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Broken demo pet bug


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Posted (edited)

Spell: http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115625 & http://db.pandawow.me/?spell=30213 (you get Mortal Cleave if you spec into [Grimoire of Supremacy] in the 75 tier)




Doesn't split the damage evenly around all targets within 6 yards + doesn't divide the damage around pets


What should happen:


Should be divided evenly + should hit pets (tested with pet ghoul, but should be for all pets, water elemental for instance. Should be divided evenly)


Realm: x100 fun cross


Priority: 10/10


You know, 70-80k pet damage on all targets is fine, no worries.


let's all reroll a bugged fotm comp dk/demo and stomp kids :D


Proof: https://gyazo.com/4483b6d64fec19c9443554945b8ee26b


You can see I first hit 1 mob alone with 47k, then I attack the DK and I still hit 47k on the mob + 21k on the DK (resilience+ armor etc). So you can actaully rek everyone with this, lol.

Edited by Repitchx
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^ Dps meter from the last game against Dk + demo






may be its blade storm cleave mirror's mage


I hate when people exhagerate the results. What if I told you the mortal cleave damage is fine? The results you got when you got hit for 72k had to be under perfect condition possible. I tried testing it on my orc with double trinkets, pots, food, racials and I barely got my pet to crit for 70k, BARELY. So, dont exhagerate, demo pet can never hit you for 80k even in perfect conditions.


I tested the damage myself yesterday and yeah, it works fine. Not sure about bladestorm damage tho. I cant find any formulas or % weapon damage to test it out. If I find anything, I'll be sure to report it. Anyway, thanks for this report, I didn't knew this bug existed. +1

I hate when people exhagerate the results. What if I told you the mortal cleave damage is fine? The results you got when you got hit for 72k had to be under perfect condition possible. I tried testing it on my orc with double trinkets, pots, food, racials and I barely got my pet to crit for 70k, BARELY. So, dont exhagerate, demo pet can never hit you for 80k even in perfect conditions.


I tested the damage myself yesterday and yeah, it works fine. Not sure about bladestorm damage tho. I cant find any formulas or % weapon damage to test it out. If I find anything, I'll be sure to report it. Anyway, thanks for this report, I didn't knew this bug existed. +1


Even 50-60k on all teammates is beyond retarded. This bug actually is probably the 2nd biggest of demo bugs that me and you found. Soul Fire was the biggest. This is actaully pretty close to being as retarded. I don't want to talk about flopping from 70%-20% in wall + feint + cloak.


But there are still way more bugs to find. Sadly PTR went off yesterday, so we found only this bug for Demo. Still more to go though.

Posted (edited)


Look damage - Demonic slash, Hand of Gul'dan, Soul Fire - in Training Dummy.

Max. crit 274k. In Metamorphosis, x2 trinket, full proc.

Here ez 140k + in player (only demon buffs)

Edited by Veynnzy
Posted (edited)


Look damage - Demonic slash, Hand of Gul'dan, Soul Fire - in Training Dummy.

Max. crit 274k. In Metamorphosis, x2 trinket, full proc


Yes we know that demo is bugged, not exactly by how much, but obviously it's noob friendly atm xD


We all have just to work hard to get this spec fixed. Demo was not t1 on retail during s15, name me 5 demo locks that were higher than 2.8/3k, couldn't compare it to affliction nor destro, yet it feels like you're playing both specs right now with the amount of spread pressure demo has with the pet bug + random doom ticks (which is legit i guess, haven't tested the formula) + random one shots with soul fire (fixed, thanks to thilan)

Edited by Repitchx
Yes we know that demo is bugged, not exactly by how much, but obviously it's noob friendly atm xD




but they push rating (

I hate when people exhagerate the results. What if I told you the mortal cleave damage is fine? The results you got when you got hit for 72k had to be under perfect condition possible. I tried testing it on my orc with double trinkets, pots, food, racials and I barely got my pet to crit for 70k, BARELY. So, dont exhagerate, demo pet can never hit you for 80k even in perfect conditions.


