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Click if you are a warrior


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Dear Santa, my biggest wish for Christmas is that every existing warrior gets deleted from it's data-base.

Also if they create a new one, make them DC, everytime they press charge when there is no path-way.

Best regards.


Autschbatsch :)





















Fucking disgusting piece of shit "class", 0 respect for anyone maining that "class" after they got here. Pricks.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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Implaying that 2v2 brecked without warriors would be a "balanced" one



Playing destro in 2s and complains about T1 class

Pathfinding =/= warrior




Both of your egos got triggered and you make stupid posts.


Did I "imply" that 2s would be balanced without warriors? - Nope


Did I complain about warrior being tier 1 in arena? - Nope


I complain because warrior is benefiting over 2 years from this ( B U G S ) bullshit now.


The title is is just the bait, which was successful.

Edited by Autschbatsch
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Does warrior crosss all the map towards you if he charge from a lower terrain?, i saw this on bg, was so weird




This video also explains it.


If warrior gets rooted mid-way charge, and the initial player moves from the charge's original position, the warrior will go to the initial player's position regardless if his position area.

Edited by Softice
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no1 can ever defend warriors, simply cant. must be something seriously wrong then.


i feel you, autsch.


will add it to my to-do list.


Uhm .. for my part ... i stopped playing warrior and barely - not play it anymore but sesly you guys have to fcking calm down rofl.


Warrior get stomped in 3s easily ( at least when i face them i dont have a huge problem beating those GODS)


So holy crap we know warrior is OP but overreacting af is the only thing i can read out of ur post.

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Uhm .. for my part ... i stopped playing warrior and barely - not play it anymore but sesly you guys have to fcking calm down rofl.


Warrior get stomped in 3s easily ( at least when i face them i dont have a huge problem beating those GODS)


So holy crap we know warrior is OP but overreacting af is the only thing i can read out of ur post.


But holy fuck, you're german.

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But holy fuck, you're german.


Yeah so ? lul


Funny how he always uses the excuses that some1 is triggered or "Your ego got triggered" xD


This thread is just stupid and i would actually like to feel sorry for you ! But I'm maining Holypriest and rofl, yeah those are pretty strong atm in 3s with all those bugs !


For explanation ... I was maining warrior a time AFTER i came here. So yeah calling people pricks or w/e only because you didn't get what you want (warrior fixes i guess?) and because they might like the warrior playstyle, is pretty stupid. Whatever man, everyone will agree with you who is not a warrior. I can say that almost every war is trash here, so is every DK but i won't say that everyone who plays those classes is retarded or a prick only because i play smth else rofl.




Ima leave because this thread is full of PJSalt xD

Edited by Noneedholy
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