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Im gonna make new one bcuz last one was closed, Im gonna post news today (ill try) If u want to help feel free to pm me.


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Djtpz: New PandaWOW Cancer?


Dionysus got DDOSED?! We have seen people Wintrading, PQR , WPE but DDos to win is something new! maybe this guy will claim Diaboliques scumbag throne. This guy DDosed repitch to win as well, Thanks to Akuyama this scumbag lord is exposed already. Will Gm ban this guy? Well he is for sure getting rating by cheating that is not cool, if gm banned people like Sadmana than they have to ban this guy too.


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This guy has titanic balls!


Priest named Swdjkxtoqtx got reported twice for using MC hack, First one from Totalia a.k.a "I get rating only from bm hunters", And second one from New Wintrader of Saad Clan: Chainzrow -http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194191&highlight=Mind+control+hack This guy is already banned so we all gucci 3000, but he is not the only one sadly, Maybe GM will disable this talent until it's fully fixed? like it was on retail? I don't know, Only thing i know is that PandaWOW is not retail-like.

Posted (edited)

Second Thread already!



2 Retail Dks,Noneed,Zanked, Myself and others: "gargoyle shouldn't move while cast" Funk (well-known for getting his rating on alt f4 season) And Eldkpujo (3K pve dk who was always complaining about something) are saying that gargoyle is perfect and the only issue is dmg of gargoyle, most of the ppl agree that gargoyles dmg should be higher than it is on pandawow, but Noneedholy refuses to make this fix come true (cringe) why? Who knows, As we all know Gargoyle is The biggest offensive cooldown for unholy death knights, But is it really that strong here? Pujo said:"Warrior Bleed does more damage than gargoyle strike" Maybe that's how it suppose to be? Back to Gargoyle movement and casting: This bug needs to be fixed, 8/10 priority, and instead of reading this comment go ahead and find some proof for big bug fixes.


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People want this scum to get banned right now, would be better if u reset his rating too in 3s too, "Gamebreaking" this is why Sadmana and Diabolique were banned, bcuz they did things similar to this! Whoever is listening I want #NomoreDdos everywhere Facebook Twitter Reddit EVERYWHERE!!!

Edited by Kingbachx

Guys guys guys, This thread is only for the PvP news! stfu and go find other threads to flood yayaya


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Question; Why not in GD instead of here? I mean the rules are .....special.




PvP news are PVP news


you'r life suck kingbitch


you suck.

New member of saad clan ROFL + gurubashi all day + gank people with pve gear + 15yr nerd who found your first girl in a game and now attempts to be her hero.

suck licher's dick pls

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

It's hot today :O

Vegari roasting Chainzrow :O Drama Alert? Lets see what happens!


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Was that Akuyama???

Minpojke Known for playing with one of the biggest abusers on this server and also for being disqualified for using alt f4 bug, is saying that IT WAS AKUYAMA WHO DDOSED REPITCH AND DIONYSUS :O http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194289 , As u can see in screenshots Akuyama is saying that he will DDos Minpojke and Absolutezero, Maybe he is the one who ddosed repitch and dionysus Or maybe not? Djtpz Admitted that he DDosed them, So Akuyama is innocent? Or no?


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Offtopic, if any of gm is watching this please check this threads http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=181643&page=3 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=180840

Edited by Kingbachx


Shadow priest gets buff on Pwow?

If you are dueling a shadow priest and u suddenly get kited by him, it's okay you are not crazy, since there is new bug http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194009

With double talent: Angelic Feather which increases your movement speed and also Phantasm which is basically a Freedom for shadow priest and maybe not just for shadow priest, I got to experience this bug which is pretty Annoying but in server where you get dominated by mw/wars Gm should Allow shadow priests to use them however, if Holy/disc priest uses it they should get banned Because Holy priests and Disc priests are pretty fat and not easy to kill.


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Also Merciless gladiator Noneedholy tried to get Djtpz banned as we can see it from this thread http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194351. Unfortunately Dennis forgot to add chat color he would've get DJtpz banned which is pretty Neet.


Done for today, As always i see you tomorrow!


The Truth

Absolute was playing with noneed around in 5.4 grievous season or something like that idk how mutch they played like really seriously or just some games idk but he noneed had abso on his skype from the past they played etc so when i came back to play cuz i left for half year after the first grevious season.


After i came back for the last season of 5.4 that was grievous season b4 prideful and than me and abso were in horde i had Minpojke on horde i was playing magetrainer aka dante fire mage resto and abso and magetrainer were friends and we did 3s etc and Absolute asked me if i want to play 2s "i was aight man lets go i dont have partner and shit" we played a lot we read in eachothers mind like you know if you playing with someone u'll know his reactions for things and you'll know his skill what will he do vs this and that etc.


