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Hi I have a big problems... My character Named:Clickhimself I Buy him he had 13 days after i relog he had 3 hour and all title gone (Arenas Master etc..) Now he have 5 days Played please fix that problems
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Version Download:Torrent

Reason:Hi I lost my 13 days Played on my character Clickhimself Now i'm 5 days Please can u repair that bug ? And i lost all my title..

Solve The Problems:I tried to Delete Cache Wow ReInstall Pandawow But nothing happend.

Screenshot: Full pvp(http://imgur.com/a/gEloY) Full pve:(http://imgur.com/a/SwOkv) Sry i just have that Screen i think on 5 days we cant get full pvp full pve.

Thanks for fast Response.

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his life job 2 baby sit on forums 24/7 to cach someone or wintradring so he don't lose his position ey Noneed don't worry men wintrade like always


That was the most hypocritical thing i have read in my whole life. I went on your profile, and found out that YESTERDAY ALONE you posted around 30 times. So 30 times in 1 day? You are so sad i can't get over it man please.

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It was a response to Chainzrow who was going offtopic himself so you're just biased and dumb @brickdeleche


Dumb is the person who needs to insult because they don't have any kind of argument. You off-topic in every single post I've seen till now and commenting every single thread Chainzrow comments, and I don't think it's coincidence.

Ps. I'm leaving, you flooding a thread, bye

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