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Posted (edited)

So I just would like to get it clairified if legit players should be rewarded this season in 3s or not. Just seems unfair if not.


As I already stated earlier, wintraders don't do it to get rewarded, they do it so they can easily sell their character to players that maybe don't use the forum, so they have no clue + they wintrade to f**k legit players over to prevent us from getting rewarded.



A school class is going on a road trip.

2 guys in a class does something stupid. They wont confess, so the whole class gets punished by the teacher. If they won't confess they won't go on the road trip.


Is this fair? Do you guys see the logic in that?

In my eyes a lot of players on this server are holding a grudge.


"dont like that guy, might screw him over by not letting him get rewarded"


Most people that say that we shouldn't actually don't que 3s, but only talks.


Glad to see you're back, Zeox.

Edited by Repitchx
  • Like 2

There is no merit in getting title for a season like this which more than half ladder is wintrading. Dumb examples of false merit/deserving:


- Thilan tryharded during the 3 first weeks after third season (everyone think it was off season) then he just sit rating on his main for almost THREE months and still have R2 spot, no merit for this.


- Another example: Анберлин, Blaston and the russian mage. Except by Blaston and the mage who still plays RARELY (a few days per month to get a R1, lol?) this shaman literally quit in the end of July and still have Duelist spot, like what the fuck?


My point is, why to give a title to a bracket that even if YOU WANT to push you CAN'T push. I'll give my example here, during the last month i had more free time so I decided to rush for a 3s title, but during this month i couldn't break fucking 2k because 1) The server is dead so you barely can find partners, 2) There are NO QUES, even if you spam Que 3s during 2 hours you can't find people to face and when you do it is people wintrading...


TLDR: Too many wintraders, No merit (most cases) for having a current bracket position because even if you tried to push you couldn't do it since the bracket is DEAD and the "high rated players" just spam dodge, wintraded or literally sit rating like the examples i gave.


- - - Updated - - -


So I just would like to get it clairified if legit players should be rewarded this season in 3s or not. Just seems unfair if not.


As I already stated earlier, wintraders don't do it to get rewarded, they do it so they can easily sell their character to players that maybe don't use the forum, so they have no clue + they wintrade to f**k legit players over to prevent us from getting rewarded.



A school class is going on a road trip.

2 guys in a class does something stupid. They wont confess, so the whole class gets punished by the teacher. If they won't confess they won't go on the road trip.


Is this fair? Do you guys see the logic in that?

In my eyes a lot of players on this server are holding a grudge.


"dont like that guy, might screw him over by not letting him get rewarded"


Most people that say that we shouldn't actually don't que 3s, but only talks.


Glad to see you're back, Zeox.


And about the "dont que 3s" that you probably said about me, as I have said I tried to go for R1 but in a 30 day push I ended up with around 1950cr 82 wins 11 loses, but couldnt push more not because i didn't tried BUT because even spamming ques during hours there were no ques or teams to get rating from.

  • Like 2


You would fall into your listed categories aswell. Either you played when there were qs or not. You could only really get qs the last month when you had alot of free time. How would you solve the problem besides pointing fingers on people that did not cheat?

Posted (edited)
There is no merit in getting title.


Mate 2s has been the biggest fucking joke this season. A bug that would drop you through the floor and kick you out of arena almost every game?


Pls if someone shouldn't get title it's the people from 2s.


- - - Updated - - -


but couldnt push more not because i didn't tried BUT because even spamming ques during hours there were no ques or teams to get rating from.


You realise this is the exact same in 2s? All the top teams don't only just dodge - they fucking PRE-DODGE and leave queue as soon as you log online lol!


The teams im referring to are: Catchmepally, Albanianqt, Akuyama, Kagu, Xladerzz, and his Druid. They all stop q as soon as Funkabizsax log online lol.


But the queues are even worse in 2s because almost every game goes to dampening, then you only get +3, or +5 per win.. But -21 when everyone logs their alts queueing mw warr to snipe you because they're salty that you farm them on their mains lol.


TL;DR - Stop crying about 3s if you're not gonna also cry equally (or moreso) about giving titles out for 2s.


- - - Updated - - -


Most people that say that we shouldn't actually don't que 3s' date=' but only talks.[/quote']


I agree with this, except some of those people just cant get titles anyway even if they did queue. The good thing about 3s is that the games are faster (and don't rely on huge dampening because you can actually outplay unlike in slowmo 2s), which helps weeds out the 2s heroes fast. Really makes no sense though to say "don't give titles for 3s" and then turn around and say "give titles for 2s" lol.


