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skirmish suggestion


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Dk: Get the eye > chase him on your mount to a pillar > Death and Decay on 1 side then go the other side and use Blood Boil. Any other class you don't think would be able to 1v1 rogues in arena?


u don't even play dk, any smart rogue won't give a shit about death and decay, blind/ http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1776/gouge and run away for stealth again

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u don't even play dk, any smart rogue won't give a shit about death and decay, blind/ http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1776/gouge and run away for stealth again


I don't have to play DK to figure out that you'll just have to spam it (Blood Boil) for a 50/50 percent chance to get it off before the rogue, and if not then I'm pretty sure DKs have more trinkets than rogues. GG

Edited by Jonte
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dk->rogue on pandawow with current pathfinding. pet running through textures, pretty cool. cant hit it & dots for 30 sec is awesome. passively dying.


now lets plz get back on topic.


if our mr. 3k dk was legit this wouldn't have been a discussion in the first place :D

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cloack of shadow vs dots/http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Recuperate vs dots, keep with sprint vs pet.... pet goes way more slow than rogue with sprint talent, run away with sprint -> get out of combat -> get stealth -> gg wp, idk who is more noob here.. nabs


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if our mr. 3k dk was legit this wouldn't have been a discussion in the first place :D


2990 pve season


2880 with dk+heal, 2664 with dk+ret pal in pvp season, i don't know any other dk queing 2c as double dps getting over 2,5k

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Omg 1v1 skirmish would be hilarious, then there would be something 2do when dieing of boredom on this serv +1. All the other stuff I couldnt care less, but it's nice suggestions anyways, so that people without partners can q up and hopefully meet other nice ppls. Which equals more ppl 2 farm in ranked whenever they q up ranked. Repitch rlly thought this through (y)

Anyways the 1v1 would blow my mind, this has to come on pandawow.

Cant wait!

Thx bye

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cloack of shadow vs dots/http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Recuperate vs dots, keep with sprint vs pet.... pet goes way more slow than rogue with sprint talent, run away with sprint -> get out of combat -> get stealth -> gg wp, idk who is more noob here.. nabs


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2990 pve season


2880 with dk+heal, 2664 with dk+ret pal in pvp season, i don't know any other dk queing 2c as double dps getting over 2,5k


and still everyone sh*t on you ... so why should ur "xp" matter ?

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cloack of shadow vs dots/http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Recuperate vs dots, keep with sprint vs pet.... pet goes way more slow than rogue with sprint talent, run away with sprint -> get out of combat -> get stealth -> gg wp, idk who is more noob here.. nabs


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2990 pve season


2880 with dk+heal, 2664 with dk+ret pal in pvp season, i don't know any other dk queing 2c as double dps getting over 2,5k



thx for link, noneed

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If we make solo que 3s, rating 3s bracket will be dead. Passed stage.


But it's already dead. No one is queueing cause they


1: can't play 3s cause the majority suck in that bracket (2s heroes)


2: won't que 3s cause why que 3s when you can get rewards in 2s by doing literally nothing?


actually no point queueing 3s on pandawow. its so dead. this would actually really help.


if you wont make a 3s solo que, at least make 3v3 appealing. make rewards for 3s only. with the new fix from heisenberg (deserter if you dont enter arena), there wont be wintraders.


also while you're here, can you make the unstuck function/fix character not remove deserter? this will be a trick people will do.


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ps: pathfinding is broken again and fear pathing + texture bug :(


heisenberg told me they are big bugs. maybe you could help him with that? 2 devs working on those bugs = insta gg. fixing those bugs and the server is already the best

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If we make solo que 3s, rating 3s bracket will be dead. Passed stage.


I already pointed it out that exactly this won't happen


This argument doesn't really hold any water though. How would it kill participation? Actually the opposite would happen; having only premade 3v3 queues kills participation in Arena in the first place. This would only open the floodgates to a LOT more arena participation overall for teams and solo players alike, because right now the barrier for entry is difficult to bypass, as explained earlier.


Participation would drastically improve, even in normal team ranked 3v3 because more people would get INTO arena that couldn't before, because the entry barriers would be removed. Not only would this add substantially more overall arena participation, but this would open endless possibilities for meeting new friends and making new teams for the current premade 3v3 bracket. This works in every other ranked game that I can think of.

I think soloq in wow may help the team queue more even. Being exposed to players you might not have interacted with, you could find people to queue with on a regular basis.


Honestly the worst thing about WoW PvP is how hard it is to get into. Any sort of gateway that makes this easier is always a great suggestion.


And btw, 3s bracket on Pandawow is already dead... sadly

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