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A complete MC report


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Posted (edited)

Spell: Dominate Mind




[spoiler=Issues:]* If you MC a Druid in Travel Form with Glyph of Stag (glyph ID: 114338), the MC will never end


* You can't MC players on mounts


* When you purge the priest's MC (the priest has a MC buff), it doesn't stop the MC. Also, the player that the priest is MC-ing has a buff, you can't purge it (has a MC debuff too)


* If you MC a CC'd player, you can move the character in a laggy way (you won't actually move him, but it will look like you're teleporting back and forth)


* If you MC a player that is in CC and the CC ends while MC is up, you can no longer control the character


* If you Spell Reflect MC, it looks like you're MC-ing the priest on your screen (Warrior PoV) (https://i.gyazo.com/f20d5531a943f80ffe46f60f8b0e1da4.jpg)


* If you MC another player, it will put you on MC DR as well & it will look like you're still channeling MC (you have a buff) (this only matters if you play vs another priest.)


*Can't use MC while Shadowfiend & Mindbender is up



[spoiler=What should happen:]* MC should end after the duration, stag should not do anything


* Should stop the MC when you purge the MC buff from the priest & the enemie


* Should be able to MC players on mounts


* If you MC a player in CC, you should not be able to move the character, only if the character gets out of CC (for instance: If I'm stunned, I should not be able to move, same with fear)


* If you MC a player that is in CC and the CC ends while MC is up, you should be able to move your character


* If you reflect MC, it shouldn't look like you control the priest (look at my target + the text. Says "Charmed Xyzik" https://i.gyazo.com/f20d5531a943f80ffe46f60f8b0e1da4.jpg


* If you MC another player, it shouldn't DR yourself


* Should be able to MC while Shadowfiend/Mindbender is up



Realm: x100/fun


Priority: 10/10


Proof: nerf warriors

Edited by Repitchx
  • Like 2
  Noneedholy said:
No he forgot the most important one which isnt shadowfiend ... please add that pirge doesnt cancel MC


purge? im confused. how? tell me how it should work.


- - - Updated - - -


Never mind. I found the bug. Added. =)

  \ said:
* If you MC a Druid in Travel Form with Glyph of Stag (glyph ID: 114338)' date=' the MC will never end[/quote']



Most important bug out of any currently on the server for any class, should have priority over ALL others 11/10

  akuyama said:
Most important bug out of any currently on the server for any class, should have priority over ALL others 11/10

First i wanted to say that a bug who only affects priest isnt a "most important bug" but then i realised that if i sum up all games you do per day, i get a quote from like 60-70% games played on Pandawow /day so you might be right.


retard :)


Sazzie, go paint your windowsill you piece of shit instead of trash talking every thread I am a part of


I may play all day, although somehow ..you're more of a sad cunt than I LOL

Sazzie, go paint your windowsill you piece of shit instead of trash talking every thread I am a part of


I may play all day, although somehow ..you're more of a sad cunt than I LOL



shut the fuck up atleast these people TRY to ACTUALLY help and improve the server. Meanwhile you, when i wanted to test a priest bug all you did was insulting me instead of telling me that i checked the WoD class changes instead of MOP.



fucking abusing loser

  akuyama said:
Sazzie, go paint your windowsill you piece of shit instead of trash talking every thread I am a part of


I may play all day, although somehow ..you're more of a sad cunt than I LOL



  Felxprod said:
shut the fuck up atleast these people TRY to ACTUALLY help and improve the server. Meanwhile you, when i wanted to test a priest bug all you did was insulting me instead of telling me that i checked the WoD class changes instead of MOP.



fucking abusing loser




You're an absolute fucking MORON, at least have 2% understanding about what you're trying to prove is a bug or not.

MCing Druids in form shouldn't be allowed because they're not humanoids, what fucking crack have you been smoking? By this logic I shouldn't be allowed to MC undeads, night elfs, the fuck outta here, inbred

  akuyama said:
You're an absolute fucking MORON, at least have 2% understanding about what you're trying to prove is a bug or not.

