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  • Administrators

Hello, dear players!


At last I am writing this topic, and you know, we have all been waiting for this moment. For me this is an exciting moment, we have started the renovation last summer, gradually but surely, we have moved towards the goal. A huge amount of work was done. A lot of negative and angry comments about my promises were read, many bans were issued because of this and so on.



What does PandaWoW v2 mean?

  • New website design.
  • New design and engine of the Personal Cabinet. (Control Panel)
  • New design of the forum.
  • New arena season.
  • Global update of the game core with many innovations.
  • Started the advertising campaign.


Now I would like to say a few words about each paragraph.



New website design.






New design and engine of the Personal Cabinet.



- A new, more modern and beautiful design.



- A new bonus system.

Now there are 2 currencies, silver (http://cp.pandawow.ru/themes/panda/img/inner_main_info_logo_silver.png) and gold coins (http://cp.pandawow.ru/themes/panda/img/inner_main_info_logo_gold.png).

Silver coins (http://cp.pandawow.ru/themes/panda/img/inner_main_info_logo_silver.png) - This type of currency you get from voting for the project, participation in the Various competitions / events. With them you can purchase various services for characters, items of certain store categories: mounts, transmogrification, VIP account, etc. Perhaps the list will change in the future.

Gold coins (http://cp.pandawow.ru/themes/panda/img/inner_main_info_logo_gold.png) - this type of currency you get for donating / selling a character. They can be used for: absolutely any service in personal cabinet, buy a character, currency, objects, mounts and so on.


All bonuses were converted into silver coins.


- Implemented full armory of characters.


- Display of the character characteristics.

- Display of equipped items.

- Display of all the items in inventory.

- Display of all titles.

- Display of the history in PVP.

- Display of the talents in both specializations.

- PVP kill statistics (total / today).

- The level of professions.

- Arena statistics (1х1 / 2х2 / 3х3 / 5х5 / rating battle fields).

- Statistics of fights (number of games on each of the arenas / BG and statistics of wins / losses).

- Display of the latest achievements, as well as the total number of achievement points.



- Implemented arena logs.

The history of all games in arenas / RBG, detailed statistics: damage / healing / change in ranking / opponents and so on. This feature allows us to minimize the cases of Win-trading. Also, for convenience, a visual graph is generated with the dynamics of rating changes.


- New store.

Added a lot of filters, more convenient navigation to the store, added all the sets.


- Improved auction of characters.

Added more convenient filters, there is also a search for iLvl / nickname of the character, more convenient withdrawal of characters (grid).


- Implemented page of streams .

Now you have the opportunity to add your stream, after which it must be moderated. Once the server administration approves your stream, it will be posted on the page. You can set access to it and select the character you own. If you want to change this or that, you can do this at any time in the personal cabinet. (Control Panel)


- Changed email account encryption algorithm.



- Change of prices.



Service: before -> now.

  • Unban: 15 -> 30 gold coins per day.
  • Unmute: 50 -> 100 gold coins.
  • Buy gold:
    - 1 000 gold: 20 -> 10 gold coins.
    - 5 000 gold: 80 -> 40 gold coins.
    - 10 000 gold: 80 -> 70 gold coins.
  • Change faction: 150 -> 200 gold coins.
  • Chane appearance / nickname: 150 -> 100 gold coins.




I probably forgot some innovations, I hope you can find them yourself. :)



New forum design.

Coming soon.


New arena season.

Conditions and further details: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219291


Global update of the game core with many innovations.

In short time, the list of changes will be published.

[spoiler=Major innovations to PandaWoW v2]

- Redesigned Arena Spectator. Now search by character name is available, there is a separation into different types of arena (1х1 / 2х2 / 3х5 / 5х5 / RBG).

- Added the ability to play 1v1 (.wargame que) Statistics can be viewed at a special NPC near the spectator, or in your personal account.



Start an advertising campaign.

On the thematic sites in the near future will be published advertising project.

An example of banners:



Characters transfer from other servers

Details: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=219281


- Because of new control panel all characters were moved back to accounts from sale. If you want to sell your character, make it one more time.

- We've decided to install a gold cap - 100,000. All the characters / guilds who had more than 100k gold now will have exactly 100k, this is done in order to restore the economy and overcome the commerce.

- All the items from the auction were sent back to their owners.



