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  • Nickname: Aenii / Server - Fun/
  • Game Version: 5.4.8 / Torrent
  • Description: Ok so this happened to me the first time when I went into a BG without my pet, and when i came out i couldn't summon my pet Wolf anymore. I stabled him then got a new one, then the second it happened is when me and my friends went to Timeless isles for raids, My Turtle suddenly disappeared and I couldnt summon it! Everytime i use revive it completes the revive yet no pet is coming out, the Portrait isnt even there! the 3rd time is when my wolf disappeared AGAIN! When i was getting a sea horse mount. I put him in stable logged out (I dont have any pet open) logged in and my spider is out for some reason. I dismissed the spider went into a BG when I got out the spider is out again! If this happens too often Im gonna run out of stable spots or bug all my pets. If admins can tell me how to fix it that would be GREAT!
  • How you tried to solve the problem: I tried fixing character error's but when I logged in, I still couldnt summon the pet :shock:
  • Screenshot: No screen shots since i cant summon the pet! XD

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