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What will you do about it?


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it would be 100% more efficent just to talk to ~5 top players to know who is wintrader and who is not


You don't need a top player to see that people like chainz are wintrading..... And there were people that wintraded for glad/duelist last season which got rewarded eventhough ppl tried to report them ^^ Secondly they will never do that since it's not proffessional at all.


spending 1 more minute just to make it look like a real battle? not a big deal.


Thing is, mostly wintraders are playing multiple accounts so they can't really do it? .....

Edited by Autschbatsch
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here max you have is neff banning when some1 got a video proof. They dont even get their fingers up to check.



I actually think he has good knowledge and intentions and I hope people like him would get proper credit for doing things like checking logs every week or whatever. But like i said implementing logs would be the dream for example... Feel free to state other options if you have any.

I just really dislike the concept of how it is at the moment, it's just a big big mess noone can control.

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So yea I respect staff beeing busy with other stuff, but this issue has to be adressed and handled with no tolerance for the validators. I just would like to hear what can be done about this.

I will get triggered if you say that "it's no problem we bann them before the season ends" cause it does not solve the problem.


Oh out of nowhere the next braindeadly appeared.


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owners of pandawow


dont give slightest fuck about the server


I mean if they would not give a fuck they could just bann them without "proof" since they don't give a fuck and bann people for mature language within seconds anyway......?? If I would be in their position and would not "give a fuck" I would just delete their characters and give them a 60d +bann and let them pay alot of money for new characters or w/e. At least.

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They out there boys!

Is that something impressive? i don't think so, there always was wintraders.

In fact i cannot recall no one season in WoW without wintrading, even if they will be perma banned


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Besides they won't get any reward, and will be banned after the season's end, so all of u literally no one reason to whine about that, the reward place will be calculated with exception of them

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Besides they won't get any reward' date=' and will be banned after the season's end, so all of u literally no one reason to whine about that, the reward place will be calculated with exception of them[/quote']


Learn to read before you open your mouth pleb.

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