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Shouldn't be reduced by battle fatigue


Any of these % maximum heal spells should be affected by battle fatigue then?






Edited by Señorpujo
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I can only tell you about priest, nothing else, and both priest spells shouldn't be affected by it

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Read the freaking tooltip for crying out loud! If a player receives damage, battle fatigue decreases the amount of healing by 60 percent. That means if someone takes damage, all of those spells are and should be affected by battle fatigue, regardless of whether or not a specific percentage is named. This isn't WoD which removed Battle Fatigue altogether, this is Mists, so this Battle Fatigue mechanic is and always should be in play. Do you guys really want to have to deal with DKs that you can't kill because you can't affect their heals? Or how about Druids? Battle Fatigue is designed to counterbalance the heals that you aren't always able to interrupt. Without Battle Fatigue, no healer would be killable because they'd always be able to outheal the incoming damage you deal. So, no, all those spells SHOULD BE and rightfully are affected by battle fatigue.
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Read the freaking tooltip for crying out loud! If a player receives damage, battle fatigue decreases the amount of healing by 60 percent. That means if someone takes damage, all of those spells are and should be affected by battle fatigue, regardless of whether or not a specific percentage is named. This isn't WoD which removed Battle Fatigue altogether, this is Mists, so this Battle Fatigue mechanic is and always should be in play. Do you guys really want to have to deal with DKs that you can't kill because you can't affect their heals? Or how about Druids? Battle Fatigue is designed to counterbalance the heals that you aren't always able to interrupt. Without Battle Fatigue, no healer would be killable because they'd always be able to outheal the incoming damage you deal. So, no, all those spells SHOULD BE and rightfully are affected by battle fatigue.


Actually some spells were not affected by battle fatigue back in s15 iirc.

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Read the freaking tooltip for crying out loud! If a player receives damage, battle fatigue decreases the amount of healing by 60 percent. That means if someone takes damage, all of those spells are and should be affected by battle fatigue, regardless of whether or not a specific percentage is named. This isn't WoD which removed Battle Fatigue altogether, this is Mists, so this Battle Fatigue mechanic is and always should be in play. Do you guys really want to have to deal with DKs that you can't kill because you can't affect their heals? Or how about Druids? Battle Fatigue is designed to counterbalance the heals that you aren't always able to interrupt. Without Battle Fatigue, no healer would be killable because they'd always be able to outheal the incoming damage you deal. So, no, all those spells SHOULD BE and rightfully are affected by battle fatigue.


Why are you so nervous when you reply, no need to be like that lol

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Here's the dilemma for me. If I'm going to fight in arenas, I have to be certain that I can do a lot of damage to my target. In fact, I have to be able to do more damage than the healer can heal. I rely heavily on battle fatigue to reduce the amount of healing my target receives in order to have a better chance of killing him or her in a fair fight. If a number of healing spells are not covered by battle fatigue, as Frostshotz alluded to, this can take on a number of different dimensions. It makes it even worse trying to take down a healer if certain of their spells are not covered by battle fatigue. Death Pact, by all rights, needs to be affected because of how much a DK can get back at any given time and Unholy DKs especially rely on it. So I get very nervous when stuff like this comes up because I know how much harder it'll get if certain spells no longer fall under battle fatigue. Like I said, the tooltip in-game says it reduces healing received by 60% when the target player takes damage.
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Here's the dilemma for me. If I'm going to fight in arenas, I have to be certain that I can do a lot of damage to my target. In fact, I have to be able to do more damage than the healer can heal. I rely heavily on battle fatigue to reduce the amount of healing my target receives in order to have a better chance of killing him or her in a fair fight. If a number of healing spells are not covered by battle fatigue, as Frostshotz alluded to, this can take on a number of different dimensions. It makes it even worse trying to take down a healer if certain of their spells are not covered by battle fatigue. Death Pact, by all rights, needs to be affected because of how much a DK can get back at any given time and Unholy DKs especially rely on it. So I get very nervous when stuff like this comes up because I know how much harder it'll get if certain spells no longer fall under battle fatigue. Like I said, the tooltip in-game says it reduces healing received by 60% when the target player takes damage.


Thats why i made the Guardian spirit report, in the video the priest gain exactly 50% of his hp, without any reduction, while death pact and other % of maximum health healing spells are all reduced by battle fatigue. Thats why i ask here, or all this kind of spells are afected, or none of them.

Edited by Señorpujo
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Okay, Pujo. Here's the answer to the Guardian Spirit question: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/10093369370. It's from 2013, but it's the closest to what you're asking now. It seems Guardian Spirit is NOT supposed to be affected by battle fatigue. I was wrong on THAT particular point. So only this one spell from the list you provided is exempt from battle fatigue. Edited by fenris
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Okay, Pujo. Here's the answer to the Guardian Spirit question: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/10093369370. It's from 2013, but it's the closest to what you're asking now. It seems Guardian Spirit is NOT supposed to be affected by battle fatigue. I was wrong on THAT particular point. So only this one spell from the list you provided is exempt from battle fatigue.


Oh ye its not like i said it but KEK


But it should be affected by dampening which is nt atm.

Edited by noneedblink
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Okay, Pujo. Here's the answer to the Guardian Spirit question: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/10093369370. It's from 2013, but it's the closest to what you're asking now. It seems Guardian Spirit is NOT supposed to be affected by battle fatigue. I was wrong on THAT particular point. So only this one spell from the list you provided is exempt from battle fatigue.


Wow don't work like that, if all player heals are afected, there is no exception, all the heals in pvp have to be reduced by battle fatigue. If all % of max HP heals are afected by battle fatigue, then guardian should too.

Edited by Señorpujo
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Let me give you a clue, if it wasn't affected on retail Mists, then it shouldn't be now, because either way you look at it, it cancels the battle fatigue effect out entirely. Battle Fatigue reduces healing by 60% and in-game Guardian Spirit amplifies healing by 60%. They basically neutralize each other. No other spell has a healing percentage high enough to off-set Battle Fatigue. Short of you reducing that percentage, Guardian Spirit will continue to neutralize the Battle Fatigue reduction every time.


Edit: And in case you want proof of my assertion that the two ultimately would cancel each other out, here's a picture for you.



Edited by fenris
Insertion of a Picture
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Let me give you a clue, if it wasn't affected on retail Mists, then it shouldn't be now, because either way you look at it, it cancels the battle fatigue effect out entirely. Battle Fatigue reduces healing by 60% and in-game Guardian Spirit amplifies healing by 60%. They basically neutralize each other. No other spell has a healing percentage high enough to off-set Battle Fatigue. Short of you reducing that percentage, Guardian Spirit will continue to neutralize the Battle Fatigue reduction every time.


Edit: And in case you want proof of my assertion that the two ultimately would cancel each other out, here's a picture for you.




Yes, thats logic.

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That's why Death Pact, Exhilaration, and Desperate Prayer are affected by Battle Fatigue. Their percentage heals don't neutralize Battle Fatigue at all. As for Second Wiind, I don't think even affecting it with Battle Fatigue would matter as despite Warriors being pretty powerful, a smart DPS caster can pretty much dish out more damage than that 3% heal can make up for, especially in 3s when the Warrior would have to worry about at least 2 DPS classes as well as the healer.
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