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As far as I understand it (and I haven't researched this in depth + baring in mind the amount of misinformation that will be spread to cover the real reason for his assissination, i'm not confident on what I write here but afaik):


JFK was the only person to oppose the Jewish Zionists and the corrupt so-called "Federal" Reserve since it was created in 1913.


He was a proper P.I.M.P. (which I don't have a problem with - him and his bro were porking Monroe), but I do have a problem with the immigration law he passed. Ultimately though, you can clearly see he was the only president since ATLEAST 1900, to go against orders.


He also went against the plans for the Evil Jews of Israel to get Nuclear Power - one of the stupidest ideas ever. Israel is actually the only country in the world that doesn't abide by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.


I know most of you reading this are ignorant as fuck, but just trust me when I say that the leaders of Israel and the Rothschild are truly "evil" - and I don't use that word lightly.


9/11 was a M.O.S.S.A.D + C.I.A. + M.I.6. Operation just like Operation Ajax, Operation Gladio, The Levant Affair, and the Attack on U.S.S. Liberty. Also the same as with all these so-called "Muslim" terror attacks. Either they are fake, or the Israel MOSSAD agents are completely aware of whats happening and they ALLOW it to go ahead, so that they can then play of people's fear and implement a police state + find an excuse for illegally invading foreign countries.


https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it#Former_Italian_President_agrees.2C_s ays_Mossad_did_9.2F11



It's amazing people don't understand how false flags work.. They've been happening since the Ancient Rome - Ceaser used to lie about or allow them to happen all the time. In England we even have our own holiday called "Bonfire Night", when we remember a guy who was going to blow up the Houses of Parliament (but the government knew all about it, and allowed them almost to do it). Same thing goes with Pearl Harbour - the US knew COMPLETELY about the incoming attack, and didn't tell anyone - they wanted all the civilians to die to provoke war. There are seriously ENDLESS examples.


The difference though, is that Ceaser only controlled the Roman Empire - whereas Jews virtually control the Entire World nowadays.


I.S.I.S. stands for Israel Secret Intelligence Service: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4920h6_isis-stands-for-israel-secret-intelligence-service_news


There is honestly so much information just showing how evil the leaders of Israel and the Zionist Jews are. They take Russian women as Sex Slaves, are the most racially supremacist people on the planet (they sterile the blacks and exile them from the country, and any sexual non-Jew relationships are illegal lol), and basically they plot for the destruction of Europe + the European people.


The problem is that most people are so brainwashed lol. They don't understand their history, the Jewish Question, or basic fundamentals of reality (of race, gender, or religion ect.) so even if I link clear videos, they won't get past you "omg that's racist/antisemitic" pre-programming.







Ultimately, JFK seemed to decide he was going to go against the Jewish Mafia that was soon to completely control America. Here is his short, last main speech which sums it up best:





Bapss while writing this:


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