I had char on 100x and he had too we just went to rank 1 we wanted rank1 on every bracket,okay lets play and b4 that noneed saw Absolute playing and noneed asked him if he wants to play and shit and absolute didnt answer to him.

Maybe thats why he got mad and after thats why he started to talk shit on Absolute how hes abusing everything like a random kid because he didnt want to play with him..


I was like okay he'll chill down and shit later but he continued it and after i was start the flame too,It started from here.

Well we knew going for rank1 here is easy as fuck like b4 that we got rank one many times without any problems and in that season there were money rewards and we were like oh lets go its takes like 1week if we play seriously to go for rank 1 aight we palyed played and abso bought me a char on 10x to get the rank1 too titles money okay we went there and we saw noneed tryharding rating there too cuz he knew we are not playing there so he can easily get rank but no,cuz we really farmed everyone down like srsly and we qued up abso bought me a tryanical char from last seasons it was cheap and i was okay bro i dont care we can win easily maybe it will challenge us if i have shit gear


Okay qued up bamm i was in tyranical abso had like half grevious and tyranical gear vs noneed they were full geared played resto druid fire mage with baz we played like few games 4-5 and we lost once it was pretty funny we had like 2k mmr they had 2.8k lol they were so mad like srsly after that they left the server i mean alt f4 rage quit whatever we really wanted to snipe him down but added him on friendlist etc to see if hes online or i made a level 1 char add him on friendlist and see if they r online or not playing etc and we just fast log up and que u know ,i made it and i saw char in elwynn forest in the human starting zone that fuckin char was always there if i logged up like srsly always 100% of the time he was sitting there i bet it was noneed i was logged down after 5min he came up with his main ..joke kid np so i got rank 1 from the last grievous season b4 this season and i wanted to sell my char cuz rank 1 i was mehh gimme points or something i posted my char on forum it was a pretty good char titles etc maybe some fuck will buy it and i fucked up i wrote there my skype.Noneed found my skype he added me on his skype and said on that lil message box when you add someone "I got you ;)" or something like this i didnt add him in the first i was okay kid goodjob...Okay time just flew away we played played noneed dodges dodges all day etc so we went up pretty high around 3k and they were 2.8-9 i dont remember now and they couldnt play and once we were playing arena vs random hunter priest on 10x and my net i started to lagg really seriously in this arena i thought like oh maybe a dc or something it happens you know but after i came back absolute was online noneed was playing vs a random team and i was wtf maybe my net was fucked up so in that day it happened me so many times like 3-4times in a row and after i said like yo this guy ddosin me i just figured out the things like he know my skype he can get my ip through skype


i figuered that out too i found a website you just put a name and u get the ip okay i wanted to stop this shit after i started to use a VPN or something i dont know skype ddos blocker and shits and saw a post on forum : some guy recorded me and absolute playing vs abu i think or a random team and he wrote :


Alt f4 abuser me and absolutezero,i was wtf is alt f4 im swear to my family i didnt know that happens in pandawow like i swear to god i didnt know this is bugged,after guy tested out and they said it was bugged ,okay they throw a video on that post i watched them okay first thing was in that video.(

) So there was a guy random level 1 char that was noneed i knew it he made random forum account and everything he was pretending its not him or anything he was the one who recorded me whatever after that in his post he said we were using alt f4 bug : so if you are using alt f4 it means your game closes instantly and u cant do shit its over you know your char is gone nobody can see you in friendlist they cant write to you u are instantly go offline if you use alt+f4...


Back to ddos its not really ddos its like an ip stresser internet stresset things ifound many free systems on google like ip stresser free you have to write to the website the ip there are many ddos systems i dont know them i saw many shits and u can change the stresser too like from 1mb to 200mb free and if you pay to them they will give you more usages so i bet it was something like this cuz i tested them out it was working for me ,so he did that on me its like a huge lagg i was lagging for more than 1 minute just imagine a massive lagg spike when you just see ppl running in 1 place and you cast your spells and nothing happen i was casting my hots lol, and after this my game was closed like if you timed out from the game back to the screen where you type your account and pass

if you get ddosed you are lagging for 1 minute i saw on that video i was running in one place for like 1minute and after i was offline even after i came back cuz abu is my friend and abso told him that noneed is ddosing me if they can wait me till i come back... If the enemy is not waiting 100% sure they kill absolute so its a free win for them..I dont get it how can people believe in this lie seriously,Try it yourself just go use alt f4 you will insta leave and try to lagg out somehow completely different things ,but here GMs are just lames as fuck ....



