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Broken 2s Shouldn't Give Titles This Season


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I said its a "gamebreaking bug", feel free to quote me on it. :)


It was bugged for eternity and will probably be bugged for another eternity. They didn't fix it before when they gave rewards, they wont do it now. That wont stop them from giving players rewards in 2s and didn't stop them before. Im just saying, I wouldn't have high hopes if I were you. That's why I think the thread is pointless, but still... its nice to have hope. You never know... those devs/admins can always surprise you. :p

Edited by Garodar
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Retail 2s was balanced ? K stopped reading there



Can you see the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ? It was not balanced on retail but better than here, also on pandawow you cant say 2s is same as retail Here you can see what is the problem with the classes, there was just unbalanced comps but some classes were fine, removing WW Monk.


- - - Updated - - -


Fall undermap existed, but now its getting stuck instead of getting reseted.

This bug never existed before.


Don't go off topic and talk about other bugs, or similar bugs either please.

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I wouldn't call mw/dk "broken" since it was one of the strongest teams on retail, also if they would fix undermap and akuyamas mages than i think it will be more balanced but giving r1 titles in 2s is the second dumbest idea that pandawow ever had, (first is cross server ;) ). last season it was mw/wars now priest/mages next season it will be combat rogues with holy priests.


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R:1 Its not like retail, retail was "balanced".

R:2 About war/dk we want fixes not season cut.

R:3 You dont want to season get canceled cuz its dead, and by the first time u had pass 2k farming randoms and u think u got a chance to get a title. When u finally got 2.2, blaston farmed all your rating and now ure sitted in a hope for a title.

R4: falling under map is abusable, sheep on map, snare him into pillar gg dead.

R5: there is a difference between a normal bug, like low proc chance etc. And game breaking bugs. Like falling under map for getting any sheep/scatter.


You must not comment anything else more here.


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Only1 mage who i know is not abusing playing with akuyama is abu.


abu abused incater/invocation bug vs me FeelsBadMan


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Can you see the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ? It was not balanced on retail but better than here, also on pandawow you cant say 2s is same as retail Here you can see what is the problem with the classes, there was just unbalanced comps but some classes were fine, removing WW Monk.


- - - Updated - - -


Fall undermap existed, but now its getting stuck instead of getting reseted.


you sound like diabolique now tbh

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Are you going to farm me with that rune abusing DK again and then get DQ at the end of the season ...again?


If I remember correctly, isn't the DK you played with called Absoluteabuse ..or is that just the nickname the entire server gave him? :o :confused: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

Edited by akuyama
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Are you going to farm me with that rune abusing DK again and then get DQ at the end of the season ...again?


If I remember correctly, isn't the DK you played with called Absoluteabuse ..or is that just the nickname the entire server gave him? :o :confused: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:


the "rune abusing" meme


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He used WPE pro for doing this , thats why he could spam necrotics every seconds

Absolutezero never did this lol


Yeah well rofl ur prob not that much in the marterie but ill still explain it.


In early Pandawow times alot of sht was clientside and not serverside ( dont ask me why) so it was easy AF for ppl to hack/ abuse w/e

Anyways, doomcryer, Сороки, wet and many other russians confirmed it that absolutezero got reportet alot of times in the russian sections for abusing things and also got banned not only once. That's all i need to know actually. Got some links 1-2 years ago but don't have them anymore. Probably a good idea to ask neff if ur rly that tryhard and want proofs. But yeah, ill say it over and over again, Fenemore is actually the only DK who played not completly shit here and did a well gameplay by stopping & stealing cc.



good news! warriors now fall under the map if you charge someone around a pillar on Tol'viron :)


also i see people now running over walls when they're feared - "pathfinding fixed"


Well, That happens when Pandawow trying to fix smth ... thats how it is, isnt it :D? I just hope that Legion season gonna be good (at least better than wod) so i dont have to feel the pain over and over again

Edited by Noneedholy
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Yeah well rofl ur prob not that much in the marterie but ill still explain it.


In early Pandawow times alot of sht was clientside and not serverside ( dont ask me why) so it was easy AF for ppl to hack/ abuse w/e

Anyways, doomcryer, Сороки, wet and many other russians confirmed it that absolutezero got reportet alot of times in the russian sections for abusing things and also got banned not only once. That's all i need to know actually. Got some links 1-2 years ago but don't have them anymore. Probably a good idea to ask neff if ur rly that tryhard and want proofs. But yeah, ill say it over and over again, Fenemore is actually the only DK who played not completly shit here and did a well gameplay by stopping & stealing cc.





Well, That happens when Pandawow trying to fix smth ... thats how it is, isnt it :D? I just hope that Legion season gonna be good (at least better than wod) so i dont have to feel the pain over and over again


pretty sure itll get better than wod, but also pretty sure its gonna suck as well. i just feel it. lets just wait and see ppl leave after few weeks or a month or two. :D

Edited by Repitchx
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good news! warriors now fall under the map if you charge someone around a pillar on Tol'viron


I was playing 2s and a warrior intervened himself under the map on Tol'Vir - Actually it was Takaa... :)


It felt good not to be the one under the map for once!!! TROLLOLOL ;)

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actually trying to picture these people irl that care about russian pserver rating so much that they would wintrade and fake afk near the que npc's whole day hoping that someone comes and inspects their high rating & cool titles.


same lmao, i dont understand why anyone would stay up at night for 4 digits on a fucking screen

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All i read here is that dion is cocky bout akuyama getting titles ? I mean yeah, if u get ur title out of 2s instead of 3s it can be depressing since 3s requires alot more skill but its still a private server with way too less good players to play competitive 3s. That has been discussed already if im not wrong.


And the argument that more player would play 3s if you remove titles in 2s is not that correct. A few more people would prob que 3s and the 2s que would be almost dead. Gj so you cant do anything anymore on Pandawow

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