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Posted (edited)

This is an updated version of the original thread which is no longer being modified/edited on ( Found Here )

This thread will be updated every time any new change comes in the game.



Vale of Eternal Sorrows


http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-immerseus.png Immerseus


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-golden-lotus-council.png The Fallen Protectors


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-norushen.png Norushen


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-sha-of-pride.png Sha of Pride


Scripted With Loot

Gates of Retribution

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-galakras.png Galakras


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-iron-juggernaut.png Iron Juggernaut


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-korkron-dark-shaman.png Kor`kron Dark Shamans


Scripted With Loot


http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-general-nazgrim.png General Nazgrim


Scripted With Loot

The Underhold

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-malkorok.png Malkorok


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-spolis-of-pandaria.png Spoils of Pandaria


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-thok-the-bloodthirsty.png Thok the Bloodthirsty


Scripted With Loot


http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-siegecrafter-blackfuse.png Siegecrafter Blackfuse


Scripted with Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-klaxxi-paragons.png Paragons of the Klaxxi


Scripted With Loot

http://wow.zamimg.com/images/wow/journal/ui-ej-boss-garrosh-hellscream.png Garrosh Hellscream


Scripted With Loot


What to be added;

Percentage of the script of each bosses.

Spoiler of bosses' spells etc.

Guides on how each boss works.

Hyperlink on each name to direct Wowhead/Mopwiki website.

Much more.


"Looking for someone to help me with this - DM me"


Thanks to Nemifest for helping with this currently.

Edited by Cogman
  • Like 5
Posted (edited)

Here is my kill of siegecrafter blackfuse possibly server first ;)




No loot on Paragons this week - Fight is still the same no new fixes


Garrosh hellscream is partially the same only a few Minor fixes. But mostly not scripted properly. The adds are now CC`able, you can now thunderstorm, typhoon or any knock back affects can now be used on the adds to throw them into the iron star, The only down side to this is the adds get thrown into the textures and take a while to come out whilst the far seer still casts and wipes your raid as he is casting through the wall, so avoid putting the far seer in the iron star.


Garroshes phasing is still buggy, if you get crane temple, you`ll have to wait till the timer is on 10 seconds to kill the big add so no one wipes.


If you push garrosh to fast into intermissions etc, he can bug out, skip P2 and go into P3 like we did many of times, due to, too high dps.


Apart from this the fight is the same.


Any questions/information on fights message here or DM me.

Edited by Cogman
  • 2 weeks later...
update time!




Paragons got Loot.

Garrosh Hellscream got Loot. ( He still got SOME mechanics working, however not scripted to "normal" phase )


NOTE: Paragons and Garrosh only drops one item, not multiple.

  • 1 month later...
NOTE: Paragons and Garrosh only drops one item' date=' not multiple.[/quote']

They now drop 2 items each + Garrosh has a chance to give you a Heirloom ( random personal drop chance ) but is not scripted properly yet.

  • 2 weeks later...

Immerseus, The Fallen Protectors, Norushen and Galakras are now working with loot @ HEROIC difficulty!


Garrosh now drops 2 items + a token and is scripted Blizzlike! apart from random teleports into the heroic P4

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

I have not forgotten about this post! :D


First 13 bosses n HEROIC are working with good mechanics + Loot / Echo's of war now drop so you can get HC Trash loot only the cloak and hands.


Immerseus - Mechanics are blizzlike + Has loot

The Fallen Protectors - Mechanics are blizzlike + has loot.

Norushen - Mechanics are okay ish, is not blizzlike however after the update that should be near this boss will be blizzlike / currently has loot.

Sha of Pride - 75% complete on HC mechanics + loot the spell Banishment I am not sure if this will be fixed after the update.

Galakras - Working as intended, blizzlike + has loot.

Iron Juggernaut - 50% complete on HC, Ricochet is not implemented / Mortar barrage is not always visible only 50% of the time it is visible. Borer Drill does 10NM damage and not 10HM damage only 75,000 per sec and not 150,000. Apart from this everything else works fine. + currently has loot

The Dark Shaman - Working 90% like blizzlike however Iron Tomb can be right clicked and removed for the whole fight everytime it is spawned. Iron Prison only inflicts 50% of your HP & not 100%. Apart from this working blizzlike. + currently has loot

General Nazgrim - Working blizzlike, execute works, adds spawn at 10% as well as normal adds spawning + currently has loot

Malkorok- Working blizzlike orbs spawn + at a good rate, the add spawns after you get knocked up + debuff in P2 blood rage roots you. + currently has loot.

Spoils of Pandaria - Timer working, adds spells not working ( not sure if this is fixed in the next update ) using soulstone or a CR before timer runs out and still getting credit when you wipe and ress and kill the rest is fixed, so this fight works about 30% correct. + currently has loot

Thok the Bloodthirsty - Working as intended, couple of bug abuses however they're being fixed next update so not to worry about, after update boss is working blizzlike + Currently has loot

Siegecrafter Blackfuse - Works around 80% correct, Beams work on the belt, mines work, add works, boss mechanics itself works. However HC mechanics do not work overcharge on weapons). Apart from that works okay ish. + currently has loot.

Paragons of the Klaxxi - Power of paragons spell does not work, couple HC mechanics work, boss fight is 65-70% complete working pretty well + currently has loot

Garrosh Hellscream - Has no loot on HC / mechanics I do not know about as I wont waste an ID to find what works and what doesnt, but the fight from bug reports is heavily bugged.


- - - Updated - - -


apart from random teleports into the heroic P4

This is also fixed on Normal Mode.

Edited by Cogman

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