Never ever give your skype or anything to random ppl in a game cuz u never know what will happen,specially for me we were rank1 and we got fucked in the ass.


Well i just want to say in the end thanks for reading it i know my english is not the best but you will understand everything clearly how this happened to me,

im so sad ppl like noneed do such things like ddos or any other cheats to get what he wants.Im not hating on you Noneed but i just want to everbody know that Me and Absolutezero is clear never used any cheats we used our skills to get our ranks.If you are not s*cking noneed little dick than you will understand everything here.

Also my name "Minpojke" is just a random name not even fanboying him i just dont have creativity to make good names.I have char on 100x called Pelicanx u can call me like that i dont care.


Special thanks to Kingbach to posting this out.

Also Video


Time for you guys to judge.



Time to judge.


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Just read it all please.

Posted (edited)
bsolute was playing with noneed around in 5.4 grievous season

you already made mistakes in ur first line.


It was fun reading this story. I bet Minpojke ( ofc the pwow fanboy ) was working alot on this. So much pain 2 years after he ragequitted due not getting a title.


Akuyama ddosed you ... i ddosed you ... the whole world ddosed you


Also my name "Minpojke" is just a random name not even fanboying him i just dont have creativity to make good names.


Edited by Noneedmlgs
It's hot today :O

Vegari roasting Chainzrow :O Drama Alert? Lets see what happens!


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Was that Akuyama???

Minpojke Known for playing with one of the biggest abusers on this server and also for being disqualified for using alt f4 bug, is saying that IT WAS AKUYAMA WHO DDOSED REPITCH AND DIONYSUS :O http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=194289 , As u can see in screenshots Akuyama is saying that he will DDos Minpojke and Absolutezero, Maybe he is the one who ddosed repitch and dionysus Or maybe not? Djtpz Admitted that he DDosed them, So Akuyama is innocent? Or no?


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Offtopic, if any of gm is watching this please check this threads http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=181643&page=3 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=180840


it was djtpz. qwanya and noneed told me that he's known as a ddoser and scripter on retail. banned so he came here? who knows.

b4 that noneed saw Absolute playing and noneed asked him if he wants to play and shit and absolute didnt answer to him.

Maybe thats why he got mad and after thats why he started to talk shit on Absolute how hes abusing everything like a random kid because he didnt want to play with him..


hm many ppl told me that absolute farmed noneed thats why he's 24/7 complaining about dks is that true?

Posted (edited)
The Truth

Absolute was playing with noneed around in 5.4 grievous season or something like that idk how mutch they played like really seriously or just some games idk but he noneed had abso on his skype from the past they played etc so when i came back to play cuz i left for half year after the first grevious season.


After i came back for the last season of 5.4 that was grievous season b4 prideful and than me and abso were in horde i had Minpojke on horde i was playing magetrainer aka dante fire mage resto and abso and magetrainer were friends and we did 3s etc and Absolute asked me if i want to play 2s "i was aight man lets go i dont have partner and shit" we played a lot we read in eachothers mind like you know if you playing with someone u'll know his reactions for things and you'll know his skill what will he do vs this and that etc.


I had char on 100x and he had too we just went to rank 1 we wanted rank1 on every bracket,okay lets play and b4 that noneed saw Absolute playing and noneed asked him if he wants to play and shit and absolute didnt answer to him.

Maybe thats why he got mad and after thats why he started to talk shit on Absolute how hes abusing everything like a random kid because he didnt want to play with him..


I was like okay he'll chill down and shit later but he continued it and after i was start the flame too,It started from here.

Well we knew going for rank1 here is easy as fuck like b4 that we got rank one many times without any problems and in that season there were money rewards and we were like oh lets go its takes like 1week if we play seriously to go for rank 1 aight we palyed played and abso bought me a char on 10x to get the rank1 too titles money okay we went there and we saw noneed tryharding rating there too cuz he knew we are not playing there so he can easily get rank but no,cuz we really farmed everyone down like srsly and we qued up abso bought me a tryanical char from last seasons it was cheap and i was okay bro i dont care we can win easily maybe it will challenge us if i have shit gear


