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Elemental shaman dmg


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*nerf every class except those i play*


Your comment has literally no sense considering i've reported bugs for my main classes aswell, and don't tell me its fucking legit that an ele sham can kill you in a gcd ffs. Even i play ele sham, and im posting this anyways, so just don't talk nonsense.


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I mean if the fucker was bursting or even had procs up, then yea, but no trinket procs or ascendance, or anything at all, just pure random dmg, not even a RM bursting can get you down so quickly.

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No trinket proc, ye,thats weird.


Lava burst is like 65-80k without trinket proc


I mean, maybe he was lucky with procs


2x 80k lava burst

2x lava burst mastery

Fulmination crit


Ill rewatch vid later, cant remember the numbers, but i wont lie thats weird, but can be super lucky




Out from what I saw, it looks just really weird. Not sure what it is, but I don't remember doing 60% of someones health in 5.4 (5.3 yes, but not 5.4).

Edited by Repitchx
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I said it's normal:


He applied Unleashed Fury on the paladin which increase the damage of Lava Burst by 10% for 10 seconds.

He cast Lava Burst and then gets Lava Surge procs (twice).

He got lucky with mastery procs as well.

I think he might be going with Echo of the Elements, since his cast time seems a bit slower than having the 5% haste from Ancestral Swiftness, so that's another proc chance.


Anyways, I haven't played my shaman for a while, maybe later I will try to re-produce the video and post it here. :)

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Think this can explain how lava burst chaining works ^


Thank you for posting this, because I was about to report that bug, I noticed it when playing my ele. It's a retail bug then.


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+ fumination



Ok sure Einstein.

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Noneed made 2 reports which basically explain this...


1. He has blood fury + eng gloves

2. Hard casted lava burst + lava burst proc + unleash element

3. Clear casting


If he uses echoes of the elements + his mastery, he can get A LOT of lava bursts from luck... then on top of that, because they're all being thrown in the same global, maybe they're all getting buffed from clear casting (assuming mastery/eoe procs use up clearcastin)


This dmg is very possible

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Oh god when i see people writing here that the damage is Legit currently ...

at least check the bug tracker...



^ If you know how Ele works, spamming Lavaburst with this bug can lead to insanely high damage.



^ Huehue oneshotting with lightning bolt



^ When your mastery does almost more damage than your actual main spell.


Overall, ele is super bugged right now and with abit luck they oneshot you even more than they are supposed to

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Thank you for posting this, because I was about to report that bug, I noticed it when playing my ele. It's a retail bug then.


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Ok sure Einstein.


thanks for zoom. ok he didnt had fulmination, but now i can see better he had blood fury (2.880 shit) + engineering (1.920 intelect) + and unleash elements up on his first lava burst. its rng but ye, it happens with ele shamans


if you want to fix some spec, get to fix windwalker that shit is just disgusting to face atm

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thanks for zoom. ok he didnt had fulmination, but now i can see better he had blood fury (2.880 shit) + engineering (1.920 intelect) + and unleash elements up on his first lava burst. its rng but ye, it happens with ele shamans


if you want to fix some spec, get to fix windwalker that shit is just disgusting to face atm


Windwalkers are already reported and zeox found out the FoF formula is wrong, he did long ago, yet hasn't been fixed.


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Btw would like to add how fucking buggy hunter pets are atm, i have /pettatack on every single main skill on my bar, but you can see in the clip how my pet is anyways attacking the priest, random af.

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I mean if the fucker was bursting or even had procs up, then yea, but no trinket procs or ascendance, or anything at all, just pure random dmg, not even a RM bursting can get you down so quickly.


1. Ele's don't have any burst cds except ascendence, stormlash and unleash elements


2. Unleash was up and he had tailoring buff, racial buff, Jade spirit & Engineering buff.


3. He casted a lava burst (got mastery proc) and another insta lava burst after, then he earth shocked.


4. With all cds and unleash lava burst can hit 100k, so he would've hit like 100k (50k mastery), 100k, and 100-120k fulmination (if crit).


5. Finally your pala was only 56% health - that's like what, 260k? It actually took him like 3/4 seconds+ to do that dmg, since he had to use a global for Unleash elements, then 1.5 sec cast for lava burst, then global for lava burst proc, then earth shock (which is instant after but then takes a global before you can cast again ofc). So really not that OP when you consider a priest could just mind spike you or a mage could deep+orb (no lucky procs) and do the same.

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