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its baneable to dodge arena lose?


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my goshhhhhhhhh, it's a visual bug u blowjob, they will still loose rating.


- - - Updated - - -


And maybe they don't loose any rating cuz they don't have any lol check the fucking mmr, they're 1500 and you're 1900


vozir is doing 3c alot, i doubt that he has no rating..

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Pujo, if you continue creating stupid topics, flood/spam from new fake accounts, your in-game account will be banned or characters will be deleted to prevent unban or something like that. If you still want to be a part of community, try to be positive person on this forum, not a person who is reported by the whole community.


I warn you, because I'm done with reading private messages about your non-stop fake accounts on the forum and your trolling.

Please, take it seriously.


Topic is closed. Players lose rating anyway when they leave arena.

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