Okay qued up bamm i was in tyranical abso had like half grevious and tyranical gear vs noneed they were full geared played resto druid fire mage with baz we played like few games 4-5 and we lost once it was pretty funny we had like 2k mmr they had 2.8k lol they were so mad like srsly after that they left the server i mean alt f4 rage quit whatever we really wanted to snipe him down but added him on friendlist etc to see if hes online or i made a level 1 char add him on friendlist and see if they r online or not playing etc and we just fast log up and que u know ,i made it and i saw char in elwynn forest in the human starting zone that fuckin char was always there if i logged up like srsly always 100% of the time he was sitting there i bet it was noneed i was logged down after 5min he came up with his main ..joke kid np so i got rank 1 from the last grievous season b4 this season and i wanted to sell my char cuz rank 1 i was mehh gimme points or something i posted my char on forum it was a pretty good char titles etc maybe some fuck will buy it and i fucked up i wrote there my skype.Noneed found my skype he added me on his skype and said on that lil message box when you add someone "I got you ;)" or something like this i didnt add him in the first i was okay kid goodjob...Okay time just flew away we played played noneed dodges dodges all day etc so we went up pretty high around 3k and they were 2.8-9 i dont remember now and they couldnt play and once we were playing arena vs random hunter priest on 10x and my net i started to lagg really seriously in this arena i thought like oh maybe a dc or something it happens you know but after i came back absolute was online noneed was playing vs a random team and i was wtf maybe my net was fucked up so in that day it happened me so many times like 3-4times in a row and after i said like yo this guy ddosin me i just figured out the things like he know my skype he can get my ip through skype


i figuered that out too i found a website you just put a name and u get the ip okay i wanted to stop this shit after i started to use a VPN or something i dont know skype ddos blocker and shits and saw a post on forum : some guy recorded me and absolute playing vs abu i think or a random team and he wrote :


Alt f4 abuser me and absolutezero,i was wtf is alt f4 im swear to my family i didnt know that happens in pandawow like i swear to god i didnt know this is bugged,after guy tested out and they said it was bugged ,okay they throw a video on that post i watched them okay first thing was in that video.(

) So there was a guy random level 1 char that was noneed i knew it he made random forum account and everything he was pretending its not him or anything he was the one who recorded me whatever after that in his post he said we were using alt f4 bug : so if you are using alt f4 it means your game closes instantly and u cant do shit its over you know your char is gone nobody can see you in friendlist they cant write to you u are instantly go offline if you use alt+f4...


Back to ddos its not really ddos its like an ip stresser internet stresset things ifound many free systems on google like ip stresser free you have to write to the website the ip there are many ddos systems i dont know them i saw many shits and u can change the stresser too like from 1mb to 200mb free and if you pay to them they will give you more usages so i bet it was something like this cuz i tested them out it was working for me ,so he did that on me its like a huge lagg i was lagging for more than 1 minute just imagine a massive lagg spike when you just see ppl running in 1 place and you cast your spells and nothing happen i was casting my hots lol, and after this my game was closed like if you timed out from the game back to the screen where you type your account and pass

if you get ddosed you are lagging for 1 minute i saw on that video i was running in one place for like 1minute and after i was offline even after i came back cuz abu is my friend and abso told him that noneed is ddosing me if they can wait me till i come back... If the enemy is not waiting 100% sure they kill absolute so its a free win for them..I dont get it how can people believe in this lie seriously,Try it yourself just go use alt f4 you will insta leave and try to lagg out somehow completely different things ,but here GMs are just lames as fuck ....


Time for you guys to judge.



Time to judge.


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Just read it all please.


Edited by dkfromhell
  • Like 3
The Truth

Absolute was playing with noneed around in 5.4 grievous season or something like that idk how mutch they played like really seriously or just some games idk but he noneed had abso on his skype from the past they played etc so when i came back to play cuz i left for half year after the first grevious season.


After i came back for the last season of 5.4 that was grievous season b4 prideful and than me and abso were in horde i had Minpojke on horde i was playing magetrainer aka dante fire mage resto and abso and magetrainer were friends and we did 3s etc and Absolute asked me if i want to play 2s "i was aight man lets go i dont have partner and shit" we played a lot we read in eachothers mind like you know if you playing with someone u'll know his reactions for things and you'll know his skill what will he do vs this and that etc.


I had char on 100x and he had too we just went to rank 1 we wanted rank1 on every bracket,okay lets play and b4 that noneed saw Absolute playing and noneed asked him if he wants to play and shit and absolute didnt answer to him.

Maybe thats why he got mad and after thats why he started to talk shit on Absolute how hes abusing everything like a random kid because he didnt want to play with him..


I was like okay he'll chill down and shit later but he continued it and after i was start the flame too,It started from here.

