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Spell name : http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Death%27s_Embrace


It don't give back 20 runic power


It should give back 20 runic power


Proof :








Spell name : http://wow.gamepedia.com/Glyph_of_Anti-Magic_Shell


Example : If dk dot you and you got http://wow.gamepedia.com/Glyph_of_Anti-Magic_Shell and imagine if it should absorb 50k , and the dots only do 30k , and anti magic shell it gones before it absorbs all .


It should absorb all and gone





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no se supone que tiene que absorber todo el daño con el glifo? antes de absorber todo el daño se va


el escudo te da un 50% de tu salud como escudo, si ese limite lo pasan con daño el escudo se va antes de los 5s


el glifo del 100% solo hace que del 50% ese absorba el 100% del daño que te hagan, sin el glifo solo te absorbe el 75% del daño que te hagan, pero la cantidad es 50% igual (reducida por jcj si estas en pvp)



"Causes your Anti-Magic Shell to absorb all incoming magical damage, up to the absorption limit."

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  • 5 weeks later...


Spell name : http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Glyph_of_Death%27s_Embrace


It don't give back 20 runic power


It should give back 20 runic power


Proof :








Spell name : http://wow.gamepedia.com/Glyph_of_Anti-Magic_Shell


Example : If dk dot you and you got http://wow.gamepedia.com/Glyph_of_Anti-Magic_Shell and imagine if it should absorb 50k , and the dots only do 30k , and anti magic shell it gones before it absorbs all .


It should absorb all and gone






No, it's supposed to refund 20 runic power when used to HEAL, not OVER HEAL. When the target is 100% health it's not getting healed, it's overhealed. Overhealing does not count.

Therefore it's not bugged.

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  • 8 months later...
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