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Buying a 569 enh sham, hunter, ret, boomy, feral, lock. There are some factors that may affect the price : First of i want you to be as much BiS geared as possible for your spec, example - if you are a destro lock i dont wanna see crafted belt / legs since those have crap stats. I don't care about transmogs / titles at all, you can have 5 or none CM mogs or whatever it doesn't matter to me, it wont affect the price. Faction is the factor that may affect the price. If you got the 600ilvl cloak / close to getting it, ofc that will affect the price a lot. So gear, faction, cloak - if you meet all these requirements (or close) im willing to pay up to 1.9k bonuses for the right char, im buying a main for myself, not a character that i'll sell in a week or two. Btw if you have any other classes / specs that i haven't mentioned above and they meet the requirements, be free to offer, i might take them into consideration. You can either pm me or post your chars here, have a good day ^^
With a price like that you can buy a fully geared PvE and PvP character with transmogs, including CM and maybe a few donor mounts. Your PvE gear should probably even be upgrade as well. For 1,9k you should probably even get more stuff than what I said here.
I guess people who understand the concept of BiS (Best in Slot) are pretty rare on this server so i'll explain. There's a huge difference btw 569 and BiS 569, i'll take a destro lock for example. 80% of locks i'v seen have spirit ring / crafted legs / belt (hit/haste stats), haste chest etc.... that means they took any items they could just to get to 569 faster and they didn't bother farming BiS items (mastery/crit) afterwards. Im buying a character that has best items obtainable for that slot (since not all bosses are working and you cant get full BiS ofc i'll buy a character that has majority of the items) and a char like that costs more then a regular 569. 2k bonuses should be a fair price for a character like that IF he has a 600 cloak that's obtainable now (or is close to getting it). I hope you can better understand now what i'm buying and paying 1.9k for.
I guess people who understand the concept of BiS (Best in Slot) are pretty rare on this server so i'll explain. There's a huge difference btw 569 and BiS 569, i'll take a destro lock for example. 80% of locks i'v seen have spirit ring / crafted legs / belt (hit/haste stats), haste chest etc.... that means they took any items they could just to get to 569 faster and they didn't bother farming BiS items (mastery/crit) afterwards. Im buying a character that has best items obtainable for that slot (since not all bosses are working and you cant get full BiS ofc i'll buy a character that has majority of the items) and a char like that costs more then a regular 569. 2k bonuses should be a fair price for a character like that IF he has a 600 cloak that's obtainable now (or is close to getting it). I hope you can better understand now what i'm buying and paying 1.9k for.


Of course you're willing to pay that for it, and i understand that you think it's worth it, but you really don't need to. For just gear (full BiS pve/pvp) people usually just want around 1k bonuses, maybe lower. You're throwing away alot of bonuses which u should instead save for later, if u ever need it you'll have it.

Oh you tripped me out so hard with that 1k, i thought i made this post on a fun realm section. Chars like that cost 1k on fun realm ye, but not on x100 :P

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