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Zeox: Remove titles from bought characters?


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That's because it automatically does (TOTAL ITEM LEVEL)/16, however this is wrong for classes which use 1 weapon (ie a 2h wep) so it should be (TOTAL ITEM LEVEL)/15, but they did /16 for every person no matter what...


Basically put, any class that is wielding a 2h wep will show 515 ilvl


You can try this out by doing [550*15]/16


but i want to know if they got 4/4 hhahaxd

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Сообщение от Repitchx

3v3 soloq is 3v3, but you que with randoms. dps / dps / healer

bet people will discover how to que in full party and wintrade in this in a day


when it will be added?

i hope you can only q in certain hours like 12am-12pm gmt


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