Personally idgaf if titles are given or not - but if you don't give them for 3s, don't give them for 2s either.

Edited by Bapss
  • Like 1

In my opinion, this was the worst season that ive ever seen in almost 3 years here.


The fall map bug, didnt used to happen like this.

The number of wintrades/empty queues is worst than before (still exists a way to leave queue button click without loose rating)

Pple siting 3 months and still getting titles (before used to be 2.2 cut min now its 2k?)

"Legit players who won rating from bugged mmr is not legit in my opinion"

Akuyama broke the 2s ladder with fall map and 3s ladder with ddos.

22/36 spots are 100% wintraders (mayb more if even znkd wintrades, whos legit?)



In my opinion, not only 2s or 3, But ALL SEASON BY IT ALL, while the new log check website dont release, we wont get legit queues

  • Like 1
Mate 2s has been the biggest fucking joke this season. A bug that would drop you through the floor and kick you out of arena almost every game?


Pls if someone shouldn't get title it's the people from 2s.


- - - Updated - - -




You realise this is the exact same in 2s? All the top teams don't only just dodge - they fucking PRE-DODGE and leave queue as soon as you log online lol!


The teams im referring to are: Catchmepally, Albanianqt, Akuyama, Kagu, Xladerzz, and his Druid. They all stop q as soon as Funkabizsax log online lol.


But the queues are even worse in 2s because almost every game goes to dampening, then you only get +3, or +5 per win.. But -21 when everyone logs their alts queueing mw warr to snipe you because they're salty that you farm them on their mains lol.


TL;DR - Stop crying about 3s if you're not gonna also cry equally (or moreso) about giving titles out for 2s.


- - - Updated - - -




I agree with this, except some of those people just cant get titles anyway even if they did queue. The good thing about 3s is that the games are faster (and don't rely on huge dampening because you can actually outplay unlike in slowmo 2s), which helps weeds out the 2s heroes fast. Really makes no sense though to say "don't give titles for 3s" and then turn around and say "give titles for 2s" lol.


Personally idgaf if titles are given or not - but if you don't give them for 3s, don't give them for 2s either.


I agree with you except by one thing: on 2s you GET ques, even if the MMR is just shit and you can get 2 points from 1.8 teams and lose 15 points to teams with around same cr of yours.


But i agree 2s should never give titles, walking around and seeing a lot of (not trying to be scummy) dog/abusers with titles from 2s is just disappointing.


But this season as i have pointed why, should not give 3s titles as well at least until next season when we will be able to check logs on website and Zeox will implement the changes he is promissing

How do you expect them to give rewards in 3s when the min cutoff is 2k+ and I can't even count up 20 legit players from 2.3k to 2k when it should be 36 players. Could be just me counting wrong 'tho, or over 30+ players in 1st 3 pages are wintraders... its sad to see so many...

Well if they really go for

If more than half of the top 36 players will caught with win trading then the rewards in this season will not be issued.[/Quote]

Then im pretty sure u wont get any rewards.

- Thilan tryharded during the 3 first weeks after third season (everyone think it was off season) then he just sit rating on his main for almost THREE months and still have R2 spot' date=' no merit for this.[/quote']

que 3s first before you talk BS.

Its very likely they will go for that, the only thing worrying me is wether or not this will occur in next season too (the amount of wintraders/wintrading).
Posted (edited)

It's pretty easy to define if the rule of wintrader amount is relevant or not. I personally NEVER faced a wintrader "failing" in 3s, I guess chainzrow was only going for 2.2 pushes and some higher ones to sell them. It didn't seem like he was selling wins cause there is noone suspecious in r1 cut off really. I mean it's really easy for him to corrupt the ladder in a visual way for everyone (alot of banned/resetted/DQd people are still in the ladder). So if they get DQd I don't think it's actually a "bad" ladder or w/E. People were just not playing as much cause they felt discouraged and demotivated by all the wintraders in the ladder which would not going to get banned in everyones mind.



Akuyama broke the 2s ladder with fall map and 3s ladder with ddos.


Yea man I could never q 3v3 cause akuyama was ddosing me.



