In honor of this update, we would like to launch the following promotions:


- All prices for service items (except currency) are reduced by 20%.

- In case of donation in any accessible way, regardless of the amount, + 20% of the amount is additionally credited (for example, with a donation of 100 gold coins, 120 coins will be credited, etc.).

- In addition, all bans from gaming accounts have been removed, except for those who are banned forever, the total of 317 accounts have been un-banned.

  • Like 4
  • Administrators
Posted (edited)

Almost 2 days passed after the installation of a new personal cabinet. Thanks for your feedback, keep writing, we carefully read every message. During these two days, after installation, we made a lot of changes.


Also after the installation of a new personal cabinet, was discovered an exploit that allowed to buy things and services for free, without any coins (works only for items/services that have price in gold coins, without silver).

Therefore, I conducted an "investigation", I still do not understand why you are so eager to use exploits, because sooner or later we will find out about it, and there are logs for almost everything.


I would like to publish a list of characters who have abused this exploit:












































































































In the sum - 101 character. I don't have the patience to warn those who are trying to deceive the administration, so I've done the necessary action - all the items and gold from the characters are removed.


P.S. I hope that most of you can adequately accept the rewarded punishment and you won't make flood on the forum, but if you dare, you know - there will still be an additional sanctions. I could ban all of your accounts, but decided that removing all items & gold are enough.

Edited by Buka
  • Like 3
  • Administrators
Posted (edited)
If suddenly you really didn't buy these things, write me a PM to Bukarasik with login of your account, the nickname of the character on which the items were deleted, attach screenshots of your character's equipment (before removing), we will check it one more time. Edited by Buka
  • 1 month later...
  • Administrators
In honor of this update, we would like to launch the following promotions:


- All prices for service items (except currency) are reduced by 20%.

- In case of donation in any accessible way, regardless of the amount, + 20% of the amount is additionally credited (for example, with a donation of 100 gold coins, 120 coins will be credited, etc.).


Promotions ended.




We've added vendors to Fun server, they sell sets for transmogrification: 1-13 arena seasons and 1-14 raid tiers.



- 1 PVP item: 3500 Conquest points.

- 1 PVE item: 3825 Honor points.


They are placed in started locations.







Also we've added 2 vendors with legendary weapons, they sell them for 8 tokens.

Every token costs 1000 conquest points and requires 2500 in 2x2 or 2200 in 3x3/5x5.






  • 4 weeks later...
  • Administrators



Join PandaWoW in Discord!


Our channel is created for more comfortable communication between players, also, we will be able to help you there in the case if you will need our help.


Our channel is created for more comfortable communication between players, also we can help you there, if you have any problems. BUT, you don't need to turn Discord into a collection of questions to administration, for this we have a forum.


Be sure to follow the rules: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=223736

  • Administrators
Posted (edited)

Last time we got many requests for restoring accounts from old players, about a 5-10 private messages with these requests every day. We appreciate your interest in our project and the desire to return, but, unfortunately all checks require time. Therefore we ask for patience, please do not rush us. These issues can be resolved Me and also 2 of my trusted employees: Bukarasik & Shadrissa, you can tell them information such as: your login, IP, email etc. Please do not tell us your PASSWORDS, if we do not ask you for it - this information is not needed.


Please place your request for account restore in THIS section.


And, I would want to say a few words about your waiting for transfer from other servers, weekly we transfer about a hundred characters, we appreciate your preference for our server over others, but please be patient, the time for requests processing can take up to one week (it depends on my employment).


Also in the near future we will make some innovations that will affect the activities of "goldsellers" and their clients. Therefore we can only say "goodluck" for all who ever contacted them (but I don't think it will help because we will find everyone who contacted them, the only question is how serious sanctions will be, we will determine them at our discretion), and I do not recommend anyone to contact them in the future - it will lead to bad consequences.

Edited by Buka
  • Administrators
Posted (edited)

We already can publish the first pack of nicknames which lost their gold because they contacted "goldsellers". Overall 360 players lost their gold.