I tested the damage myself yesterday and yeah, it works fine. Not sure about bladestorm damage tho. I cant find any formulas or % weapon damage to test it out. If I find anything, I'll be sure to report it. Anyway, thanks for this report, I didn't knew this bug existed. +1


The worst thing is your gameplay and the fact that your pet carries your shitty ass. You prob just dont understand your own class i mean we even have to report all the bugs because your game knowledge is non existend. Disgusting dk demo faggot ill snipe your ass as soon as ur shit spec is legit.


Hands down i hate fotm cunts ...

  • Like 1
The worst thing is your gameplay and the fact that your pet carries your shitty ass. You prob just dont understand your own class i mean we even have to report all the bugs because your game knowledge is non existend. Disgusting dk demo faggot ill snipe your ass as soon as ur shit spec is legit.


Hands down i hate fotm cunts ...


is onl a game... y u heff to be med?? I dont suppose you're the one who reported pet dmg and soul fire? Chill out bruh, it gon get fixed anyway.

is onl a game... y u heff to be med?? I dont suppose you're the one who reported pet dmg and soul fire? Chill out bruh, it gon get fixed anyway.


We were the one who told you that ur class is bugged. All the "not a big deal" comments just show me what a biased sht you are. I at least tried to look for every bug doesnt matter which class (Warrior/druid). You were just happy with the current state of your class oneshotting everyone and even now you can't admit how broken it is so people have to tell you first to check the spell formulars lol. And yeah me and repitch tested alot of shit yday and found new things we could report. It's okay we are the ones fixing your class *kek*. I'm not mad im just happy to see it's fixed and i know how bad you wanted your title and you want it next season but yeah, just letting you know :)


Btw stop copying me and pewds please lol ...

Posted (edited)


So much hate wow

Edited by Autschbatsch
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We were the one who told you that ur class is bugged. All the "not a big deal" comments just show me what a biased sht you are. I at least tried to look for every bug doesnt matter which class (Warrior/druid). You were just happy with the current state of your class oneshotting everyone and even now you can't admit how broken it is so people have to tell you first to check the spell formulars lol. And yeah me and repitch tested alot of shit yday and found new things we could report. It's okay we are the ones fixing your class *kek*. I'm not mad im just happy to see it's fixed and i know how bad you wanted your title and you want it next season but yeah, just letting you know :)


Btw stop copying me and pewds please lol ...


I knew the class is bugged from the start and I did not report it, because I was too lazy to learn how to calculate formulas. When you and other people started b!tching endlessly about how "broken" it is, I just took some time, learned how to report it and I did it. You're not fixing sh!t, neither is repitch, and its not "my class" (talking like im the one who invented it). You should start figuring out what's broken with dk now and quit babyraging. Even when demo is fixed, dk is still gonna be a PvE class in arenas. If you so desperately want it fixed, start working on it and quit b!tching in report section.

Posted (edited)
You should start figuring out what's broken with dk now and quit babyraging. Even when demo is fixed' date=' dk is still gonna be a PvE class in arenas. If you so desperately want it fixed, start working on it and quit b!tching in report section.[/quote']

You are ... by far ... the dumbest person in this thread right now. WE (the players with retail xp and game knowledge, not a legionstyle playing demolock on a Private server) are always trying to find bugs and testing formulas so holy shit stop being such a dumb tard. We are looking for bugs whenever we can and tested already every DK spell. But yeah that would mean you would have checked my earlier reports which you obv didnt. Look what shit ive reportet and then talk to me again, these are things u dont even have a clue about just say. We do WAY WAY WAY more than you and 90% of the community to make this server *a better place for caster* by trying to find melee bugs (mostly atm) so holy shit stop acting like smth useful only because you reportet 2-3 bugs now (only for your class lol). Sad sad .. didn't do anything in the past besides reporting bugs for your class but judging what im doing. Boy i reportet already more bugs for your class than you xD