Edited by Autschbatsch
  • Like 1
Would be good if u don't give titles in 2s too cuz there are many wintraders on gladiator range for example Воинбагер, and not only that priest/mages abusing incanter+invocation plus undermap bug that fucked me alot in past and still does... so it would be better if no one gets title this season and just forget about this season ever existed pls.
So if they get DQd I don't think it's actually a "bad" ladder or w/E. People were just not playing as much cause they felt discouraged and demotivated by all the wintraders in the ladder which would not going to get banned in everyones mind.





thanks for showing : )


So what would make the difference if people wintrade aswell next season? Only Zeox/Juster can reset rating so even if we can report them faster it will not change too much cause they will stay in the ladder until seasonend again..? I don't even understand why you care about this topic xD

So what would make the difference if people wintrade aswell next season? Only Zeox/Juster can reset rating so even if we can report them faster it will not change too much cause they will stay in the ladder until seasonend again..? I don't even understand why you care about this topic xD


Lets just hope that the new website will come, and that we can check who's Win-trading and who's not.


That way we can ban them faster & there wont be any need to reset the season (The upcoming ones)


This current season should be reset imo, there's 2 many win-traders, its getting out of hand.

Lets just hope that the new website will come, and that we can check who's Win-trading and who's not.


That way we can ban them faster & there wont be any need to reset the season (The upcoming ones)


This current season should be reset imo, there's 2 many win-traders, its getting out of hand.


you dont understand what autsch just said


only zeox and juster can remove rating from people. we've proven and told the staff about wintraders and theyre all banned. neff told me he's just waiting for zeox to remove their rating.

nothing will happen in the next season lol. same thing will go on. we've proven that theyre wintrading... still not removed from the ladder


next season you will only be able to identify wintraders quicklier... still will need to wait till the season ends cause theyre "busy" with other stuff.

it makes 0 sense to cancel the rewards now. people will do the same exact shit in the upcoming seasons... how can people not just get it?.... its so easy to understand...

Posted (edited)

I'll try to make it even easier for people, as it seems like its too hard to understand, kek.


We can all agree on that there were shit ton of wintraders this season, no doubt about that. In both brackets as well.

"dont reward people this season cause of wintraders. next season we will have logs on the site"


If you think people won't wintrade next season, then I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but then you're thinking wrong.

People wintrade to sell their characters to get bonuses and some do it to f**k over legit players. Retarded, right? Yeah, I know.


Lets just hope that the new website will come, and that we can check who's Win-trading and who's not.

That way we can ban them faster & there wont be any need to reset the season (The upcoming ones)


I'm glad someone said this. Perfect, actually.

As I said. The new website will only help to identify wintraders... but we already caught 99% of them that really matter. Problem is that Zeox & Juster takes forever to remove their rating.


A new season with logs won't help removing their rating quicklier... same shit will occur.


Want me to break it down for you guys step by step?




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating


So yeah. Do I need to say anything else? We all know they're wintraders and they're banned, we just need to wait.




So there's no point even trying to act like a new season gonna be any better, as it won't.


"i actually did try to que 3s and push, but dead queues"

djmercitwo, aren't you from brazlin? you que when every1 is sleeping. you're from other side of the world lol.

Edited by Repitchx
I'll try to make it even easier for people, as it seems like its too hard to understand, kek.


We can all agree on that there were shit ton of wintraders this season, no doubt about that. In both brackets as well.

"dont reward people this season cause of wintraders. next season we will have logs on the site"


If you think people won't wintrade next season, then I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but then you're thinking wrong.

People wintrade to sell their characters to get bonuses and some do it to f**k over legit players. Retarded, right? Yeah, I know.




I'm glad someone said this. Perfect, actually.

As I said. The new website will only help to identify wintraders... but we already caught 99% of them that really matter. Problem is that Zeox & Juster takes forever to remove their rating.


A new season with logs won't help removing their rating quicklier... same shit will occur.


Want me to break it down for you guys step by step?




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating




Already banned, waiting for Zeox to remove their rating


So yeah. Do I need to say anything else? We all know they're wintraders and they're banned, we just need to wait.




So there's no point even trying to act like a new season gonna be any better, as it won't.


"i actually did try to que 3s and push, but dead queues"

djmercitwo, aren't you from brazlin? you que when every1 is sleeping. you're from other side of the world lol.


I get it, but too bad no one else gets it, but yeh... I'm pretty sure they wont give out rewards anyway.

wintraders arent the issue, it's just the fact that this season was so fucking awful


and you think next will be better? lol (ik u will say "i didnt say that", but it seems like you're hinting to it)


nothing will change, unless people come back to actually que.

wintraders arent the issue, it's just the fact that this season was so fucking awful


and if it wasnt the wintraders, what then? what was the problem? except the fall under the map bug which actually only happend once to me in 3s.

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