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What Bullshit in Critt Happens?


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so, this guy http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=195775 needs to ban us, but he cant.... because our members helping us.. we are making RBG's to help people for fast Gear UP !, there is screenshots [ATTACH=CONFIG]118152[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]118153[/ATTACH] Proof of Collecting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj1bHM1jWKM&feature=youtu.be
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needs to ban us' date=' but he cant...[/quote']



From where did you get the idea that i wanted to "ban" someone? If i wanted to get you guys banned, i wouldn't have created that thread on General Discussion, but on Report Player section.


Second of all, the goal of the thread was completely informative. I simply wanted to inform the interested people, about what is going on.



So to conclude, i got no fucking clue from where you got the idea that i wanted to ban anyone.

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From where did you get the idea that i wanted to "ban" someone? If i wanted to get you guys banned, i wouldn't have created that thread on General Discussion, but on Report Player section.


Second of all, the goal of the thread was completely informative. I simply wanted to inform the interested people, about what is going on.



So to conclude, i got no fucking clue from where you got the idea that i wanted to ban anyone.


Everyman can say his opinion about everything, there is no any problem, but when you dont know what really happens, its no so right to blame someone ^^. I dont have nothing personally with you. What is going on in you opinion, ye but you made mistakes about what you written in that thread, you dont join in over 100 rbgs with us to see what really is going on. Some people who join one.. maybe 2 times with us and lost in Rbg gave you right ofc. Was you hypothesis about us and our guild. People are free to speak, but when someone doing good no one make post about him, "Wow that guy is so good" etc, I never seen, in real life too. Its only about how can blame someone when he try to do something.



djmercitwo, Speak about you hypothesis about multiboxers who is illegal in bgs,arenas,rbgs etc. Personally I never tryed that experience with that program or whatever is it. I hate multiboxers so much when I see him in bgs and world pvp and how he abuse to farm kills.

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Oakie ----> Guild Master, Officers have all the power and they decide everything, nice leadership, can't make a choice by yourself? Have you ever seen your english by the way? Even if you don't have english lessons at school, at your age you should atleast have enough knowledge to not sound like a complete moron when writing in english. Honestly a friendly advice, when someone is insulting you don't even try to defend yourself, cuz when you open your mouth you make things even worse, the guy insulting you will pity your mental state.


Roxi ----> Says to everyone she is 2.4k exped hunter, when you check the statistics on her MAIN hunter that she played since like FOREVER, her MAX rating she EVER achieved is 1980. Females tho rofl she prob sucked the entire guilds dick to get carried to 1980. Also when you write "whale" in google image you come across the images of Roxi, she's so fat when she disengages in game she rolls on the floor, i bet shes that "i eat only a salad idk why im so overweight" typa girl, and she most likely brushes her teeth with nutella b4 bed.


Felizarius ----> Funniest part, an UNHOLY DK is stuck at 2k-2.2k, meanwhile every other autistic faggot that doesnt know what blood tap is, is +2.5k. Calls someone "low druid ; got carried ; noob ; l2p" and when i come back with an argument he brings his "irl achievements" "hurr durr i know karate or whatever irl im better than you" DUDE? YOU LIVE IN SERBIA CALM THE FUCK DOWN ROFL!? Your gypsy ass people work for 1.5$ an hour your entire families salary combined makes enough money for a single dinner BOI!?!?!?! enjoy ur ingame ban btw, also i forgot, hope ur family dies :) ggezwp go incinerate urself

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