So, in all seriousness, I advise you to stop using the third-party services. All needed services we have in our control panel:

| name         |
| Arkanking    |
| Manser       |
| Делюган      |
| Евакиса      |
| Лове         |
| Aventus      |
| Deathwaro    |
| Karzotar     |
| Reston       |
| Gutsul       |
| Скалка       |
| Сонела       |
| Fizzyman     |
| Killius      |
| Widz         |
| Убийцагусей  |
| Zdpanda      |
| Вокес        |
| Мордо        |
| Tolner       |
| Альпеншток   |
| Сынсолнца    |
| Тессион      |
| Crushs       |
| Moonlol      |
| Магдаг       |
| Stelc        |
| Йордрого     |
| Morven       |
| Альянцсосатт |
| Крутохант    |
| Стини        |
| Никитаруслин |
| Ibica        |
| Фаеер        |
| Scuza        |
| Neliko       |
| Lomay        |
| Innaya       |
| Bobbe        |
| Subzz        |
| Убийцаза     |
| Linemonk     |
| Cllementine  |
| Great        |
| Сэксибейбаа  |
| Corpzz       |
| Resonanz     |
| Розалея      |
| Догонял      |
| Крапован     |
| Эфедра       |
| Герольд      |
| Коффи        |
| Neadlye      |
| Klirens      |
| Ories        |
| Хацуненяф    |
| Tatio        |
| Ludacrits    |
| Элбэк        |
| Bboomerr     |
| Даюзаголд    |
| Tisso        |
| Kornwoode    |
| Kikihonor    |
| Фаербит      |
| Oneshotxq    |
| Animelove    |
| Feeniks      |
| Распылятор   |
| Artjan       |
| Ничтожеством |
| Manyren      |
| Лувруха      |
| Odywanchik   |
| Aøesøund     |
| Язно         |
| Leslik       |
| Yriikk       |
| Timekill     |
| Прхотенс     |
| Gimerkiller  |
| Ozee         |
| Ферсифер     |
| Magiskgirly  |
| Hideco       |
| Dooka        |
| Коплон       |
| Ламаюлицо    |
| Shadowkj     |
| Shaddowk     |
| Vyctory      |
| Miggi        |
| Папич        |
| Psixoznaya   |
| Зацелованая  |
| Солимоли     |
| Вароген      |
| Velaz        |
| Стройняш     |
| Falias       |
| Харако       |
| Évílwárríörr |
| Luckywarrior |
| Эщпощмак     |
| Vollkswagen  |
| Ортин        |
| Лолялол      |
| Листеринка   |
| Flashker     |
| Juzk         |
| Qearity      |
| Tezx         |
| Зайгуру      |
| Jianni       |
| Azefon       |
| Shadowstepqx |
| Тандармэн    |
| Aritta       |
| Нерксен      |
| Чаайй        |
| Seibur       |
| Бимувик      |
| Megazombi    |
| Ламеона      |
| Uebuka       |
| Stonewoman   |
| Фрейлия      |
| Бикора       |
| Тонишка      |
| Skruj        |
| Декторик     |
| Xainval      |
| Larsik       |
| Gurlion      |
| Джонтравка   |
| Geraayama    |
| Друнячка     |
| Бейлдахем    |
| Ctranrun     |
| Лучшийигрок  |
| Pozzitiff    |
| Killcow      |
| Асоми        |
| Lagerrtha    |
| Newar        |
| Гастик       |
| Виндрэнжэр   |
| Пенурекл     |
| Энингейл     |
| Binorio      |
| Suicidegods  |
| Астриэлла    |
| Llpaladinll  |
| Шарящая      |
| Алляка       |
| Крабзбургер  |
| Онтарион     |
| Fuckboyx     |
| Разрежьменя  |
| Дуротанс     |
| Rihter       |
| Tvinkltos    |
| Ликаров      |
| Хейбитмейкер |
| Sxacsacsa    |
| Hhggjk       |
| Чаншун       |
| Gerayamma    |
| Айракон      |
| Intoxicatiol |
| Культирас    |
| Legendbread  |
| Лаворишка    |
| Xovag        |