Well we knew going for rank1 here is easy as fuck like b4 that we got rank one many times without any problems and in that season there were money rewards and we were like oh lets go its takes like 1week if we play seriously to go for rank 1 aight we palyed played and abso bought me a char on 10x to get the rank1 too titles money okay we went there and we saw noneed tryharding rating there too cuz he knew we are not playing there so he can easily get rank but no,cuz we really farmed everyone down like srsly and we qued up abso bought me a tryanical char from last seasons it was cheap and i was okay bro i dont care we can win easily maybe it will challenge us if i have shit gear


Okay qued up bamm i was in tyranical abso had like half grevious and tyranical gear vs noneed they were full geared played resto druid fire mage with baz we played like few games 4-5 and we lost once it was pretty funny we had like 2k mmr they had 2.8k lol they were so mad like srsly after that they left the server i mean alt f4 rage quit whatever we really wanted to snipe him down but added him on friendlist etc to see if hes online or i made a level 1 char add him on friendlist and see if they r online or not playing etc and we just fast log up and que u know ,i made it and i saw char in elwynn forest in the human starting zone that fuckin char was always there if i logged up like srsly always 100% of the time he was sitting there i bet it was noneed i was logged down after 5min he came up with his main ..joke kid np so i got rank 1 from the last grievous season b4 this season and i wanted to sell my char cuz rank 1 i was mehh gimme points or something i posted my char on forum it was a pretty good char titles etc maybe some fuck will buy it and i fucked up i wrote there my skype.Noneed found my skype he added me on his skype and said on that lil message box when you add someone "I got you ;)" or something like this i didnt add him in the first i was okay kid goodjob...Okay time just flew away we played played noneed dodges dodges all day etc so we went up pretty high around 3k and they were 2.8-9 i dont remember now and they couldnt play and once we were playing arena vs random hunter priest on 10x and my net i started to lagg really seriously in this arena i thought like oh maybe a dc or something it happens you know but after i came back absolute was online noneed was playing vs a random team and i was wtf maybe my net was fucked up so in that day it happened me so many times like 3-4times in a row and after i said like yo this guy ddosin me i just figured out the things like he know my skype he can get my ip through skype


i figuered that out too i found a website you just put a name and u get the ip okay i wanted to stop this shit after i started to use a VPN or something i dont know skype ddos blocker and shits and saw a post on forum : some guy recorded me and absolute playing vs abu i think or a random team and he wrote :


Alt f4 abuser me and absolutezero,i was wtf is alt f4 im swear to my family i didnt know that happens in pandawow like i swear to god i didnt know this is bugged,after guy tested out and they said it was bugged ,okay they throw a video on that post i watched them okay first thing was in that video.(

) So there was a guy random level 1 char that was noneed i knew it he made random forum account and everything he was pretending its not him or anything he was the one who recorded me whatever after that in his post he said we were using alt f4 bug : so if you are using alt f4 it means your game closes instantly and u cant do shit its over you know your char is gone nobody can see you in friendlist they cant write to you u are instantly go offline if you use alt+f4...


Back to ddos its not really ddos its like an ip stresser internet stresset things ifound many free systems on google like ip stresser free you have to write to the website the ip there are many ddos systems i dont know them i saw many shits and u can change the stresser too like from 1mb to 200mb free and if you pay to them they will give you more usages so i bet it was something like this cuz i tested them out it was working for me ,so he did that on me its like a huge lagg i was lagging for more than 1 minute just imagine a massive lagg spike when you just see ppl running in 1 place and you cast your spells and nothing happen i was casting my hots lol, and after this my game was closed like if you timed out from the game back to the screen where you type your account and pass

if you get ddosed you are lagging for 1 minute i saw on that video i was running in one place for like 1minute and after i was offline even after i came back cuz abu is my friend and abso told him that noneed is ddosing me if they can wait me till i come back... If the enemy is not waiting 100% sure they kill absolute so its a free win for them..I dont get it how can people believe in this lie seriously,Try it yourself just go use alt f4 you will insta leave and try to lagg out somehow completely different things ,but here GMs are just lames as fuck ....



Never ever give your skype or anything to random ppl in a game cuz u never know what will happen,specially for me we were rank1 and we got fucked in the ass.


Well i just want to say in the end thanks for reading it i know my english is not the best but you will understand everything clearly how this happened to me,

im so sad ppl like noneed do such things like ddos or any other cheats to get what he wants.Im not hating on you Noneed but i just want to everbody know that Me and Absolutezero is clear never used any cheats we used our skills to get our ranks.If you are not s*cking noneed little dick than you will understand everything here.

Also my name "Minpojke" is just a random name not even fanboying him i just dont have creativity to make good names.I have char on 100x called Pelicanx u can call me like that i dont care.


Special thanks to Kingbach to posting this out.

Also Video


Time for you guys to judge.



Time to judge.


- - - Добавлено - - -


Just read it all please.


All this text and still don't know what you're trying to say with such broken english.

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