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Totems + Mind Control Bug


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1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc Necessarily add a link to WoWHead

Totems + Mind Control


2. Description of the problem. Try to explain all as best as you can. Describe what is not working exactly. Add proofs of your words - usually attached screenshot or the combat log - is enough.

When priest mind controls you, your totems (such as Windwalk Totem or Healing Stream Totem) no longer buff your partner.


3.How it must work. Necessarily give examples with the link to WoWHead, WoWWiki or WoWPedia. You can use any evidence, the main thing that it isn't your opinion, but official data from the official server WoW.

Totems (such as Healing Stream and Windwalk) should continue to heal and buff your teammates even when you are mind controlled. Totems should NEVER buff the enemy team.


4.Date when you tested it.



5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun), on which you have found the bug.



6.Priority of the problem. (1-10) It doesn't mean that if you will write 10, then developers will work on it in the first place. In the sum, we are creating our own priorities.


Edited by Bapss
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Im really sorry to inform you that this is working as it is intended :/


Sry kiddo, but I used to queue with Xanthic and Tezah/Blackmanx in 2s and we always used to let Priest MC us sometimes purely for this reason. Healing stream/tide totem and freedom should still work while you are mind controlled.


I don't expect a dogshit 2s hero like you or Akuyama to know this though, so by the mercy of my greatness you are both forgiven.

Edited by Bapss
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I'm not actually sure if you're trolling me or not, nah ..who am I kidding? Nobody could seriously be this retarded.


Sounds like you have got a lot of uncertainties and self-projection going on... Sort your life out & get a grip bro :)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Bapss don't report shit unless you know for a fact how it should work, you're wrong and multiple people have told you so

this report was a whole waste of time - it's working as intended..



you death scatter from a hunter, he puts trap on the floor, you MC the hunter, my partner can afk on top of the trap with no problem, the hunters partner walks on it while the hunter is in my MC, his trap is mine, his partner will become trapped

it's the same logic with totems, you used a totem, I MCed you (Shaman) your friendly to me now, you are technically in my party for a little while, totems will be beneficial to me and my group for how ever long the MC lasts for, link should be effected, tide should, stream, everything

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it's the same logic with totems, you used a totem, I MCed you (Shaman) your friendly to me now, you are technically in my party for a little while, totems will be beneficial to me and my group for how ever long the MC lasts for, link should be effected, tide should, stream, everything


That's not how it worked on Retail. If you MC a shaman, the shamans totems still heal+buff his teammates.


The opposite (what you are proposing) is dumb as fuck. You're saying that if you MC me, and I use tremor - then rather then break my MC, it should tremor for your teammates and not break my MC? Lmao.


That brings up another point. You can't Tremor your teammates MC atm. Just more proof that you don't know wtf you are talking about and that it's broken.


P.s. - You and your dogshit mage 2s heros trying to stop bugs getting fixed so that you can abuse, can keep commenting all you want - but it's not going to change the truth.

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can keep commenting all you want - but it's not going to change the truth.

What is the truth though? How do we know what the truth is? By just saying that you know how it works? If that would be case for every single report, pandawow would still be in the state of season 1, just saying, instead of writing articles explaining how you know it should work, try finding video evidence.

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What is the truth though? How do we know what the truth is? By just saying that you know how it works? If that would be case for every single report, pandawow would still be in the state of season 1, just saying, instead of writing articles explaining how you know it should work, try finding video evidence.





MC + freedom totem

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We had that discussion many times already and as stated already it IS a bug confirmed, just people like akuyama are to dumb and biased to realise it.


2s Hero.


Sorry, you're just too stupid ..I can't reply anymore to this thread


Lmao ofc you cant after that video. Bye

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Lmao this thread is golden. Repitch links clear evidence supporting what I'm saying (I'm always right on shaman bugs and have reported them all anyway so idk why nobody would believe me when I say something so obvious).



Then in response to the clear evidence, Akuyama explains:


Sorry, you're just too stupid


Nice argument+proof of it not being bugged bro.


..I can't reply anymore to this thread


Good because you don't know wtf you are talking about. I already told you multiple times I played with top players in s15 and we would purposely let priest MC sometimes because I had healing stream + freedom down and we were guccie. It's OP as fuck that you can MC and steal an entire healing tide + Freedom for your mage who can then just kite. So broken.


This bug is a joke and needs to be fixed already.



P.s. - Cheers repitch for finding the proof, i'm too lazy for dat shit ;):heart:

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via cellphone' date=' cant report now, grounding totem is not going out, somehow it only expires after it absorbs dmg spells, fear, sheep etc doesnt remove ground, infinite absorbs[/quote']

Yeah it eats sheep over and over and wont get removed after first sheep.

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