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Posted (edited)



Since Worstworld does not understand I am willing to explain one last time.




You quoted me here. And in MY quote there is PROOF. If a retail vid is not enough to proof something im at a loss for words.

By the way, you did not edit or change your post so don't try to talk you out of this.


Please get english lessons before you try to debate about a report format.




This above is a screenshot in case you didn't get that. And I politely made the effort to explain WHY i SAID "THINK" , a correct report stays objective about the topic. I am still willing to explain my report but nevermiiind I am the one making "usless" threads I kow I know. Kappa"

"objective" -> adjective: "not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased:

an objective opinion."




So what you say here is that, obvious, visual, proof is "My opinion"? I honestly expected this report to be already adressed when I got here 1year ago and decided to make my own some days ago.


Maybe I should have added how it is on pandawow aswell? Or what part of my report is not a "correct report"?


Like, you get really subjective and aggressive towards me for no legit reason AT ALL. You make it redicilous when you said "Okay, nevermind, i will remove iceblock for mage and shield for priest, then we won't see any priests or mages in ladder. Or what?" It's just not how I presented this bug in my ACTUAL report at all. Just totally irrational response towards me. This should not sound like an offense, but reality.


I am sorry that I "wasted" your time cause I don't know anything about the game, PM Worstworld, according to his streams worstworldtv and machmollo he is a retail "Tyrannical+Prideful Gladiator" and "pandawow furious gladiator" (he changed his furious one after his "played" rating was not enough) if you need a good report form a legit retail player. :troll1:


I feel like you don't even read what I am trying to explain which makes me feel really unappreciated and sad, honestly.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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I'm not agressive to you, i'm busy answering in topics from this section (General Forum) because i always read that something isn't okay. You always try to create a drama.
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Posted (edited)
You always try to create a drama.


How, sorry I edited my post and didn't see people were already reading it.

Fighting for my right to get taken seriously is "making drama"?

Where was I wrong with anything really? I did not even offend anyone besides Worstworld which is still multiaccounting pretending to be 2people. He is ignorant as hell and does not even bother to understand anything. I am not the one making false or biased statemetns. You should try to make a new image of me.


because i always read that something isn't okay.


You project your anger from those threads towards me, which is not professional/fair, just my point of view. I am not the one that flames in forums and says that "shit is OP or broken". I just got pissed once cause of BM hunters in forums...

Edited by Autschbatsch

2.8. Posting of negative messages about the relatives of players or the administration or veiled insults towards relatives.

2.15. Publicly criticizing or discussing a decision made by a Staff Member or their actions

2.9.Re-creating topics with the same questions/problem, if you already got answer in the first thread.


Only this would be the sufficient to stop your drama.

Hope you stop it ur u aint gonna get a forum account.

  • Administrators
How, sorry I edited my post and didn't see people were already reading it.

Fighting for my right to get taken seriously is "making drama"?

Where was I wrong with anything really? I did not even offend anyone besides Worstworld which is still multiaccounting pretending to be 2people. He is ignorant as hell and does not even bother to understand anything. I am not the one making false or biased statemetns. You should try to make a new image of me.




You project your anger from those threads towards me, which is not professional, just my point of view. I am not the one that flames in forums and says that "shit is OP or broken". I just got pissed once cause of BM hunters in forums...



I've already said:

I'm not agressive to you


It's because of some forum users, next time when they will try to make me agressive or create a drama - i will ban them and all will be fine.

tbh im part of the problem but what i think is wrong with pandawow forums is sometimes theres only complaining about bugs not getting fixed and never anything grateful about bugs being fixed
Posted (edited)
2.8. Posting of negative messages about the relatives of players or the administration or veiled insults towards relatives.

2.15. Publicly criticizing or discussing a decision made by a Staff Member or their actions

2.9.Re-creating topics with the same questions/problem, if you already got answer in the first thread.


Only this would be the sufficient to stop your drama.


The thread got closed because you can't read and Zeox saw your bold lined "think" so he didn't bother to look into it.


I do what is needed. Respect towards reality has more value to me than what you think about me or my forum account to be not banned.


You disgust me, in every way imaginable. You just listed those things because you ran out of arguments and never had any proper argument against my statements. I didn't want to go offtopic but it had to be said, I am sorry Mods.


I don't want nor expect another anwer from Zeox. I just could not respect the fact, that facts get denied.

Edited by Autschbatsch
third topic about the same shit. you have problems


Well this is my facebook, I love this game and this patch. Why should I not want to spent time on something I love? I have a real job and a real life aswell, this is my freetime.


My threads got taken down unjustified so I got a little upset. There are alot of threads created by people that have no clue what they are talking about without any proof and they don't get taken down.


I am resisting the urge to post thread-examples.

Just a make a properly report (your first report didnt even had proofs lol, even if we know that it is a valid report) and wait for the fucking fix. You are just being as annoying as elbrujopujo creating useless topics on general discussion about bugs.
Just a make a properly report (your first report didnt even had proofs lol' date=' even if we know that it is a valid report) and wait for the fucking fix. You are just being as annoying as elbrujopujo creating useless topics on general discussion about bugs.[/quote']


Well, the only thing I was clearly wrong about is the fact that I didn't provide proof how it works on pandawow. I never denied that. But that was not the reaason why my thread got taken down. That's why, I could have looked at some VoD and send proof later.


Comparing me to pujo ellimantes you for me to ever get taken seriously.

Posted (edited)
I am not the one that flames in forums and says that "shit is OP or broken". I just got pissed once cause of BM hunters in forums...


What about this one?


Super correct report.


You can check forums logs aswell if you like, I didn't edit this. I am not a hypocrite unlike alot of people on the forums.


I literally admitted that I had wrong reports in the past. No one has a completely white vest on this forum. Trust me lmao... Point is. I TRY. Others don't.


It's kinda silly to ignore the forest and focus on a tree.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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You can check forums logs aswell if you like, I didn't edit this. I am not a hypocrite unlike alot of people on the forums.


Doesn't matter , this question is closed. I've just proved my words about not correct reports.

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