| Софсаонна    |
| Солохилл     |
| Архиша       |
| Триумфален   |
| Сюни         |
| Wowerline    |
| Maddkilla    |
| Toxiec       |
| Hpandr       |
| Trione       |
| Aloman       |
| Sycharaa     |
| Panchc       |
| Оркподик     |
| Хоинна       |
| Kayfusha     |
| Holydarknees |
| Гролинг      |
| Terlisada    |
| Арагаван     |
| Agnelli      |
| Krollcifer   |
| Hoilitroli   |
| Youl         |
| Akik         |
| Basgins      |
| Нефартишка   |
| Nedze        |
| Rashkar      |
| Keltobius    |
| Траакса      |
| Xvarxx       |
| Вестмар      |
| Smoyger      |
| Ноксок       |
| Salaboys     |
| Makadis      |
| Ворубь       |
| Useeles      |
| Physicdamage |
| Йонд         |
| Sendalla     |
| Второйсосок  |
| Provogh      |
| Dumad        |
| Нагибаторукр |
| Dorola       |
| Disska       |
| Appal        |
| Вандалкау    |
| Kiiaragus    |
| Endjee       |
| Охотнишка    |
| Sexymaria    |
| Damori       |
| Mulkan       |
| Galagtion    |
| Liukank      |
| 我的朋友      |
| Lancewai     |
| Селета       |
| Патриотикдва |
| Keoralol     |
| Obieboss     |
| Делковка     |
| Regenwurm    |
| Лигерия      |
| Lumcik       |
| Juniorjack   |
| Арматория    |
| Lereyto      |
| Обороны      |
| Ноднаг       |
| Lozroin      |
| Radicylit    |
| Аллейнет     |
| Hilodry      |
| Automatics   |
| Monikc       |
| Vrenter      |
| Мнемоникс    |
| Дросия       |
| Efflux       |
| Splitdie     |
| Mombbo       |
| Fanatike     |
| Гаралия      |
| Droony       |
| Toty         |
| Deotmerr     |
| Gemen        |
| Dabnation    |
| Mitrikar     |
| Порождениее  |
| Шустря       |
| Bodass       |
| Spectatum    |
| Qikhor       |
| Джигитт      |
| Niceork      |
| Beari        |
| Тррордубощит |
| Фаерволшеб   |
| Батурака     |
| Tigarot      |
| Мипмип       |
| Lovethefor   |
| Ожирение     |
| Whitefamily  |
| Джуфри       |
| Qyanchi      |
| Scruch       |
| Lipundrio    |
| Kollevux     |
| Дориник      |
| Михажевненко |
| Exxtezzi     |
| Justjhonny   |
| Utsa         |
| Thebaby      |
| Fjall        |
| Топсука      |
| Findael      |
| Stessa       |
| Tosht        |
| Heraper      |
| Sekuru       |
| Додич        |
| Soonllight   |
| Darkstormpd  |
| Милфочка     |
| Colddik      |
| Трутенен     |
| Райчелз      |
| Funnyboyoleg |
| Закзакзак    |
| Акец         |
| Chichixado   |
| Tearexx      |
| Kaniel       |
| Vendeyra     |
| Папичан      |
| Imnotafraid  |
| Витесса      |
| Ветидрон     |
| Зябликхх     |
| Gocal        |
| Занаа        |
| Nixxiomx     |
| Elemmaster   |
| Guiltylolxdz |
| Levyxander   |
| Isid         |
| Глистоперсто |
| Hevelend     |
| Анотида      |
| Rellin       |
| Кентак       |
| Iliazi       |
| Грейди       |
| Пуссимейстер |
| Докзла       |
| Aufgoshxoxo  |
| Alextar      |
| Akalar       |
| Grodz        |
| Sacrare      |
| Паприканка   |
| Dwax         |
| Releeshan    |
| Dwenx        |
| Wiolin       |
| Sorhan       |
| Strreamline  |
| Риэлл        |
| Особое       |
| Ivaw         |
| Fireshain    |
| Rymagor      |
| Tapem        |
| Rustoman     |
| Gloomories   |
| Плоха        |
| Dorium       |