may be its blade storm cleave mirror's mage

Nop, it's mostly mortal cleave splitting 60k's between everyone kek



Edited by Noneedholy
You are ... by far ... the dumbest person in this thread right now. WE (the players with retail xp and game knowledge, not a legionstyle playing demolock on a Private server) are always trying to find bugs and testing formulas so holy shit stop being such a dumb tard. We are looking for bugs whenever we can and tested already every DK spell. But yeah that would mean you would have checked my earlier reports which you obv didnt. Look what shit ive reportet and then talk to me again, these are things u dont even have a clue about just say. We do WAY WAY WAY more than you and 90% of the community to make this server *a better place for caster* by trying to find melee bugs so holy shit stop acting like smth useful only because you reportet 2-3 bugs now (only for your class lol). Sad sad .. didn't do anything in the past besides reporting bugs for your class but judging what im doing. Boy i reportet already more bugs for your class than you xD



Nop, it's mostly mortal cleave splitting 60k's between everyone kek




Did I say I'm being useful? No, I dont think so. I'm saying you (and repitch) should stop bitching because its gonna all get fixed anway. Since you're being a complete lil' rat for losing couple games (as RMD, lol), I'm just gonna leave it here. No offense to you or repitch (if i did offend you), but seriously, get over it.


sorry for offtopic > repitch ma boy can you please do the SAME test with combat rogue Blade fury ? i think its the same issue , doesnt divide dmg correctly aka interaction with killing spree , tyvm


in topic > i think the dmg is fine , demo mostly rely on pet dmg same as BM hunt

Since you're being a complete lil' rat for losing couple games (as RMD' date=' lol)[/b'], I'm just gonna leave it here. No offense to you or repitch (if i did offend you), but seriously, get over it.

I'm sorry, not even as RMD i can 4v3 in 3s lol. Sad enough i beat you as Godcomb many games just because we killed your dk everytime after 1-2 minutes ... only because of that rofl


I'm saying you (and repitch) should stop bitching because its gonna all get fixed anway.

You don't get it do you ? You know as good as me that your class is bugged. You know as good as me that DK is bugged and you even admit it. Still you are getting the most broken comb to que into everyone just because it's finally something where you can beat everyone with, with the current state. Why do you think i'm try to refuse as much as possible to play with dk's in 3s ? Oh yeah, surprise! We are not bitching about you playing this bugged spec, we are bitching about you playing the most bugged spec PLUS taking an advantage out of the DK bug also by just playing with them everytime i see you queing. Hopefully you will finally understand it. 2nd i think if someone is able to complain about anything then it's repitch who did 12390882131203809x more things for this server than you, so if someone able to complain about Bugs than him. If we talk about the english community i might be the 2nd one with the most reports in general ... The people who are actually doing something for the server and trying to find the most bugs are also able to complain about certain classes to interest and convince other people to test & find bugs for certain classes (dk etc) so please stop talking nonsense


Since you're being a complete lil' rat for losing couple games

No i just told you that i won't carry your ass when the season begins that's all because (and thats also what i said) i hate fotm heros. Hmm probably not the right place to tell you that but now you know it already so whatever not a topic anymore =)

losing couple games (as RMD, lol), I'm just gonna leave it here. No offense to you or repitch (if i did offend you), but seriously, get over it.


I'm trying not to pick sides, but out from what you guys are talking about, it's actaully not easy not do pick sides. I do agree upon Noneed and I reporting the most bugs in the English section (perhaps overall, don't know), but what we're talking about is that soon as you que dk/demo, everything randomly dies.




Noneed spam healing with Heart -> still has to block.


You guys alt tab me, I have to wall + spam feint -> still have to use cloak because yeah, the damage is just beyond bugged.


