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it trow the spell instantly when it stops, that means he was casting the 2s while moving, stop trying to lie for this fake report


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so clear




also clear


Fake report? Let me remind you how long i've been playing a dk. SINCE 3.0 WHEN THEY CAME OUT!

But ofc you a guy that plays a private server knows better than me i am certain... Ok whatever enjoy your bugged spell.


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Ofc Pujo is not right he's more wrong than ever this time. He even knows it! He just wants dks to be OP again so he can get his precious 2s rating.

  • Like 1
I guess it wouldn't because if he saw the video then I guess he could have figured that out himself, since the name he uses in the video is Minpojke and the title of the video is "kill Minpojke in 50 seconds."


i guess ur right

Fake report? Let me remind you how long i've been playing a dk. SINCE 3.0 WHEN THEY CAME OUT!

But ofc you a guy that plays a private server knows better than me i am certain... Ok whatever enjoy your bugged spell.


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Ofc Pujo is not right he's more wrong than ever this time. He even knows it! He just wants dks to be OP again so he can get his precious 2s rating.


if you look closely you will see that the cast was canceled


A full green castbar usually indicates that the cast was successfull? https://gyazo.com/461c357ca1377525cf367dabf14384b0


And here > https://gyazo.com/bbc9532ee6acb40c0872d3d0cef9fae4 the Gargoyle casts a Gargoyle Strike successfully while moving, as you can see here > https://gyazo.com/e8030886dd6cf8b86bf58279605fc350 that he was.


You will need some better proofs, m9.

  • Like 1

I confirm what WorstWarriorNA said, Gargoyle should not be casting while moving, the Gargoyle's spell is considered like most caster spells besides few and some with special conditions (like Scorch, mage casts with the level 15 talent Ice Floes, incinerate Shadow bolt and Malefic Grasp with the level 90 talent Kil'jaeden's Cunning, any shaman/druid spell casted while Spiritwalker's grace buff is active, penance with glyph of penance, etc...).

Basically what that means is: If the gargoyle moves while casting the spell is interrupted and should not be continued to cast until he is in the target's line of sight and range and stops fully to cast.

The videos might show otherwise but that is simply the server's MS compared to the player's MS and WorstWarriorNA said you can test it out and see with 2 characters on 2 accounts.

I confirm what WorstWarriorNA said, Gargoyle should not be casting while moving, the Gargoyle's spell is considered like most caster spells besides few and some with special conditions (like Scorch, mage casts with the level 15 talent Ice Floes, incinerate Shadow bolt and Malefic Grasp with the level 90 talent Kil'jaeden's Cunning, any shaman/druid spell casted while Spiritwalker's grace buff is active, penance with glyph of penance, etc...).

Basically what that means is: If the gargoyle moves while casting the spell is interrupted and should not be continued to cast until he is in the target's line of sight and range and stops fully to cast.

The videos might show otherwise but that is simply the server's MS compared to the player's MS and WorstWarriorNA said you can test it out and see with 2 characters on 2 accounts.


What are you doing? Lol it's pointless


You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW.
I confirm what WorstWarriorNA said, Gargoyle should not be casting while moving, the Gargoyle's spell is considered like most caster spells besides few and some with special conditions (like Scorch, mage casts with the level 15 talent Ice Floes, incinerate Shadow bolt and Malefic Grasp with the level 90 talent Kil'jaeden's Cunning, any shaman/druid spell casted while Spiritwalker's grace buff is active, penance with glyph of penance, etc...).

Basically what that means is: If the gargoyle moves while casting the spell is interrupted and should not be continued to cast until he is in the target's line of sight and range and stops fully to cast.

The videos might show otherwise but that is simply the server's MS compared to the player's MS and WorstWarriorNA said you can test it out and see with 2 characters on 2 accounts.


That's litterly what i said. And yea you are right.

A full green castbar usually indicates that the cast was successfull? https://gyazo.com/461c357ca1377525cf367dabf14384b0


And here > https://gyazo.com/bbc9532ee6acb40c0872d3d0cef9fae4 the Gargoyle casts a Gargoyle Strike successfully while moving, as you can see here > https://gyazo.com/e8030886dd6cf8b86bf58279605fc350 that he was.


You will need some better proofs, m9.


In the first video you can clearly see that he cast didn't finish because the animation of the player being hit by the Gargoyle's cast didn't display, and Gargoyle can cast on a target if it is in his line and range while he is coming down, not in the direction of the player or diagonally, just straight down which was displayed in the second video.

  • Like 1
In the first video you can clearly see that he cast didn't finish because the animation of the player being hit by the Gargoyle's cast didn't display, and Gargoyle can cast on a target if it is in his line and range while he is coming down, not in the direction of the player or diagonally, just straight down which was displayed in the second video.


Frankly that is true.

