too, now lets talk about which one of this videos is more retail-like.



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Who is crying? Do u at least know what "crying" means? u don't get what im saying dude, You play dk right? Take a mage and test it, Ask mage to run away, Gargoyle will follow it and cast, What should happen is gargoyle should stand in 1 place and cast AND NOT FOLLOW IT until it's completly LoSing it. you probobly don't understand what the issue is.


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My video is from retail too, now lets talk about which one of this videos is more retail-like.


I guess this is the most retail like, since the druid you see on the youtube video sits at R7 (3270) and R20 (3225) on Retail ladder right now, and has been highest rated player several times.
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just saying Minpojke from retail would be enough


I guess it wouldn't because if he saw the video then I guess he could have figured that out himself, since the name he uses in the video is Minpojke and the title of the video is "kill Minpojke in 50 seconds."

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this video is perfect, gargole casts while moving and ends his cast instantly when he stops, so that means he casted while moving, you showed garogle moving cast by yourself..


No it's only shown that way because of MS difference, on the warrior's screen it looks like it casted while moving while on the dk's screen it didn't. You can even check for yourself, log on 2 accounts choose an account you want to use then log on a character on each account make your character from the second account follow your character from your main account and make your character from your main account auto run. Then alt tab between the two and you can see the difference in their position and distance from each other.


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Ok i give up if you want a bugged gargoyle with bad pathfinding fine by me, if you want to fix the damage but not his moving while casting bug making it OP fine whatever, but at least at the very least don't lie and say that it was intended to move while casting, cause it is false and never was this way.

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No it's only shown that way because of MS difference, on the warrior's screen it looks like it casted while moving while on the dk's screen it didn't. You can even check for yourself, log on 2 accounts choose an account you want to use then log on a character on each account make your character from the second account follow your character from your main account and make your character from your main account auto run. Then alt tab between the two and you can see the difference in their position and distance from each other.


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Ok i give up if you want a bugged gargoyle with bad pathfinding fine by me, if you want to fix the damage but not his moving while casting bug making it OP fine whatever, but at least at the very least don't lie and say that it was intended to move while casting, cause it is false and never was this way.

Finally. Guy with a brain.

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No it's only shown that way because of MS difference, on the warrior's screen it looks like it casted while moving while on the dk's screen it didn't. You can even check for yourself, log on 2 accounts choose an account you want to use then log on a character on each account make your character from the second account follow your character from your main account and make your character from your main account auto run. Then alt tab between the two and you can see the difference in their position and distance from each other.


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Ok i give up if you want a bugged gargoyle with bad pathfinding fine by me, if you want to fix the damage but not his moving while casting bug making it OP fine whatever, but at least at the very least don't lie and say that it was intended to move while casting, cause it is false and never was this way.


it trow the spell instantly when it stops, that means he was casting the 2s while moving, stop trying to lie for this fake report


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I guess this is the most retail like, since the druid you see on the youtube video sits at R7 (3270) and R20 (3225) on Retail ladder right now, and has been highest rated player several times.


so clear












Its clear on the videos, stop posting about this.





we are in mop btw, not in wod or legion or ptr


also clear

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