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missing 1 item +1 old post

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Name of character : Funk


Realm : xFUN



Problem : Months ago i bought http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=48023/edge-of-agony or - http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=47884/edge-of-agony forgot which, they both are same , i bought it with 50 bonuses , and i used it transmoged it lot of times ,the problem is when i came back some weeks ago i can't found that sword again in my bank,bag and a new sword appear in my bag ( http://es.db.pandawow.me?item=47951/juicio ) i can't found in english , i never had that sword and its strange my edge of agony gone and this 1 appear, can i have back my edge of agony? i never deleted it .


also please answer my post :/ http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=181584&highlight=funk

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  • Game Masters

Since you bought the item months ago I can't be sure that admins will give you the item back because it's long time ago and there is a change to not have your logs from the period you bought the item but you can always open a thread at donate problems and ask admins to restore your item. Also, make sure to follow the format.



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