Edited by Buka
  • Administrators

Now I want to publish a list of "goldsellers" accounts, to show you how much accounts they had. All listed accounts have been banned permanently.

Wizardy32 (ID: 206029)
sidorenkoander (ID: 206575)
wirt15 (ID: 206660)
boda1999 (ID: 208471)
Zorgdarkness (ID: 209413)
Lemoz (ID: 211107)
akk13rus (ID: 212743)
Nasko (ID: 212773)
mihailmihail (ID: 215544)
sava123 (ID: 216696)
dimon (ID: 217332)
bdv (ID: 217409)
Konhik (ID: 218958)
Xescill (ID: 219040)
axmuzyk (ID: 219320)
djpidar (ID: 219914)
Kojioboi (ID: 221132)
Rus6131 (ID: 221741)
uiss (ID: 223500)
henesylol (ID: 225323)
wot15 (ID: 227278)
sashakosterin (ID: 231715)
borovi4ek (ID: 232427)
rassul2 (ID: 233496)
rino10 (ID: 233998)
ksenich (ID: 235962)
skotch86 (ID: 236044)
Vallord963 (ID: 237728)
hackdan (ID: 238746)
Shamana (ID: 241997)
Bizzon (ID: 244085)
sasa088 (ID: 246580)
zany35 (ID: 248132)
Gigobait (ID: 250265)
mouse_92 (ID: 250837)
devertoo (ID: 252664)
beetl (ID: 256090)
svsasha (ID: 257034)
Fame (ID: 258166)
gnom2010 (ID: 261476)
licli (ID: 261485)
marsi (ID: 264178)
marc71 (ID: 265121)
roma221543 (ID: 272084)
Klerker (ID: 272237)
tanter123 (ID: 274034)
jimbbo312 (ID: 274670)
pywkuno (ID: 276504)
DjWeekend1997 (ID: 278369)
glober (ID: 279259)
torran (ID: 280035)
kisel03 (ID: 280938)
Stroitelb23 (ID: 281977)
Eichhorn (ID: 285383)
lanmer (ID: 286430)
azail1333 (ID: 290751)
331711 (ID: 292490)
kopa2 (ID: 298510)
zbrwest1995 (ID: 299647)
war121 (ID: 299702)
JUDO1488 (ID: 302155)
judo02 (ID: 302355)
dronux (ID: 302911)
kostenko (ID: 304045)
macyan69 (ID: 304636)
marc711 (ID: 305885)
Mazavinka (ID: 305886)
beregbe1 (ID: 306584)
wolf3dnet (ID: 308398)
krazzz (ID: 314449)
ling320 (ID: 318222)
luckee (ID: 318874)
storlol2 (ID: 319066)
ling (ID: 319562)
SanyaWar056 (ID: 320483)
rex123 (ID: 322600)
Jockey (ID: 327767)
mikolas2008 (ID: 328738)
Andrei932 (ID: 329468)
argon_m (ID: 333945)
Ghost220 (ID: 335657)
yto-wow (ID: 336422)
nayt2355 (ID: 340172)
Svays53 (ID: 343644)
m1i1x1a1 (ID: 347163)
Snaik01 (ID: 350718)
LP2012 (ID: 350747)
jorka38 (ID: 356785)
Arseniy56 (ID: 359257)
Fugy (ID: 360091)
danfrost (ID: 360220)
ramik96 (ID: 366399)
465324 (ID: 369993)
duxxx (ID: 370157)
Explosi0n (ID: 370656)
mmxxx (ID: 373405)
bratok121 (ID: 374506)
Blay (ID: 376166)
masherik (ID: 377063)
lolwnr (ID: 378944)
uplifto (ID: 385019)
Verchetty (ID: 386669)
Senoder (ID: 387531)
al19861986 (ID: 387557)
Seilkhan (ID: 392902)
Baako (ID: 397935)
levio (ID: 401528)
Wellkom (ID: 402283)
beqafalkon (ID: 409646)
MDFound (ID: 411169)
xvn (ID: 413890)
kapa6ax (ID: 414945)
Feodalik05 (ID: 426173)
deadpro70 (ID: 434019)
deadpro80 (ID: 434847)
Justfan (ID: 439259)
aka_zeek (ID: 443946)
Ymkakaka (ID: 446547)
3612711271 (ID: 447992)
Dyrnou (ID: 452417)
anya357 (ID: 452602)
slavaaa56 (ID: 454997)
tremors1 (ID: 1408771)


P.S. If suddenly your account has been banned with the reason "Голдселлер", don't hesitate to create a topic in the "Technical Support" section, write login of your account, we will be able to re-check the information. But I don't think there will be such cases. Because with these accounts there was a clear activity of "goldsellers", it's possible only if you'd given your account to them, but still it can't serve as a reason for unbanned.

P.S.S. The hunt continues.

  • Like 1
  • 3 months later...
  • Administrators




Finally, we have finished working on a new design of the forum.


If you find any bugs, please write them here: http:// http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=204

Suggestions here: http:// http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=92


Also, if you don't like the new theme, you can choose the old one yourself in the settings.

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