Posted (edited)
No it's only shown that way because of MS difference' date=' on the warrior's screen it looks like it casted while moving while on the dk's screen it didn't.[/quote']


Let me help you plebs out. This is what he is talking about; https://www.twitch.tv/adlairo/v/84869358 58minutes 39seconds


Now look at me. I got gateway off, NOW LOOK how i turned on my WPE and moved 80% of my fear cast! :crazy:


And now shut up you private server heros. Including some higher privileged people, no offense. Triggers me that people don't believe what people say that actually played a class for a long peroid of time on live.

Edited by Autschbatsch
  • Like 1
Let me help you plebs out. This is what he is talking about; https://www.twitch.tv/adlairo/v/84869358 58minutes 39seconds


Now look at me. I got gateway off, NOW LOOK how i turned on my WPE and moved 80% of my fear cast! :crazy:


And now shut up you private server heros. Including some higher privileged people, no offense. Triggers me that people don't believe what people say that actually played a class for a long peroid of time on live.


Thank you for linking this vod it will help a lot.

Notice how the warlock feared while moving that's exactly how the gargoyle casted in the video proving that it is MS and the visual alters from person to person, since obviously casting a fear requires you to stand still you can't cast it while moving in 5.4.8.

No it's only shown that way because of MS difference, on the warrior's screen it looks like it casted while moving while on the dk's screen it didn't. You can even check for yourself, log on 2 accounts choose an account you want to use then log on a character on each account make your character from the second account follow your character from your main account and make your character from your main account auto run. Then alt tab between the two and you can see the difference in their position and distance from each other.


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Ok i give up if you want a bugged gargoyle with bad pathfinding fine by me, if you want to fix the damage but not his moving while casting bug making it OP fine whatever, but at least at the very least don't lie and say that it was intended to move while casting, cause it is false and never was this way.


it trow the spell instantly when it stops, that means he was casting the 2s while moving, stop trying to lie for this fake report


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I guess this is the most retail like, since the druid you see on the youtube video sits at R7 (3270) and R20 (3225) on Retail ladder right now, and has been highest rated player several times.


so clear












Its clear on the videos, stop posting about this.


also clear



Even the last post about this was declined because its obvious how gargole cast while moving in the retail videos, why is this post not closed yet lol

because its obvious how gargole cast while moving in the retail videos' date=' why is this post not closed yet lol[/quote']

so clear

You see it and you believe it gg. Like TV propoganda.

Ignorance is a blessing for the stupid so they can enjoy life.

  • Like 1
it trow the spell instantly when it stops, that means he was casting the 2s while moving, stop trying to lie for this fake report


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so clear




also clear



Even the last post about this was declined because its obvious how gargole cast while moving in the retail videos, why is this post not closed yet lol


If it's a fake post then plz tell me what personal gain do i get besides a more blizzlike server from fixing gargoyle's casting while moving bug if i only play 2 classes and DK is my main class do tell.

Like go ahead tell everyone what other motive can i have from this bug being fixed.

Honestly, if they fix pathfinding (ie can be los'd), and if they fix the fact that gargoyle is staying in melee range 24/7 even though it shouldn't, then it will be fine.


just trying to find anything right now but check about 1:35


Perfect example of how the gargoyle stops and casts until the hunter moves from his line of sight and then he stops casting and follows him.

Honestly' date=' if they fix pathfinding (ie can be los'd), and if they fix the fact that gargoyle is staying in melee range 24/7 even though it shouldn't, then it will be fine.[/quote']


I know right.... would be about time...

Let me help you plebs out. This is what he is talking about; https://www.twitch.tv/adlairo/v/84869358 58minutes 39seconds


Now look at me. I got gateway off, NOW LOOK how i turned on my WPE and moved 80% of my fear cast! :crazy:


And now shut up you private server heros. Including some higher privileged people, no offense. Triggers me that people don't believe what people say that actually played a class for a long peroid of time on live.


Thank you.

Perfect example of how the gargoyle stops and casts until the hunter moves from his line of sight and then he stops casting and follows him.


stop casting when the hunter goes behind the pilar, then he start casting again in movement and trows cast in movement, nice video

stop casting when the hunter goes behind the pilar, then he start casting again in movement and trows cast in movement, nice video




Ok fuck you you stupid idiot! Players like you give me cancer, your stupidity is beyond me, you're playing on a buggy private server thinking you know something but you don't.

If 2 retail dks tell you that garg never moves while casting or casts while moving you think just because it's the way it is on pandawow means that it's not bugged.


It's stupid idiotic and you just piss me off so much.

People like you are a waste of air flesh blood and time.

Do me a favor and jump off of a bridge.

Whoa dude relax.

I know his comments are stupid but chill, there's no point in getting mad over idiots.


I can't chill this mother fucker is triggering me so hard.

This little shit fucking never passed 1100 rating and suddenly he became an expert in wow.

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