MCing Druids in form shouldn't be allowed because they're not humanoids, what fucking crack have you been smoking? By this logic I shouldn't be allowed to MC undeads, night elfs, the fuck outta here, inbred


it was midnight and i came home from fucking work and i was checking the wrong patch notes, you could have simply said this shit is for WoD instead of insulting me


I like how akuyama is throwing out words like

fucking MORON


what fucking crack have you been smoking?


  \ said:
the fuck outta here' date=' inbred[/quote']

meanwhile sitting 24/7 in his moms basement and don't even know how the sun looks like


I like how Sazzie is literally stalking me and every thread I write in, it's almost like you fancy me or something.


Gotta say though, as often as I am online, I always see you on too. So yeah, I like how Sazzie is throwing out words like:



meanwhile sitting 24/7 in his moms basement


don't even know how the sun looks like


Stop making a fool out of yourself,


  akuyama said:
I like how Sazzie is literally stalking me and every thread I write in, it's almost like you fancy me or something.


Gotta say though, as often as I am online, I always see you on too. So yeah, I like how Sazzie is throwing out words like:







Stop making a fool out of yourself,


At least try it and go out once. Yeah, beside the fact that whenever i come back at sunday around 2-3 am or sometimes even 5-6 am you are fucking online LMAO. Be quiet akuyama you ddosing piece of shit. Also stop trying to teach people, you are a dumb 2s hero thats all.

2-3 am or sometimes even 5-6 am


Crying about the amount of time I am online, logs on at this time.



Posted (edited)
  akuyama said:
Crying about the amount of time I am online, logs on at this time.




Yeah you know ... When i come home at this time i usually spent like 7-8 hours outside before and just want to log and see whos on or maybe even do something because i can't really sleep yet ( Normal people who go out and get back home, prob not even sober, know what i mean) but yeah ... why im even trying to explain you smth lol. But it's okay, some people spend their time outside on the weekend, having fun with friends or w/e and some of them rather play 20 hours a day on a pserver WHICH ISNT THE WORST THING ! I know alot people who play the whole day but at least they are not some little ddos cunts like you are.

Edited by Noneedholy
Posted (edited)
why im even trying to explain you smth lol


Yeah, why exactly are you? :o



Edited by akuyama
  • 3 weeks later...
  • Developers
* If you MC a Druid in Travel Form with Glyph of Stag (glyph ID: 114338), the MC will never end

* If you MC a player that is in CC and the CC ends while MC is up, you can no longer control the character

* If you MC a CC'd player, you can move the character in a laggy way (you won't actually move him, but it will look like you're teleporting back and forth)


Should be fixed

  • Like 1
  • Developers

* If you Spell Reflect MC, it looks like you're MC-ing the priest on your screen (Warrior PoV) (https://i.gyazo.com/f20d5531a943f80f...0f8b0e1da4.jpg)


* If you MC another player, it will put you on MC DR as well & it will look like you're still channeling MC (you have a buff) (this only matters if you play vs another priest.)


*Can't use MC while Shadowfiend & Mindbender is up


Fixed too

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
  Heisenberg said:
Fixed too


Thank you.


There are 4 new bugs with MC tho.


[spoiler=Bug 1]You can no longer cancel it it seems


Missing the MC button + cancel button



also there should be a MC buff on the priest, if you click it, you should cancel it


and these 2macros doesnt work:


/cancelaura Mind Control







^should stop MC


[spoiler=Bug 2]If you use Shadowfiend/Mindbender and MC the target, your pet bar gets removed, that shouldn't happen



[spoiler=Bug 3]Issue: When you stop moving in cc that moves your character (polymorph, fear, scatter shot, dragon's breath etc) you can control your MC'd target (test the way we did it, fear -> stun/chastise -> mc = can control)


What should happen: Should not happen



[spoiler=Bug 4]If you MC a player and you target someone else, you keep changing direction (https://gyazo.com/19c642d3efa523f2bac5fe9e89761ccb)


Edited by Repitchx
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Dominate Mind
2% of base mana30 yd range
Controls a mind up to level 4 for 30 sec. Does not work versus Mechanical beings.