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Dropping Orb in Temple of Kotmogu with Spectral Disguise


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1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc.


Spectral Guise


2. Description of the problem.


In the Battleground named "Temple of Kotmogu", when you're carrying an Orb and you use [spectral Disguise] you drop the orb.


3.How it must work.


When you carry an Orb, you shouldn't be able to use Spectral Disguise, in fact, you shouldn't be able to use ANY spell / ability that would in fact make you drop the Orb, i know it sounds stupid but, have you ever tried stealthing as druid / rogue when you were carrying an Orb? It gives you an error saying you cannot use the spell. This isn't valable for paladin bubble and mage Ice Block of course.


So, how it should work, in conclusion: You shouldn't be able to use the spell Spectral Disguise when you're carrying an Orb.


4.Date when you tested it.




5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun)


xFun / xCross


6.Priority of the problem. (1-10)




Not important, only annoying.



Also, if i am wrong feel free to correct me, i am open to suggestions.


Stupid report, i am aware of that, just happened to me in a BG and found it annoying, thus why i am reporting it. I hope the priority is low enough.

Edited by Felxprod
Someone once reported a bug, and i linked him a wowhead comment prooving him wrong, he said "it's only a comment from a random guy, not a fact", so i think i'll have to say the same thing in this situation.
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Spectral Guise
30 sec cooldown
Your shadow blurs into the darkness, leaving your true form behind. As a shadow you are stealthed, but remain in combat. Lasts 6 sec or until your true form is hit by 3 direct attacks.