You guys actually do more PvE than LSD/LSD2/affli shadow cleave. Do I know why? Only thing I know is that it's bugged. Do I know what is bugged? Not all of the spells, but I found at least the pet bug, I'm gonna try to calculate the damage from Wrathstorm (I found the spell and it should be 150% weapon damage)


I forwarded all the demo bugs to Heisenberg, and look what my bae said: 5ce17b30f2950f673b054085ff17b213.png


I just don't like when people act like t1 comps from retail should still win vs bugged comps. RMD should win vs demo/dk/x in s15, obviously, but out from the games last saturday, there is hardly not much more to do. We tried everything, and there's nothing to do. You don't even have time for swaps, because firstly: You all have more than 1 trinkets, making it more retarded, 2nd of all, you can't even do proper swaps, because we have to play defensive 24/7, no one is ever fine vs your comp, we're all on either 40 or 60% HP, then we randomly drop out of nowhere.


Soon as I hear Noneed is in CC, I pop my defensives, YET, I have to use 2-3 more defensives... like what the fuck?





That's just one thing


I cba going through Max's vod to see more. The comp is literally based around 2 bugged classes randomly killing shit :D


But I do appreciate your 2 reports, especially Soul Fire one, that one is huge AF. Only thing we need to test, is mainly Wrathstorm.


All I want you is to stop with the DK/Demo, because you and Max both know that you wouldn't achieve the same thing if it was 100% legit (even tho Max won't admit DK is bugged, he knows Demo is).


All I want you is to stop with the DK/Demo, because you and Max both know that you wouldn't achieve the same thing if it was 100% legit (even tho Max won't admit DK is bugged, he knows Demo is).


I appreciate the fact you approached the issue as calmly as possible and didn't went full bitch mode like noneed (I love noneed (no homo), but sometimes he can be a real, REAL lil' rat). I appreciate it. Like I said, I know the comp is bugged. Both dk and demo are just retarded. The only, ONLY reasons I qued DK/demo is because: A: This is an offseason. I dont see why it matters what I que. B: I wanted to enjoy the PvE the comp does before the damage is fixed. C: That was the only comp I could que at the time because tallaque was afk and I couldn't que LSD2 with him.


I "might", ONLY might que the comp for few more times this season, if I have nothing else to play and I have a free dk and druid ready to que. But yeh, I doubt I'm gonna que the comp when new season starts. I highly doubt I'm gonna que at all, cuz I'm being too busy as of late.


P.S: If you need help with testing anything regarding pet damage, send me a DM in discord. Lets just not go offtop anymore. :)

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A: This is an offseason. I dont see why it matters what I que. B: I wanted to enjoy the PvE the comp does before the damage is fixed.

You are truely disgusting. Nothing more to add, bye

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I appreciate the fact you approached the issue as calmly as possible and didn't went full bitch mode like noneed (I love noneed (no homo), but sometimes he can be a real, REAL lil' rat). I appreciate it. Like I said, I know the comp is bugged. Both dk and demo are just retarded. The only, ONLY reasons I qued DK/demo is because: A: This is an offseason. I dont see why it matters what I que. B: I wanted to enjoy the PvE the comp does before the damage is fixed. C: That was the only comp I could que at the time because tallaque was afk and I couldn't que LSD2 with him.


I "might", ONLY might que the comp for few more times this season, if I have nothing else to play and I have a free dk and druid ready to que. But yeh, I doubt I'm gonna que the comp when new season starts. I highly doubt I'm gonna que at all, cuz I'm being too busy as of late.


P.S: If you need help with testing anything regarding pet damage, send me a DM in discord. Lets just not go offtop anymore. :)


No problem and I'll let you know if I need help :P






ike I said, I know the comp is bugged. Both dk and demo are just retarded. The only, ONLY reasons I qued DK/demo is because: A: This is an offseason. I dont see why it matters what I que. B: I wanted to enjoy the PvE the comp does before the damage is fixed.



wow... just wow lol...


I don't understand why you still want to que it in an off season. People that enjoy queueing and active 3s players pretty much can't enjoy it as long as you queue bugged shit. Off season or not, it's not fun to fight players that play bugged fotm comps. :/

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